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Are We All Happy? Or Do We Need T5/6/7?


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So now that Trinity god mode is gone 'Yay' and Nova insta blow up all matter within the range of x is gone 'Sweeet', are we all happy? is the game now a CHALLENGE? Seems to be lots of chatter about x(insert overpowered skill here) skill not making warframe challenging because of whatever reason(Insert opinion to start flame wars here). Quick example 'Games too easy Trinity 28 second god mode is unfair' So our good o'le DE fixed that because they respond to the community like that however the result? still doing 1 hour + survivals still seeing 70+ minute survivals on leaderboards so to those crying about 'nerfs' no worries the game is STILL playable, Unless you ragequit uninstalled of course. But at the same time for those crying for nerfs these aren't necessarily generating challenge either, except for the community moderators who have to be dealing with abundance of post deciphering what is useless ranting and flaming from what is meant to be constructive feedback. But yes what most that are on side with requesting more nerfs give as their logical reason/well thought excuse for doing so is "To make the game more challenging". Well that is not the answer it does improve the gameplay safe to say and it does bring about a certain balance all good. BUT if we want challenge, like if challenge IS REALLY what we are after and are not just throwing needless hate to the warframe stealing your kills or the one who is unkillable by normal means. Then we can leave the buff/nerf to a later date and put our efforts to having our awesome DE give us T5/T6 or even T7 keys! with nightmare key versions to follow. Asking them to nerf everything into the Lithosphere isn't what we need. Lv 84 Corrupt heavy gunners in a void exterminate? Lv 94 Corrupt heavy gunners in a nightmare no shields energy drain void exterminate? why ask to make your stuff useless so you can go conquer pluto again when you can ask for this instead?


Safe to say user generated content is awesome, Is your stomp OP(Just called a random skill lets not make this a QQ thread) but yea get an unranked version and unequip all mods affecting abilities still too OP? unequip all together. Have your friends do the same, try different mod restrictions, weapon restrictions, go with your friends/clanmates and invent your own fun for the time being leaving DE free to finish up the work on U14, Nyx prime, focus and other good stuff. Oh and our keys of course

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When Stealth 1.0 MOvement 2.0 Abilities 2.0 (not warframe specific abilities) and T4 Keys are implemented.




Not warframe specific? this is senseless.


Movement 2.0 is a buff, so no.


Stealth? who care?



A.I 2.0, trust me, it's the only way.

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Not warframe specific? this is senseless.


Movement 2.0 is a buff, so no.


Stealth? who care?



A.I 2.0, trust me, it's the only way.

The Devs have confirmed that we are getting non Warframe specific abilities.
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No im not happy and no i dont need anything above T4.

What i DO want however is an enemy where i dont have to simply point in their general direction and press a button. I want to dodge, weave, wallrun to avoid getting shot and stick my melee weapon in their head.

Honestly, im starting to think i need my Vindictus back, you couldnt feel like a god and yet you could still kick &#! properly.

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Not warframe specific? this is senseless.


Movement 2.0 is a buff, so no.


Stealth? who care?



A.I 2.0, trust me, it's the only way.


Stealth for stealth only missions. (somewhat like rescue is now)


Movement so parkour is a thing.


Not warframe specific abilities, so harder content since you won't be handicaped to 4 abilities only. (choosable abilities i mean)

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Am I happy? No. I don't think T5 would fix it, either, we need missions which require dexterity to complete, not just the best gear, missions where thinking too slowly or making the wrong choice kills you. Consequences for not being able to dodge or wallrun with the correct timing. Stuff that makes Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls hard.



TL;DR please

Why even go on the forums if you don't want to read what people are saying? The tl;dr is the title of the thread and the first two sentences of the post.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Didn't read. this pavement is unreadable.




The game need A.I 2.0 or maybe 3.0, and a lot of new ennemys abilities to be balanced.

That's the most important thing it needs since it's a co-op game, i wan't enemies to talk to each other, and i wan't them to work together.

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Be careful with what you wish for...  T5/T6/T7 would mean that many void items would be placed in levels which may be "unreachable" for some.


Moreover, simply increasing the "level" of the enemies, isn't what the community is looking for.  Usually when the level of the enemy increases it's just more shields, health, armor and perhaps some speed.  Which is somewhat empty feeling, because you bring a higher DPS weapon or empty more clips, to kill the same enemy.


We don't need more "bullet-sponges" in this game.  We need different mission types and enemies with better tactics.


EDIT: The same effect (as the OP is trying to get) can be achieved by adding a "difficulty" slider to the missions.  (again "difficulty" in Warframe is just more armor, sheilds, health, etc.)

Edited by sushidubya
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Am I happy? No. I don't think T5 would fix it, either, we need missions which require dexterity to complete, not just the best gear, missions where thinking too slowly or making the wrong choice kills you. Consequences for not being able to dodge or wallrun with the correct timing. Stuff that makes Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls hard.


That's exactly it - Warframe needs to have distinguished difficulty that is apparent throughout the game but varies from basic punishment to full on "if you don't watch your step, you're done son."

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Didn't read. this pavement is unreadable.




The game need A.I 2.0 or maybe 3.0, and a lot of new ennemys abilities to be balanced.

