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Top 10 Most Annoying Or Trolling Warframe Abilities.


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This list is meant to be constructive criticism. Yes I will be doing some bashing on frames but it's in fun.


I've played a year and I only recently took my games off private and holy crap was I annoyed by some abilities.

These abilities are either annoying in nature, annoying because they're ineffective, they're easily misused or they bug out often.


I'll also state if these abilities are annoying under certain situations. I doubt this really needed explanation but I did it anyways, so here we go...




10) Loki - Switch Teleport  I am the Original Troll! Just avoid any cliffs, Oh wait, they're everywhere!

9) Trollbaun - Bounce Yea I could use this on infested Defense but Vortex is x10 better, Choke points? Nah, Damage? HaH! No I think I'll just keep this slotted to troll the **** out of you.

8) Oberon - Reckoning Up and down and Up and down and Up and down.  Am I stag?

7) Frost - Snow Globe Hey guys, wait.. This isn't a defense mission? Oh.. well... Lemme just drop 5 snow globes just in case. You can shoot through those right?

6) Hydroid - Tentacle Swarm My AoE CC is pretty good, Unfortunately it bugs out, I know mobs are harder to shoot but you can manage. The mystery is... are they dead? Shoot to find out, yep, they're dead. Now reload instead.

5) Nova - Molecular Prime (Negative Power) What's that? You no like how Nova kills your mobs and makes mission quick? Ok Nova gunna go negative power and make Napalm shoot like an automatic. Nova doesn't kill mobs. Nova kills YOU!

4) Nekros - Shadows of the Dead Yea I know my only real group role is to Desicrate every 3 seconds but I wana do other stuff. I could play another frame entirely but... NECROMANCY!!! Look I even chose this nice florescent color for them so you can't see anything else and do you enjoy how they body block you, I mean for you?

3) Zephy - Tornado Hey guys! I'm a WIND Warframe. Here I'll  help out by using my AoE CC that makes mobs harder to shoot! Well... no, of course they're still alive it doesn't do **** for damage but isn't it cool how I can make an entire room of Grineer last twice as long? OH! R5 marked guys! In the ceiling.....

2) Hydroid - Undertow (Efficiency/Range) Doing a defense mission? Want to get waves cleared fast? Well I don't feel like it, instead I think I'll hold them in my puddle as long as I can. Helpful eh?

1) Nyx - Absorb Whoa! Whoa! Wait! Everyone stop playing and get body blocked cuz Nyx wants to absorb! Yea you could shoot all those infested before she's done but it's Nyx's game now. So you better buff her absorb or sit and wait buddy.

- Nyx gets #1 for having the most obnoxious ability in game.




Honorable Mention goes to:

Valkyr -  Ripline Wait. Valkyr, why do you even have Ripline slotted? Oh... so you can pull me off ledges with you,.. cool... Valkyr why are you standing on a platform above me, oh.... stop....stop... stop.....

Sayrn - Molt Molt, Molt, Molt. Dammit Sayrn take a bath instead and get those things out of my line of fire.


Well, that's it, I'm sure there's differences in Opinion about the order but lemme know if I missed any abilities that are annoying or troll bound.

Edited by Xzorn
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TL;DR Op doesn't like CC abilities.


I like CCs I just don't like bad CCs. This is a looting shooter, it's about how fast  you kill and how fast you complete, what's the point of a CC if it makes your target harder to hit? Woo, they aren't shooting at you. Not the point of the game. Chaos is amazing, Rhino Storm in amazing when it doesn't bug out, Vortex is amazing, Sound Quake is good. CCs are good but not when they make the mob ultimately last longer than simply shooting it.

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I like CCs I just don't like bad CCs. This is a looting shooter, it's about how fast  you kill and how fast you complete, what's the point of a CC if it makes your target harder to hit? Woo, they aren't shooting at you. Not the point of the game. Chaos is amazing, Rhino Storm in amazing when it doesn't bug out, Vortex is amazing, Sound Quake is good. CCs are good but not when they make the mob ultimately last longer than simply shooting it.

