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Arcane Helmet Change Nerfing Not Again...


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If i Bought a Car from a dealership and it was a V8 then drove it home had it for a year then one day the dealership comes to my house and when i am not looking change it to a v6 without my permission with out compensation without regard for what i original paid for it what would u call that how would you feel.

And for those that say its only a game and its not the same, well heh i paid for the original things i earned them i slaved through the game i waited weeks and months for things to drop i lost sleep stayed awake countless nights from 10 pm to 10 am waiting for these objects went through pain yes pain and suffrage worked my fingers to the bone, i also become a founder and stayed with and support a game long before new players ever heard of this game and it is the players the supported the game and stayed with it promoted it. 


And when u use real world currency for a virtual game it is still hard cold cash that paid for the helmet and any other object i bought there should be some form on international online virtual property rights for things your purchase in game that remain what they were when u bought or earned them.


I also notice a convenient pattern of new players on forums and in game that complain or say i cant get that or i will never get that well bad luck i hate to say it but alot off us were here first and earned the right to keep what we have what’s give new players the right to windge and complain about something they had no involvement in didn’t pay for or earn someone and say where is mine  heh get used to it that’s real life and it filters through to game management too.


I personally think nerfing if a form of thieving and dishonest and is no way to treat a player base that support a game from its conception and beta and onto open we deserve to keep what we earned.


Like i aid if u buy something its yours to keep and shouldn’t be changed unless its broken if i buy something form ebay or any other online site i don’t expect something different to turn and expect swallow it and not complain and be happy i don’t see any different between buying something online or in person or in game or in a virtual sense property is property and cash is king.


I have seen this so many times in other games and it always &!$$es players off and leave a sour taste in ones mouth and it can cause players to loose respect and confidence in the developers and leave games and no longer play or support it if it become the only way the can deal with in balancing they created leave the dam thigs alone and work out other ways to solve something you knew would happen the moment you made it and use it as your get out of jail free card and be dammed to the players.


Its a slippery road if you continue to nerf stuff in  your game we will loose your good player base and reputation if that is the only way you know how to fix things.

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Seriously, how do you read that without breathing. Punctuation please, I can't read that grammar less wall of text. I would but I seriously can't make heads or tails of it.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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For Some reason all my helmets in my inventory say Arcane the Blueprints and the ones i made ... But dozens and Dozens of my helmets Blueprints in my Foundry all of them not one says arcane they have all reverted to plain names without arcane every single one and there is a lot after a years of farming.

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1) R E S P E C T – Let’s respect each-other and have fun. Respecting people means not insulting anyone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, skill-level or any other possible way to make someone feel uncomfortable in the Warframe community.

1a) BULLYING - This goes hand-in-hand with respect. Our forums are a place of understanding, and players with disabilities, handicaps, language barriers, etc should not be treated any different. There is zero tolerance for bullying in our forums. Picking on or pointing out other’s flaws is anything but constructive, we as a community need to focus on the feedback given and embrace everyone equally.

Edited by WarHeroman
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I am Not interested in anyone that trolls my posts or has has anything to say about my spelling or punctuation. Period

Or you could take his advice and not be a $&*^ about it, is it that hard to not take advice negatively?


Also what did they nerf? Name change? Is changing names a nerf?


You can switch between cosmetic or not, it's a toggle YOU decide to use or not.

Edited by Demo102
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I am Not interested in anyone that trolls my posts or has has anything to say about my spelling or punctuation. Period


One has a better chance of building a case when most people actually finish reading it. 


That aside, I really don't notice a nerf of any sort. It would be helpful if you told us which one was nerfed, and maybe a screenshot or two to substantiate your claims: F6 on the non-steam version, and you can find it in the Warframe Screenshots folder of Pictures, if you use Windows. I recommend using Photobucket as an image host.


If there really is a nerf, I think DE would be happy to revoke it; The whole point of keeping this Arcane helmet thing was so people don't complain about losing the stats. They wouldn't nerf it. It doesn't make sense.

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They nerfed the helmets with stats? I know you cant get them with stats anymore but I didnt know they nerfed the ones with stats that you already built


Na, unfortunately, they didn't remove all the stats.


