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Synergy Concept


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I have an idea. Make some skills of one Warframe synergyse with skill of another.

On example: if Ember use her Fire blast, standing in Frost's Ice Wall, they are both create a powerfull explosion, that deals blast type of damage (fire and ice, eh?) and its power and range scales from both skills. Ofc, the Ice wall and Fire blast after-effect will vanish.

Or for another example: if Ash use his Blade Storm on an enemy, that is marked by Banshee's Sonar, he will hit only in weak points (with special animation ofc).

And for the third example: Banshee's Sonic Wave, that is used on enemies, affected by Rhino Stomp, will provide Resonance effect, thats doubles damage of Sonic Wave and prolongs the CC effect of the Rhino Stomp. It can also had a "shaking" animation  on enemies.

To provide balance, there can not be more, than one synergy between two frames. This will also must add some teamwork element, cause you will probably start to think - which warframe should I pick, to be more usefull to my team; or - should I blow up frost shield now or better not to do this, cause there are too many guys with guns.


What do you think about that?

Edited by Agentnewbie
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It not so much (well dont look on Ash example). There are only 4 abilities per frame. So there is only 38 synergys. Exclude the special animation - it can take a week for it, include codding, maping, creating effects. They are added a whole reworked boss, katana, and a lot of new animations in a frgrn 3 mounth - do you think than THAT will be too dificult to DE?

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Oh, come on. Is my idea is pure garbage?


The concept of it is not garbage but it would be pretty much impossible to make every ability synergize with another. With 19 frames, and each frame having 4 abilities, if each frame can synergize with another, that would be 5776 combinations DE has to add. How do you expect anyone to make 5776 UNIQUE combinations, and continue adding new warframes which mind you, will add even more combinations they need to make. 

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I didnt say that EVERY warframe woud synergy with EVERY skill. Only 1 synergy per skill, and not all 4 skills must synergy with something. In first post I am suggested 2 synergys to Banshee. But I cant imagine, that Silence would synergy somewhat.

But Decoy and Undertow...it can synergyse with each other, by the way: Using on Decoy on enemies, that is affected by Undertow will create Deadly Waters, double\tripple its damage and slightly increasing loot chance for even more. Come to think, there is so many variations...

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And by the way, there is ALREADY exist combo between Radial Javelin and Bullet Attractor... Tons of damage though...

And I repeat once again - my concept is implying that one warframe can synergy his skills with another 4 different warframes. This number can be less, in case of some skills mechanics. On example: Banshee can synergy with Ash, Rhino and Mag, and Rhino can synergy with Banshee, Nova, and Valkyr, while Frost can synergy with Ember, Hydroid, Zephyr and Nyx...there is pretty much combinations, but whole idea is to make people choose, which warframe better in this situation? Should I pick one, that synergyse with others, or I can just do what I do best with my favorite?

Edited by Agentnewbie
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And by the way, there is ALREADY exist combo between Radial Javelin and Bullet Attractor... 


That's different though - the innate mechanics of each one already support each other, much the same way Zephyr/Hydroid/Loki's skills, or Paralysis and Shield Polarize, or virtually every pairing of CC and sustainable AoE would; Javelin makes projectiles, Attractor affects projectiles, ergo Attractor affects Javelin. It's a very broad spectrum in terms of synergy, relying on one very simple concept feeding directly into another.


What you're proposing is that each skill actively change itself based on the environment or party, meaning that every frame would need to have each of their four powers recoded to interact with all of the powers of (currently) 18 other Warframes. And every new Warframe release would have to get the same treatment too, having each power pre-tuned to 76+ other powers, thereby slowing down release schedules.

And that's before you get into the upcoming Universal abilities!

Edited by Archwizard
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That's different though - the innate mechanics of each one already support each other, much the same way Zephyr/Hydroid/Loki's skills, or Paralysis and Shield Polarize, or virtually every pairing of CC and sustainable AoE would; Javelin makes projectiles, Attractor affects projectiles, ergo Attractor affects Javelin. It's a very broad spectrum in terms of synergy, relying on one very simple concept feeding directly into another.


What you're proposing is that each skill actively change itself based on the environment or party, meaning that every frame would need to have each of their four powers recoded to interact with all of the powers of (currently) 18 other Warframes. And every new Warframe release would have to get the same treatment too, having each power pre-tuned to 76+ other powers, thereby slowing down release schedules.

And that's before you get into the upcoming Universal abilities!

As I said i suggest to one warfame synergyse with ONLY 4 warframes and the combination is always different to each other, am I spelling something wrong? If so - please forgive me, cause english is not my innate languarge.

And for Universal abilities - can you PM me link with it?

Edited by Agentnewbie
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