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For God Sakes... Turn Off The Spawns!


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I did Rescue 2.0 and I enjoyed the Stealth-ish gameplay. But seriously... If you want us to stealth... Turn off the spawns for the NPCs. Its driving me crazy. One moment I kill everyone in the room. Moving on thinking its clear. And magicaly more enemies spawn behind me and blow my cover. I mean seriously... If you are going to have them spawn. Don't spawn them in the same area. At least spawn them 300 meters away. NO! BETTER YET! DONT SPAWN ANY AT ALL!. Just spawn a few hundred at mission start. How is "stealth" suppose to work with random spawn of NPCs right behind you and just blow your cover without you knowing. Spawning cost my a lot of mission fails because the hostage was executed. A shield lancer spawned behind me and I didn't know. Therefore caused him to be executed while I was trying to hack, dodge enemy fire, kill hostiles.

Edited by JohnMarkLee
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I did Rescue 2.0 and I enjoyed the Stealth-ish gameplay. But seriously... If you want us to stealth... Turn off the spawns for the NPCs. Its driving me crazy. One moment I kill everyone in the room. Moving on thinking its clear. And magicaly more enemies spawn behind me and blow my cover. I mean seriously... If you are going to have thme spawn. Don't spawn them in the same area. At least spawn them 300 meters away. NO! BETTER YET! DONT SPAWN ANY AT ALL!. Just spawn a few hundred at mission start. How is "stealth" suppose to work with random spawn of NPCs right behind you and just blow your cover without you knowing. Spawning cost my a lot of mission fails because the hostage was executed. A shield lancer spawned behind me and I didn't know. Therefore caused him to be executed while I was trying to hack, dodge enemy fire, kill hostiles.

So very true. 

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I actually got a bit mad when I played Rescue 2.0 for the first time. They were saying how you'll have to stealth for the mission, but the thing is...what the hell is stealth in this game? Killing the enemy before they see you and hope the enemy doesn't notice? This game is still too much like a shooter to be said we're ninjas. I want some AC spice in this game.

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Have you tried giving the hostage a better secondary weapon?


I gave my hostage a Lex Prime that one shots anything in the mission. He's still really derpy about using cover that doesn't cover him, and he'll get himself killed. Giving him a weapon SEEMS (I haven't played a ton, been working) to also make him slower to follow you. He'll go to cover, shoot a few times, go back to cover, then decide if he wants to follow me or go fight some more. I eventually stopped giving him a weapon.

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I actually got a bit mad when I played Rescue 2.0 for the first time. They were saying how you'll have to stealth for the mission, but the thing is...what the hell is stealth in this game? Killing the enemy before they see you and hope the enemy doesn't notice? This game is still too much like a shooter to be said we're ninjas. I want some AC spice in this game.

Wise words *_*

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The idea of stealth in Warframe is a hold-over from when they had intended, I believe, a much different style of game. In the game which they actually ended up making it is more or less just there for the sake of inclusion. It takes far too much effort to make it work well and even when it does, it is so much easier to just run in, guns blazing, and murder everyone in two point five seconds.

Edited by DeadlyFred
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My friend and I found out that it is DEFINITELY better that you DON'T give the guy your weapon.


He just wants to stop and shoot at everything he sees.


If he doesn't have a weapon, then he merely runs (somewhat) close behind you and will only duck behind cover when you stop. His choices in cover suck, but at least if he doesn't shoot at anything then it is fairly rare anything shoots at him because they're all concentrating on you (esp if you're making enough noise).


Doubly so if you happen to be Rhino with Iron Skin's aggro increase.


So yeah, don't give him a weapon. He's obviously far worse with it, than without it.

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My friend and I found out that it is DEFINITELY better that you DON'T give the guy your weapon.


He just wants to stop and shoot at everything he sees.


If he doesn't have a weapon, then he merely runs (somewhat) close behind you and will only duck behind cover when you stop. His choices in cover suck, but at least if he doesn't shoot at anything then it is fairly rare anything shoots at him because they're all concentrating on you (esp if you're making enough noise).


Doubly so if you happen to be Rhino with Iron Skin's aggro increase.


So yeah, don't give him a weapon. He's obviously far worse with it, than without it.

I thought they patched out Iron skin increasing Aggro... hmm.

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I thought they patched out Iron skin increasing Aggro... hmm.


I don't know why they'd patch that out, since it was intentional that it should cause aggro.


But if they did, I musta missed it in the patch notes. *shrug* Even still, if your prisoner isn't shooting at anybody then he is almost never shot at himself unless there's nobody else near him for the enemy to shoot at. That means he should only be getting hit with AoEs.