I want Rhino Storm to...where did you get it?

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I like CCs I just don't like bad CCs. This is a looting shooter, it's about how fast  you kill and how fast you complete, what's the point of a CC if it makes your target harder to hit? Woo, they aren't shooting at you. Not the point of the game. Chaos is amazing, Rhino Storm in amazing when it doesn't bug out, Vortex is amazing, Sound Quake is good. CCs are good but not when they make the mob ultimately last longer than simply shooting it.

There is literally only one power where you can't shoot at the enemies while they are being cc'd and thats undertow.

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There is literally only one power where you can't shoot at the enemies while they are being cc'd and thats undertow.


I'm pretty sure I never said you can't shoot at enemies, I said they're harder to shoot than they normally would be or you're shooting at corpses that aren't animated any differently.

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Whoa! Whoa! Wait! Slow down a bit will you?


You hate almost everything. Seriously, do you even like this game?(Ok, I see you like this game)


I've played WF for 762 hours and none of the skills on your list really bothers me


Allow me to share my opinion:


10) Loki - Switch Teleport  As I said, I have 762 hours game time and all the Loki I met barely use Switch Teleport on me. In fact, they probably didn't even equip it.
9) Rhino - Rhino Stomp DE have fixed that problem. Besides, remember mobs have their own health bar? You should pay more attention to that. I sometimes waste some bullets too, but how can you waste your bullets so fast?
8) Trollbaun - Bounce Well, some "Trollbaun" did troll me with bounce, but only several times. Bounce is like Loki's Switch Teleport. People don't use it a lot.
7) Oberon - Reckoning Release your trigger, relax and watch the show. It's like a taking a break between each fight.
6) Frost - Snow Globe You must be very unlucky. I don't see Frost do this very often.
5) Hydroid - Tentacle Swarm Look at (7)
4) Nova - Molecular Prime What's wrong with helping you kill mobs faster?
3) Nekros - Shadows of the Dead You could move away from the crowd. The blocking problem really isn't that seriously.
2) Zephy - Tornado &  1) Nyx - Absorb  I give up.
These thing really aren't that annoying, but that's just me. I respect your opinion.
Edited by yles9056
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You hate almost everything. Seriously, do you even like this game?


Um, what? I played this game a year ago for about 3 weeks cuz that was about as much content as was available. I will forever enjoy DE because the company helped to make Unreal and they've added a lot of content and continue to do so.


I only recently started posting because I DO enjoy this game. I normally avoid forums for obvious reasons or because I don't care about the future of what I'm playing.  I named 12 abilities out of 76, not to mention it's a shooter, weapons make up about half the game. Hardly everything.


The very first line of my post states my stance in the situation. Not really that serious, just annoying.

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I'm pretty sure I never said you can't shoot at enemies, I said they're harder to shoot than they normally would be or you're shooting at corpses that aren't animated any differently.

Yes but they can't shoot back and most of the time are receiving damage.

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I don't get how you could have listed all of these, and NOT included a very high AoE radius+Power efficiency-strength Hydroid in defense missions with Undertow.  Literally can stop a mission for several minutes if determined.



Bonus points if your team had a LOT of energy Siphons, meaning you NEVER run out of energy.

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Yep, these powers all have some troll properties to them. Oberon players spamming Reckoning is particularly bad, along with Frost players who don't actually think about where they're placing Snow Globe.  At least Snow Globe can be helpful, though.


Definitely missing Undertow in this list.  It can be far, faaaar worse than any of these powers.  

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I don't get how you could have listed all of these, and NOT included a very high AoE radius+Power efficiency-strength Hydroid in defense missions with Undertow.  Literally can stop a mission for several minutes if determined.



Bonus points if your team had a LOT of energy Siphons, meaning you NEVER run out of energy.


Wow, you're right, I can't believe I missed that one, Undertow definitely deserves a top 3 spot too, Esp on Infested Defense. I guess cuz  I've only seen it twice so far, but doesn't make it any less annoying.