Definately I just had in mind that A.I 2.0 would take alot more time to implements than higher tier keys and nightmare versions but essentially we all want AI 2.0 or 9.37 even ANY great advancement to enemy AI would be amazingly substantial having to kill those element specific grineer was a very tiny movement in this direction but surely not nearly enough, however I guess its a tricky area since you have to tune it to be playable both solo and in groups and at both the high end and low end. But I am all for it

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Be careful what you wish for...  T5/T6/T7 would mean that many void items would be placed in levels which may be "unreachable" for some.





It's a good thing for me.

This game is too easy, really TOO MUCH easy, no challenge, no fun


I like to play a game where i can LOSE, read ME D.E, I WANT LOSE !!



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Bigger and bigger bullet sponges with more and more likely 1 hit ko hitscan enemies is not a challenge. Well, maybe to your patience.

Bring back and also make more "annoying" enemies. Leader units are a good example but they are still a sack of rocks in AI. Co-op reliant enemies like other games, Left 4 dead comes to mind. Yet those kinds of "cheap" units like the original nervo latchers always get removed because of solo players, usually through no fault of their own, having unplayable online play due to peer 2 peer.

If Tier 4-5-6 meant co-op only due to its included units yet there was a alternate if not more grindy than usual route for solo players to have a chance at the same rewards. I think it might finally open co-op in a otherwise "Everyone shoot everything!" game.

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If I remember correctly. DE's design philosophy on Warframe abilities (Weapons too I assume) don't have lvl 70,80,90s etc in mind, as much as some people would like that. It's probably not on their agenda.


Instead of T3+s, the A.I. should be improved

Edited by ExplodingStars
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Still higher tier keys isn't the ultimate fix but there just isn't an ultimate fix even if we get AI 5.0 we will eventually master that as well then we will need 6.0. But at this point what do you do in warframe? (assuming you are all highlevel/lategame players like myself) Because at this point by no means am I'm saying it is the ideal fix but I would be content for a lil while given Tier 6 or whatever keys. Cause like for 1) Rushing would be somewhat nonsensical 2) Because enemies hurt so much teamplay will be somewhat necessary, 3) I could bother making a list some more reasons but really instead of having to spend 50+ minutes in a survival to face enemies that don't insta die to my Boltor/Latron or whatever i can at least have that a the start of a mission, The intensity of a 50 minute defence right at the very beginning. I mean I would totally assume DE have been working to improve AI since so no real reason to demand it. 


Also no matter is done to the enemy AI will that really help against 4 x fully modded Boltor primes? unless given some semblance of 'tankiness' or invulnerability they would still go kinda unnoticed. would probably die from a random stomp while they are 2 rooms away, so though we would like to believe AI is the only way to go they are going to have to get some for of beefyness regardless wouldn't they? Because I can imagine enemies taking cover, wallruning, trying to sneak up behind maybe even going stealthed, flying, or combat rolling for all I care but they at some point be between crosshairs will be shot and killed and quick, Unless melee(assuming there are no Nova,Ember,Rhino,Oberon,Saryn,Zephyr,Excalibur,Frost,Banshee (Basically any frame with a skill that does some amount of damage) present because unless they have some immunity it might not kill these enemies with new AI but multiple skills/casts will eventually do the trick.

Edited by UnforgivenTrix
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Still higher tier keys isn't the ultimate fix but there just isn't an ultimate fix even if we get AI 5.0 we will eventually master that as well then we will need 6.0.

I think it's fair to stop when, at the late game, players hold their breath for the entire duration of an encounter, and if they manage to escape with their lives, feel a calm exhale and a feeling of accomplishment. At least that's how I experience challenging gameplay. I feel then when I play most of my favorite games.

The only time I've had that in Warframe is after winning a 1v2 in conclave, and to a lesser extent, fighting the Hyenas.

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I think it's fair to stop when, at the late game, players hold their breath for the entire duration of an encounter, and if they manage to escape with their lives, feel a calm exhale and a feeling of accomplishment. At least that's how I experience challenging gameplay. I feel then when I play most of my favorite games.

The only time I've had that in Warframe is after winning a 1v2 in conclave, and to a lesser extent, fighting the Hyenas.


Very true, that is the same sensation I am after but really even the 'bosses' in warframe are basically nubs and go down with a clip of Boltor Prime so totally unsatisfying, and I really think before some epic enemy types come in bosses need a further more advanced look, eg Vay hek rework only made him live unnecesarily longer because he now only has 1 soft spot and we have to wait for its vulnerability and he runs alot, when he goes into his tetra frame tho its just READY, AIM, FIREEE, within 6 seconds or waay less you are looting his body, No sweat, no panic, no need for support, no need for cover, no need for communication. 1v2 even 1v1 sometimes in conclave i would agree is probably the closest to that feeling, the hyenas well they did at one point now its meh, but for me the closest i get to that is maybe interception, us at 91% grineer at 90% gotta hold it down till 100 :D only time being on teamspeak with my clannies actually contributes besides asking who is getting the next life support or talking random nonsense. But yea I would really like some chalenging team play something to invoke some communication actually relevant to the task at hand but guess because DE try to make all content duable solo, team play is at a disadvantage because well... it can be done solo. so hmm

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