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What's The Worst Glitch You Have Ever Encountered?


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I hate it when I go under the map and sometimes I don't even die and I can't revive to get back on the surface.

One time my Ash was like running around in midair like a mile off the ground but somehow a infested got me.

Another time is when some kind of crazy crap just happened or I interacted with something then I get stuck, I can't, besides die.


One time I ran around with absorb on as Nyx and absorbed a crapload of energy and killed my teammates somehow when it was released lol.


A corpus Moa showed up everytime I do Eris Dark Sector Def:



My Ash wanted to defy gravity to he decided to stay in mid-air and moon walk across the whole map in Dark Sector Def Pluto:



Which glitches did you guys encounter?

Edited by zavienh5
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In the current PS4 build, there's a glitch for when you're downed and someone picks you up that locks you in place and prevents you from doing anything but running in place, pointed wherever you were looking when you got up.


The only way to get out of it is to bleed out.



I had some "clever" trolls the other night keep picking me up before bleed-out when I was under the influence of the lock-up bug.  I don't think they noticed when I left and made a cup of coffee, they were pwning me so bad.


Cruise control is cruise control.  :D

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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In the current PS4 build, there's a glitch for when you're downed and someone picks you up that locks you in place and prevents you from doing anything but running in place, pointed wherever you were looking when you got up.


The only way to get out of it is to bleed out.

actually theres a glich like that in the PC, its like basically the same, it happens alot when i act the Life support

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... hm anyone remember when falling through the map eternally was a thing? They fixed it quite quick.

When you fall through the map now, you at least die and are able to revive on the map.


Falling out of the world, dying and using a revive hoping that it would bring me back to my team, only to spawn putside the map and die again. 


locked doors and falling through map causing instant failure and permanent mark to your account's record. 

lol, happens to everyone....

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Rather than the usual impassable doors and falling through the infinite underground sky, I'll go with something a bit more unique.


I spawned into a mission intending to rank a melee weapon as I hit 30 on gun and frame I own already.  Load on in, everything seems fine and luckily the host's connection isn't a potato.  Then I equip my melee weapon only to see something horrible in the lower right corner of the screen.


Level 17 Ether Sword


No stance, somehow the game failed to load the entirety of its mod set.  Was not a conductive experience at all.  Funnily enough everything else all loaded with mods just fine, just not the thing I came to use.

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Falling out of the world, dying and using a revive hoping that it would bring me back to my team, only to spawn putside the map and die again.

With luck you do die and suddenly ragdoll into a non-instant death area, sometimes at your allies feet. Alternatively, in rare cases, you reappear alive and well in a random area on the map.

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Bleeding procs that completely ignore your shields.

Oh, wait...

^This. I always wonder how DE thought it made sense that a projectile that hits your shield (and is therefore stopped BEFORE hitting your body) can make you bleed. Hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

Not to mention the lasers that proc bleed... Lasers. That make you bleed. Hell, why not...


Oh! Oh! And the need to use life support! While wearing a seemingly airtight suit. On Earth. Very funny this one^^.

"Because f*ck logic!" must be at the top of the answers we could get^^.

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exactly what happenes to me when i do ODD on ps4. happened 3 times in a row out of 4 matches. its funny i just posted something about this issue. it only started to happen with the new update.


Another one is when the monsters spawn under the stage and you have to meele smash the ground were they are just to start a new wave.

In the current PS4 build, there's a glitch for when you're downed and someone picks you up that locks you in place and prevents you from doing anything but running in place, pointed wherever you were looking when you got up.


The only way to get out of it is to bleed out.



I had some "clever" trolls the other night keep picking me up before bleed-out when I was under the influence of the lock-up bug.  I don't think they noticed when I left and made a cup of coffee, they were pwning me so bad.


Cruise control is cruise control.  :D

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Joined a defense while a player was using the elevator. I spawned under the elevator as it was rising and fell only to respawn and drop again in an infinite loop. Forced to quit and rejoin a different game.


Just this morning, in a defense, I killed an ancient healer with my valk/obex using a brutal tide slam/finisher (the blue smoke attack) which one shot and vaulted it, ragdoll, off the screen. Two rounds later, the hitbox of that monster, in the same spot it stood when i killed it before, was tagged for as the last mob to kill. Nothing but an invisible, unkillable hitbox. Forced to quit and start a new game.

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