EDIT: According to Wiki, the aggro effect is still there.

Edited by Xylia
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It's strange that the best way to "Stealth" these new missions is to rush past everything to get to the room with the Wardens in.


If you go fast enough, enemies won't have time to trigger the alarm before you're long gone, combined with how spawns work means all the enemies that have spawned are far back so you just have to kill the 3 Wardens and boom, free stealth rescue done in a short time.


It's also strange that the new mechanic of giving the hostage a weapon is highly detrimental (Even if you give them a ridiculously OP gun that can 1 shot anything in the mission) - Since:


- They're not very accurate (Meaning they'll be unlikely to hit anything)

- They get weird AI that makes them want to stop and shoot EVERYTHING (In a mission type with constant spawns, this gets tedious)

- Their attack patterns are inconsistent (They'll fire a few shots here and there regardless of if it's a full auto weapon or not)

- You lose your secondary weapon (In some cases this can be your best weapon)

- They're less likely to follow you (Meaning they are at risk of being shot more and can get downed by traps and environmental hazards more easily)

Edited by Tarille
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It's strange that the best way to "Stealth" these new missions is to rush past everything to get to the room with the Wardens in.


If you go fast enough, enemies won't have time to trigger the alarm before you're long gone, combined with how spawns work means all the enemies that have spawned are far back so you just have to kill the 3 Wardens and boom, free stealth rescue done in a short time.


It's also strange that the new mechanic of giving the hostage a weapon is highly detrimental (Even if you give them a ridiculously OP gun that can 1 shot anything in the mission) - Since:


- They're not very accurate (Meaning they'll be unlikely to hit anything)

- They get weird AI that makes them want to stop and shoot EVERYTHING (In a mission type with constant spawns, this gets tedious)

- Their attack patterns are inconsistent (They'll fire a few shots here and there regardless of if it's a full auto weapon or not)

- You lose your secondary weapon (In some cases this can be your best weapon)

- They're less likely to follow you (Meaning they are at risk of being shot more and can get downed by traps and environmental hazards more easily)

I have to disagree on a few things.

- They hostage hit a lot of things when I give them my Kunais or Dex Furis and kills them.

- I respect their honor of stand and fight but its not worth my mission success.

- I have seen some hostages go full-auto.

- I thought you could take it back. 

- Yeah.....

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I just had 4 grineer spawn out of a storage closet I had emptied 5 seconds earlier...

I broke all the barrels, opened all the lockers, and had an enemy radar AND banshee sonar active just to make sure there's noone nearby, and those #@*&$@s just popped up as soon as I went 2 meters away.


It happened 5 more times in the same mission.

Edited by Naqel
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I just had 4 grineer spawn out of a storage closet I had emptied 5 seconds earlier...

I broke all the barrels, opened all the lockers, and had an enemy radar AND banshee sonar active just to make sure there's noone nearby, and those #@*&$@s just popped up as soon as I went 2 meters away.


It happened 5 more times in the same mission.

That must suck.. DE DO U HEAR DIS?!

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You ever seen a squad suddenly appearing out of thin air where you're looking at? I did. 

It was like, "POOF", dev_console spawn code entered. 


IMO, enemies must not spawn until we've triggered the alarms. 

I mean, Squad 1 and 2 in first cell, Squad 3 and 4 in second cell.

If successfully taken out all 4 squads without the woowoo alarms going off, the dead do not come back to life UNTIL the alarms get triggered at a later time. 

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The idea of stealth in Warframe is a hold-over from when they had intended, I believe, a much different style of game. In the game which they actually ended up making it is more or less just there for the sake of inclusion. It takes far too much effort to make it work well and even when it does, it is so much easier to just run in, guns blazing, and murder everyone in two point five seconds.



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I've seen mobs appear out of thin air too. It is just stupid. Mobs should always spawn a room away and have to enter the room you're in, and if the alarms have not been tripped, then they shouldn't magically walk towards the player they should just wander around in random directions.


I've seen an instance where no alarms were up, friend and I went to sneak into the Warden Room, and some random Shield Lancer somehow spawned 10 feet behind me (there wasn't anybody there a few seconds ago) and of course he instantly sees me (even though I'm ducking) and starts shooting, and instantly all 4 wardens know where we are.


It is just cheap and ridiculous.

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inb4 DE adds impossibility for rambo way


no you just have to be faster and more careful when youre reaching the cells and have at least a silenced weapon. i killed both wardens silently in barely a few secs in the middle of a very noisy run where most my mates and my sentinel where firing at everything that moves

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