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Most of the list doesn't even make sense. How in the world are some of these annoying or trolling?


I jokingly tried to clarify why they're annoying or troll capable but in the end you may just be more patient. I pretty much have 0 patience, esp for things that strike me as inefficient.

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Many of these are actually simply dmg/cc abilities, the only one i would include in the troll/potentially annoying (depending on when and why you use them)  category would be:


Loki's Switch Teleport

Vauban's Bounce

Hydroid's Undertow

Zephyr's Tornado

Nova's Negative Mprime

Valkyr's Rip Line


On the top of my head.


That's pretty much it, these are, to me, the only abilities in the game that can be used directly to troll people or, intentionally or not, annoy people.


Rhino's Stomp is simply an AOE cc/dmg ability, nothing more.

Oberon's Reckoning is just another one of those spammy AOE ult, nothing more.

Frost's Snow Globe is just a defensive cc bubble, nothing more.

Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm is, again, a cc/dmg AOE, nothing more.

Nekros's Shadow Of The Dead is an arguably bad cc/dmg ult but hardly annoying.

Nyx's Absorb is good if you release it fairly rapidly/good for protecting pods but other than, if you see a Nyx doing an hour long Absorb, what stop you from just killing everything else? You make that ability annoying because you can't do the job yourself?

Saryn's Molt, a less effective Decoy, and you call that annoying?


These are straight utility/dmg abilities, you can't possibly troll people with them and honestly, the only way they can be annoying is if you play in such a way that they become annoying, nothing is preventing you from killing everything while Nyx is in Absorb Mode, nothing is preventing you from entering the Snow Globe and shoot everything, ect...

Edited by AvengerGrim
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Snow globe can be annoying if the Frost creates a line of them. Your shots will go through the globe you are standing in but not any of the ones connected to it. And if he clusters them all right next to each other... don't fire your Ogris/Penta.

TL;DR Op doesn't like CC abilities.

TL;DR OP doesn't like obnoxious CC abilities. Notice how he didn't mention Vortex, or Bastille, or Disarm, or Sound Quake, or Radial Blind, or... you get the point.

I'm surprised you missed these two gems:

Undertow - It's like Bastille, except your teammate is gone for 30 seconds and you can't hit anything inside the Magic Circle. Oh, did you want those enemies? BLARGH Here they are and they're all mad, have fun.


- Submerged enemies can be damaged by teammates shooting the puddle. Enemies in the puddle cannot be headshot.

- Loot from enemies submerged in the puddle floats to the puddle's surface.

- Upon "washing ashore" when Undertow ends, drowned enemies are afflicted with a short Cold effect (Hydroid doesn't look like a jacuzzi; go take a swim in some sub-40 degree water and tell me how you feel afterward). This debuff lasts longer the longer the enemy spent in the puddle, with a hard cap on the duration.

- To balance this Cold debuff, Undertow starts consuming greater amounts of energy as it is being channeled. When Hydroid exits the move, a short cooldown begins based on how long he channeled Undertow, during which time he cannot recast it. This makes the Hydroid player try to find a balance between energy consumption and utility depending on the situation at hand. I think this should apply to all channeled skills, but that is a topic for another thread.

Terrify - With a simple raising of the arms, Nekros does not praise the sun but rather brings his enemies close to the Heart of Darkness. They are faced with their own mortality and, scared pantsless, go running off into the horizon like headless chickens to join their friends. Then they all hang up on the poor Tenno in greater numbers than before. Right, and some enemies within the ability's radius don't get feared. These are truly brave souls to whom we must pay our utmost respect.


- I always have a hard time trying to rebalance this move, mostly because it doesn't attempt to offer anything unique other than its meager armor debuff (which you can't even take advantage of because everything runs away). Maybe it could root enemies in fear on cast? Then they would suffer a slow and accuracy debuff for x seconds. Enemies on the perimeter of the move's diameter could still flee. Maybe.

- Or enemies who are killed while feared are resurrected as minions. I've no clue. Nekros is such a mess.

