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Jumping Is Not Very Responsive.


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when ever I am sprinting or sliding I can not always do a jump right away. I have to spam the jump button sometimes to get it. Its more common when sliding towards an object , running off a cliff, or jumping on a platform and trying to jump again.

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So it's not just me then. Jumping definitely chooses not to work at the worst of times, it would be nice if something could be done about how hit or miss the jump button functioning properly is.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Jumping has had lag since they fixed jumping off platforms teleporting you to a specific part of the tile


I think the lag is from your client saving your position then allowing you to jump tho since warframe seems to pick the person with the better computer as host completly ignoring the internet speeds shouldnt it be saved by the host computer not your client


(still kinda mad that my decent computer with great internet cant host for our little group instead our friend with the better computer and dialup gets to host lagging us all down)

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might be cause I play at about 30 fps. but I also press it pretty quick to move more efficiently 


It's not your fps, at least not entirely. I play at a steady 70+ fps and I still struggle with jump lag while sliding.


I'm glad it's not just me. I've been thinking my spacebar was wearing out.


This thread might be better served in the bug section, though.

Edited by Charismo
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It's not your fps, at least not entirely. I play at a steady 70+ fps and I still struggle with jump lag while sliding.


I'm glad it's not just me. I've been thinking my spacebar was wearing out.


This thread might be better served in the bug section, though.

I also think something that relates to this is the response time for a trigger especially semi auto weapons. Even though its been improved slightly before it still has lag too.

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It's not lag. It's because the Evolution Engine uses state-based input sanitation.


And the transition from state-to-state within Warframe is not very well optimized.


It's the same reason for bugs like

   "Cannot use in Air" when on the ground,

   stuck in melee swing so therefore cannot melee attack,

   can't reload,

   crouch gets toggled on even when no toggle crouch button is set,

   can't revive team mates because use key's "unpress" event was never called, therefore cannot "press".




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It's not lag. It's because the Evolution Engine uses state-based input sanitation.


And the transition from state-to-state within Warframe is not very well optimized.


It's the same reason for bugs like

   "Cannot use in Air" when on the ground,

   stuck in melee swing so therefore cannot melee attack,

   can't reload,

   crouch gets toggled on even when no toggle crouch button is set,

   can't revive team mates because use key's "unpress" event was never called, therefore cannot "press".





... yes, and block sometimes doesn't work, too

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