@OP nerfing is necessary and in general does less damage to the balance of a game than buffing. Some helmet stats in particular are so overpowered for the frames they are assigned to that they eliminate any semblence of balance these frames had. That's why we now have threads popping up all over the place suggesting to move the helmet stats to another system of the game where they can easily be integrated and unlocked for every frame. The big problem of this solution - a big jump in power creep - can be offset in the future with more punishing enemy effects. Nerfing needs to happen, if not directly(lowering numbers on gear) then indirectly, through the environment.

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Or you could take his advice and not be a $&*^ about it, is it that hard to not take advice negatively?


Also what did they nerf? Name change? Is changing names a nerf?


You can switch between cosmetic or not, it's a toggle YOU decide to use or not.


LoL, I can get why you're upset, but you gotta stop yourself from speaking out too harshly. It will devolve the thread otherwise, and really won't help anyone. 


At any rate, I agree with:


Na, unfortunately, they didn't remove all the stats.


@OP nerfing is necessary and in general does less damage to the balance of a game than buffing. Some helmet stats in particular are so overpowered for the frames they are assigned to that they eliminate any semblence of balance these frames had. That's why we now have threads popping up all over the place suggesting to move the helmet stats to another system of the game where they can easily be integrated and unlocked for every frame. The big problem of this solution - a big jump in power creep - can be offset in the future with more punishing enemy effects. Nerfing needs to happen, if not directly(lowering numbers on gear) then indirectly, through the environment.


 This man gets it. And that's not even considering the fact that DE has not nerfed anything regarding the helmets. 

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Me being a ($&*^) nice one,i cnat type i have crippled fingers and it takes a huge amunt of effor tto typ eanyting, and when i am trying to let my opions out and let people kwo how i feel about somehting in gamre and somone come aone and all he can say about a post is idint pslel somehtng right or or i missed a coma or full stop and dosent say anyhting abotu the post only my grammer if youer so concerned about other people gramme rthe becaiome a teacher and growl at students i am not in school and i dont need a report card on how i tpy e.


If you octice di dont fix or chnage my mitsakes after tpying just to show u ow hard it is for me to type anyhting

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For Some reason all my helmets in my inventory say Arcane the Blueprints and the ones i made ... But dozens and Dozens of my helmets Blueprints in my Foundry all of them not one says arcane they have all reverted to plain names without arcane every single one and there is a lot after a years of farming.


Megan has confirmed that the naming is simply glitched. The ones you have made are still Arcane with stats, but it doesn't show up as Arcane. However, the bonus/penalties still apply. 

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First; They didn't change the stats on anything. if you had a helmet that was MADE it stays with stats. I also dont like how my helmet blueprints are GONE. i had 2 arcane blueprints (doubles) And its GONE; both of them. I'm not worried because they were copies but that was legit money and they stole from me.


That being said i approve this stat change. There are times were i LOVE the look of one helmet but the stats are ridiculously stupid! lower health for more stamina? who in gods green earth is USING THAT!?!?! So i do like the change. BUT there was a better way of doing this. Alerts have stat changes while market helmet blueprints do not. They also stated that this might not "stay" Depending how this plays out will form future cosmetics and maybe a return of the old stat helms

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Megan has confirmed that the naming is simply glitched. The ones you have made are still Arcane with stats, but it doesn't show up as Arcane. However, the bonus/penalties still apply. 

Well TY that is comforting to know, i dont feel so bad if that is indeed the case, but my point on nerfing in general in any game still stands it is a slippery slope and it cant create bitterness in any game and to any long time player of any game.

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Megan has confirmed that the naming is simply glitched. The ones you have made are still Arcane with stats, but it doesn't show up as Arcane. However, the bonus/penalties still apply. 


There we go. Problem solved, aye? 


Me being a ($&*^) nice one,i cnat type i have crippled fingers and it takes a huge amunt of effor tto typ eanyting, and when i am trying to let my opions out and let people kwo how i feel about somehting in gamre and somone come aone and all he can say about a post is idint pslel somehtng right or or i missed a coma or full stop and dosent say anyhting abotu the post only my grammer if youer so concerned about other people gramme rthe becaiome a teacher and growl at students i am not in school and i dont need a report card on how i tpy e.


If you octice di dont fix or chnage my mitsakes after tpying just to show u ow hard it is for me to type anyhting


Well, I'm sorry for your predicament, then. It's quite unfortunate, and in light of that, I think we should apologize for poking at your spelling.