The one idea for Shadows of the Dead that I've taken a liking to is to junk the minions and instead make the move summon a swarm of spirits that surrounds Nekros and sends out entities to possess or haunt enemies and stun/confuse them, like Null Star but on a greater scale. Minions could instead be moved to Soul Punch, which could inflict a debuff that re-raises enemies killed in its duration as on-the-spot minions. Enemies killed by Soul Punch are immediately rezzed, and any by standing enemies caught by Soul Punch would also be debuffed. Any teammate can kill these enemies to rez them, and enemies hit by Soul Punch would no longer be ragdolled to the moon but would instead be stunned for a brief moment.

Alternatively, Shadows could remain as is, but the minions could be guided by pressing 4 on a target location (Tempest Barrage already has this feature). This is what a lot of people want but I don't like it because minions would still have a tendency to gang up on one Butcher, and they still wouldn't be able to keep up with Nekros and his team.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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10) Loki - Switch Teleport  I am the Original Troll! Just avoid any cliffs, Oh wait, they're everywhere!.


Haha. Yeah. I do that. 


Bounce is hilarious too. You can even bounce a downed team-mate. The lols. 

Really only do it when people annoy me. (e.g., the snowglobe-loving frost putting things up everywhere)


Don't know what wrong with Nyx's absorb, but I know some weapons will automatically target it. A little annoying, but honestly, otherwise most people wouldn't even know you need to shoot it.

Edited by (PS4)Doktor_Molotov
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This list is meant to be constructive criticism. Yes I will be doing some bashing on frames but it's in fun.


I've played a year and I only recently took my games off private and holy crap was I annoyed by some abilities.

These abilities are either annoying in nature, annoying because they're ineffective, they're easily misused or they bug out often.


I'll also state if these abilities are annoying under certain situations. I doubt this really needed explanation but I did it anyways, so here we go...




10) Loki - Switch Teleport  I am the Original Troll! Just avoid any cliffs, Oh wait, they're everywhere!

9) Rhino - Rhino Stomp My stomp is amazing CC unfortunately it bugs out pretty often. Go ahead and shoot that mob, No? He's dead. Well try the other one, Nope, the other? Oh well, time to reload.

8) Trollbaun - Bounce Yea I could use this on infested Defense but Vortex is x10 better, Choke points? Nah, Damage? HaH! No I think I'll just keep this slotted to troll the **** out of you.

7) Oberon - Reckoning Up and down and Up and down and Up and down.  Am I stag?

6) Frost - Snow Globe Hey guys, wait.. This isn't a defense mission? Oh.. well... Lemme just drop 5 snow globes just in case. You can shoot through those right?

5) Hydroid - Tentacle Swarm My AoE CC is pretty good, Unfortunately it bugs out, I know mobs are harder to shoot but you can manage. The mystery is... are they dead? Shoot to find out, yep, they're dead. Now reload instead.

4) Nova - Molecular Prime (Negative Power) What's that? You no like how Nova kills your mobs and makes mission quick? Ok Nova gunna go negative power and make Napalm shoot like an automatic. Nova doesn't kill mobs. Nova kills YOU!

3) Nekros - Shadows of the Dead Yea I know my only real group role is to Desicrate every 3 seconds but I wana do other stuff. I could play another frame entirely but... NECROMANCY!!! Look I even chose this nice florescent color for them so you can't see anything else and do you enjoy how they body block you, I mean for you?

2) Zephy - Tornado Hey guys! I'm a WIND Warframe. Here I'll  help out by using my AoE CC that makes mobs harder to shoot! Well... no, of course they're still alive it doesn't do **** for damage but isn't it cool how I can make an entire room of Grineer last twice as long?

1) Nyx - Absorb Whoa! Whoa! Wait! Everyone stop playing and get body blocked cuz Nyx wants to absorb! Yea you could shoot all those infested before she's done but it's Nyx's game now. So you better buff her absorb or sit and wait buddy.

- Nyx gets #1 for having the most obnoxious ability in game.




