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So Expensive For So Little


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He has a point. I mean the game is f2p nut you still have to make money to run it. To make money you have to appeal to players with good prices. None of the platinum prices are at a decent price if you ask me. You need a 50% coupon at least for it to feel slightly fair.

In the market only the potatoes and cosmetics such as color packs and helms are at an acceptable price. Most warframes and all weapons are ridiculously overpriced. The recources are also overpriced.

150p skana >_>

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The game is not expensive when you consider you can get almost everything In It with nothing more than some fun (playing). It Is not limited by time constraints to play.

I consider its free to play setup to be one of the best and in league with Team Fortress 2. Not on the Same scale of course and TF2 was not always free. Point is DE appears to be very passionate about they're game. They give It to you for free with about $3.50 50P on it and you can experience the entire game with nothing more.

They need to make money and they allow the currency that you purchase with real money to be traded in game. With some farming you can make all the Plat you need.The store has to be expensive because all you are really doing Is donating to them to help keep this game afloat.

Edited by DarkTower7899
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There's also the fact that you can make platinum without spending actual money, which is a feature that a lot of F2P games with microtransactions and cash shops don't have.


I mean sure it's slow and all, but some people have made thousands upon thousands of platinum from trading very rare mods, things, etc.

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Assuming you have that last little bit of starter platinum left after buying that warframe slot and those couple of weapons slots, 75p will get you four potatoes.


Not a small thing for progression.


Now if you're after fluff, no, 75p won't go very far.

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Yes you can, you can buy cosmetics and boosts. Either buy it or don/t buy it, nobody is forcing you to. And judging by this being your first post, please at least consider that DE needs money to, you know, live and make more Warframe.

I'm just wondering what does his first post have to do with him not understanding anything?

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  • 5 weeks later...

 You should keep in mind that 'DE needs the money' is pretty much never going to be taken as an acceptable excuse by anyone who finds the prices in the Cash Shop disagreeable.


 It isn't even unreasonable for them to decide they don't care for that line of thought. It's all grounded in personal opinions after all.


If you're gonna make it so expensive atleast increase the plat you get.

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Things I regularly spend platinum on:

- Weapon/Frame inventory slots

- Catalysts (Have more Reactors than I know what to do with)

- I purchased 1 color set

- I purchased 1 Syadana

- I purchased 1 melee syadana (whatever it's called)


I've been pretty happy with that. My frame looks good (entertaining to watch) and I have nearly every warframe, weapon, sentinel, and mod in the game.


As for the conversion ratio, I purchased the Founders pack for $50 after trying the game. Then added the Steam sale $25 for $10 pack. Overall I think I've had 1400 platinum for $60.

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Saying the Plats are a little over priced isn't unfair at all.

I think its actually important feedback.


Remember one thing, when people feel they are getting more for their money they are likely to keep spending and that can only be a good thing for the game.


Maybe its time they took a second look at the cost of Plats and the amount needed to buy items.

rethinking it could end up working in everyone's favour 

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Nope, not expensive at all comparing to other free games that I played, even to web base games. With just 5 dollars you can get very far in Warframe, not buying market stuff mind you but acquire good stuff from trade, be it a prime weapon and mods that compliment it (ex. you can get a Paris Prime and 3 rare mods with that), and then use that to farm other stuff that you could get for free. 

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I always believed the actual rate was the 25% sale. as such I say none should buy platinum without first having a sale.


The only time I bought plat was when I had the 75% sale months ago (easily 6), for 20$ I had around 2k plats. That's a real deal, it lasted me up to this day.

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Wait for a coupon and never buy less than 1000 platinum at once.  To do anything else makes platinum too expensive and won't do anywhere near enough for you, particularly if you go cosmetic or collect-a-thon crazy.


And if you're waiting for coupons, don't hold your breath for the 75% off one.  I've been playing since Warframe has come to steam and has never seen it.  I have seen the 50% two or three times tops, and 20% lots of times.

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Every time I look at that plat-credit transaction bit in the market I cringe a little. Who in their right minds would spend plat for credits, puny credits at that?


I must meet this person if he or she exists. 


Edit: lol 100 posts

Edited by (PS4)Budukai_Man
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 Best bet is to wait for a 50% or 75% coupon from the Login bonus is the price really doesn't suit you.


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There's also the fact that you can make platinum without spending actual money, which is a feature that a lot of F2P games with microtransactions and cash shops don't have.


I mean sure it's slow and all, but some people have made thousands upon thousands of platinum from trading very rare mods, things, etc.

No you can't create platinum without spending money.  Someone spent money for that platinum.  Barring any promotions or platinum handed out as prizes in a livestream, all of the platinum in circulation was purchased by someone.

Edited by GeneralArmchair
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No you can't create platinum without spending money.  Someone spent money for that platinum.  Barring any promotions or platinum handed out as prizes in a livestream, all of the platinum in circulation was purchased by someone.

If you make platinum by getting it from another player, through a trade, have you spent any money getting that platinum? Yes, someone else bought it, but it's possible for any player to make platinum (by trading with others) without spending any of their own actual money.

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