I think it's a bit unnecessary to be so rude right at the go, though; Your case really would have been made much more forgiving had you actually explained this fact on the first reply, or on the OP itself. Calling people trolls is really asking for it.




First; They didn't change the stats on anything. if you had a helmet that was MADE it stays with stats. I also dont like how my helmet blueprints are GONE. i had 2 arcane blueprints (doubles) And its GONE; both of them. I'm not worried because they were copies but that was legit money and they stole from me.


That being said i approve this stat change. There are times were i LOVE the look of one helmet but the stats are ridiculously stupid! lower health for more stamina? who in gods green earth is USING THAT!?!?! So i do like the change. BUT there was a better way of doing this. Alerts have stat changes while market helmet blueprints do not. They also stated that this might not "stay" Depending how this plays out will form future cosmetics and maybe a return of the old stat helms


As for this... No, stat helmets will never come back. What they said "May change" is whether you get to trade arcane helms or keep them. That's the only thing that will change. As for obtainable helmets, all of them are stat-less now. Market and alert. 

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For Some reason all my helmets in my inventory say Arcane the Blueprints and the ones i made ... But dozens and Dozens of my helmets Blueprints in my Foundry all of them not one says arcane they have all reverted to plain names without arcane every single one and there is a lot after a years of farming.



Send in a support ticket.

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Well TY that is comforting to know, i dont feel so bad if that is indeed the case, but my point on nerfing in general in any game still stands it is a slippery slope and it cant create bitterness in any game and to any long time player of any game.

As it stands this is still apparently a "beta" considered by many so if they changed something you don't like, you can't really complain since the game is still in progress of being made fair and balanced.


However the fact that the game has a money shop contradicts the fact that it's "beta" and in fact a game just unfinished.

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Send in a support ticket.

Of course i sent in a support ticket, but thanks for the heads up, but seeing the last 2 tickets in put in took 5 days respond ill have to hold my breathe.


I Sincerely Hope i am just bugged out and it s a glitch.

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Well TY that is comforting to know, i dont feel so bad if that is indeed the case, but my point on nerfing in general in any game still stands it is a slippery slope and it cant create bitterness in any game and to any long time player of any game.


Well, a nerf has to be justified. It's hard to tell if it is sometimes, but other times, it's pretty clear-cut.


If, say, a weapon is made that can deal 100,000damage per second, bypasses armour and has innate punch through, and it stays in the game for a few months... Does it need a nerf? Sure. Will the nerf be well-received? Certainly not. 


But the nerf has to happen anyways, for the greater good of the game's development. As time goes on, the developers get a sense of what becomes game-breaking, which they have not had before. So, as time goes on, they realise they have to nerf it. 


Does it breed resentment? Sure does. Frost and Brakk's nerfs prove it. 


Did people get over it? Sure did, after it was tweaked. In fact, we hardly even mention those nerfs anymore. They've been for the greater good. 


DE has a tendency to over-nerf for a good reason. It's easier to nerf it once, but slightly over-board, then buff it up, rather than repeatedly nerfing it bit by bit. They took the smarter road. Anyways, they haven't nerfed anything, so this is kind of off-topic.

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Well TY that is comforting to know, i dont feel so bad if that is indeed the case, but my point on nerfing in general in any game still stands it is a slippery slope and it cant create bitterness in any game and to any long time player of any game.

But nerfing is needed in some, if not all games. People are mainly bitter they lost their OP stuff.

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And in regards to me discussing about nerfing it is always a hot topic in any game there are defenders of it and detractors and whoever brings up the topic almost always get flamed so i took a risck in openely talking about it and how i feel it affects me in this game,


Dammed if i do dammed if i dont 

Edited by WarHeroman
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I am Not interested in anyone that trolls my posts or has has anything to say about my spelling or punctuation. Period

except your super long post there has unnecessary metaphors and is 101% incorrect.



- Arcane Helmets have not changed.

- your Arcane Blueprints are all still in your inventory, but you cannot have more than one of these built at a time, so in order to build your other Blueprints, you'll need to get rid of your built Helmets.

- there are Blueprints available in the market to convert Arcane Helmets to Cosmetic only ones.

- Helmets are now only available as Cosmetic items, Alerts and the Market will not give you Arcane Helmets.



that is all that was changed.

whatever you're complaining about is either false or some magic corruption goof that's specific to just you. if the latter, only Support can help you.

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