Honorable Mention goes to:

Valkyr -  Ripline Wait. Valkyr, why do you even have Ripline slotted? Oh... so you can pull me off ledges with you,.. cool... Valkyr why are you standing on a platform above me, oh.... stop....stop... stop.....

Sayrn - Molt Molt, Molt, Molt. Dammit Sayrn take a bath instead and get those things out of my line of fire.


Well, that's it, I'm sure there's differences in Opinion about the order but lemme know if I missed any abilities that are annoying or troll bound.


















hmm in other word you hate the abilities I like =)

Edited by Juranai
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Rhino's Stomp is simply an AOE cc/dmg ability, nothing more.

Oberon's Reckoning is just another one of those spammy AOE ult, nothing more.

Frost's Snow Globe is just a defensive cc bubble, nothing more.

Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm is, again, a cc/dmg AOE, nothing more.

Nekros's Shadow Of The Dead is an arguably bad cc/dmg ult but hardly annoying.

Nyx's Absorb is good if you release it fairly rapidly/good for protecting pods but other than, if you see a Nyx doing an hour long Absorb, what stop you from just killing everything else? You make that ability annoying because you can't do the job yourself?

Saryn's Molt, a less effective Decoy, and you call that annoying?


Why do you find Zephyr's Tornado annoying/troll but not Hydroid or Oberon? They are annoying for the very same reason. Though, Tornado is to a greater extent which is why its higher on the list. They both make your target harder to shoot in a game where killing fast yields the greatest rewards. If you're doing low level mobs and they actually die then its fine, but if you're doing even moderate level then they don't die and the ability has served no legitimate purpose other than saving you damage taken, which could also be done by shooting the mob dead in the first place.


Rhino Stomp is an amazing CC if it didn't bug out, Some claim that it was fixed and though it happens less often it still happens around 1 in 10 stomps and you find yourself shooting at a corpse. Because it happens less often I'll prolly take this one off the list. It was 9th anyways.


Absorb, Shadows of the Dead and misplaced/misused Snow Globes body block your line of fire. Its bad enough when dumb player walks in front of you, but they can multiply the effect, simply sit in front of you with a rather large bubble or line the corridor with snow globes, making it impossible to use ranged attacks.


Molt is mentioned because its often misused as well, a lot of Sayrn think they should melee because of contagion which is a horrible mistake. From ranged perspective, a melee is already one body block on a target, Sayrn drops a couple molts trying to mitigate damage and you have 4 or more body blocks. Loki's Decoy would be even worse since it has more longevity however most Loki know how to use it, they can only summon one at a time and they don't melee unless they stealth in which case they don't use decoy so its rarely in line of fire.


There's more to all of these abilities than simply how they affect you and the mobs your fighting.

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- I always have a hard time trying to rebalance this move, mostly because it doesn't attempt to offer anything unique other than its meager armor debuff (which you can't even take advantage of because everything runs away). Maybe it could root enemies in fear on cast? Then they would suffer a slow and accuracy debuff for x seconds. Enemies on the perimeter of the move's diameter could still flee. Maybe.

- Or enemies who are killed while feared are resurrected as minions. I've no clue. Nekros is such a mess.




This would be perfect, A root is much more useful than running. As is, it's only quasi useful against Infested and not at all on others. Hell most the time I hate when things run from me.


I dunno about Undertow, As an ability ts concept is flawed to begin with. Taking enemies off the target list is just a bad idea. If they could make them half submerge ( Without bugging out ) and have them swim around slowly maybe?


I would take the Shadows + Soul punch one more level and suggest maybe that enemies who die while soul punch is active each has their souls taken to replenish the "Ghost Shield" leaving behind the undead husk that you can command. This would put it well in line with things like mind control and remove the slight RNG aspect of currently raising minions.


Really I always get a lil sad about how Necromancers are portraid in games. Necromancy is magic usually involving dead things, doesn't mean undead minions or evil magic. Its a gray area for sure but I blame EQ or D2 for making it a norm concept that Necromancer's always have undead pets.

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