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[Ic/open] Crashed Pod ( Season 9631! The Hybrarians! )


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"Well? You guys ready to outrun a massive explosion, and make it out unscathed?" Two looked back, as she put her hand on the airlock disengage switch.

'Let`s hope you guys can keep up.' She thought to herself.

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"If they copied me truly, then they put timers and sensors on everything. And besides, i can mix you a batch, if you want. The only limitation would be resources, that i currently don`t have." Two said to Zephyr. "But first let`s get on that ship so i can assess the  situation. Then we will see if it`s a batch of my mixture or something else."

With that, she jumped out of the ship, diving into the hole in the hull of the other ship.

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Two looked back, and saw Zephyr go back into the ship.

"Ok, all alone. I can do this." she wispered to herself. then she opened a radio channel broadcasting to everyone nearby.

"Hey, so i`m gonna check the armory first. GC, check for any other ships nearby. Someone might be around hiding under a cloak. Zephyr, if you`re controling the weapons, prepare another burst of sonics. Something doesn`t feel right." She said.

Then she went on looking for the armory, but she couldn`t shake the feeling that she was being watched.

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Two looked at the timer. 3 minutes. Armory was just around the corner.


As she entered the armory, she saw a Tenno down on the ground, with his Bolto raised. "Help me.." he said, but before Two could do anything, a Bolto arrow flew over her shoulder and struck the tenno in the throat pinning him to the ground.

She swirled around in a split-second, her Dragon Nikana at the ready, only to see a Bolto fall to the floor.

She heard a laughter that sounded as if coming from all around her. Someone was toying with her.


She picked up the Bolto from the floor and took the one from the dead Tenno. She inspected him as well. He was wearing a heavily damaged Loki suit, and apparently he was trying to reach a locker. She went up to the locker, and opened it, and suddenly was back in the hall.

She saw a light shimmer in front of the locker. Another Loki.

"What do you want, and why did you kill that Tenno?" Two said, raising both Boltos.

Suddenly she was back into the armory, and she heard the laughter distancing away from her.

"GC, we`ve got a problem. There`s a crazed Loki onboard, Guard your ship`s airlock. I`m on my way back." She radioed in. 1.5 minutes.

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GC quickly timed the autopilot to pull away from the unidentified ship. Then he rushed towards the airlock but got punch on the right side of the face as he approached the air lock. This must be the same Loki. This punched again GC but after supporting step GC started blocking incoming attacks with his arms and legs. Then he counter attacked he was going to kick on the Loki's right side with right leg.

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"So, Frost went off to the airlock. I wonder... is he in trouble? Seems to be so, given all the noise. Might as well go check, ", Zephyr thought to herself, before rising up from her seat and jogging to the airlock, thinking, "And of course, may as well be time to test this close combat anti-personnel thing I picked up a month prior from my explorations.". 

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OOC: Hey, i assume that Loki's Decoy is a bit more than a figure of light, and actually does move and do stuff for the duration of it... okay?


Two rand towards the breach in the hull, stoping only to grab a sample of the explosives for Zephyr

'Hah, this is a weak imitation of what i can muster. This blast will barely shred the ship, so i guess GC's shielding can sustain the blast.'She thought. 1 minute.


The ship was completely silent. she looked at her watch. 45 seconds. She could see the bridge of the ship. One Tail Wind away. It would take 5 seconds to get there, about 20 to download the ship's route plan and list of stoping stations, and another 5 back. 15 seconds to spare. 5 of which had passed while she made the calculations.

'No time to waste.' she thought, kicked her feet up behind her, and Tail-winded into the cockpit. 35 seconds.

She plugged in her mini data packet, and set it up to automatically download ship's records. 25 seconds.

The data packet's display came to life: "35 minutes left." A mechanical voice said.

"What!?" Two shouted, and smacked the console.

"15 seconds left" the voice now said.

After 15 seconds the packet beeped. "Partial download complete. Ship's manifest saved. Log book status - last 3 days saved." the voice announced.


'Damn. Guess there's too much info. Sad to let it blow away.' Two thought as she Tail-winded back. 10 seconds.

Climbing into the breach. 5 seconds. Aiming towards GC's ship. 3 seconds. Feet kicked back, muscles tensing, energy building up. 2 seconds. Blast forwards, pulling loose metal bits. 1 second. Landing in the airlock, behind the outer shields. 0 seconds.


She could see flames shining through the breach. As she reached for the switch to close the airlock, she felt a kick from behind. As she drifted back out of the ship, she managed to turn around, and she saw a Hardlight Loki looking at her. A Decoy.

She tried to Tailwind back in but her energy was gone.

And then the ship reached it's maximum straining point and exploded with surprising force, sending large chunks of metal hurtling towards her.

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OOC: Yes it does stuff but can not really move around.


Ship quickly shot away the metal chunks and GC opened up the space door of airlock quickly pulled out chain whip whirled it around Two and pulled this to safety. Quickly shut the space door and ship started shaking violently everything. Even the ship. Ship managed to drive away most of the explosion but shields were down. GC managed to encase Two on ice but leaving some air around her to protect from violent shakes just before GC was able to do this he flied on the wall and seemed to have fainted as he fall on the floor. There came some blood out of the right side, front of him of torso and left shoulder.

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Zephyr managed to jog into the airlock area, shouting, "Anyone need some... oh wait.". 


She saw Zephyr encased in ice and Frost on the ground, bleeding from various wounds. 


"Crap. Might as well test something else out...", Zephyr muttered, while pocketing the anti-personnel weapon and pulling out a small, grenade-shaped capsule, "let's hope that the nano-healers I made do its job.". 


She pressed the button on the capsule and threw it onto the ground near Frost. Almost instantly, the general area around the capsule was surrounded by blue-grey nano-bots, and some of them landed onto Frost and his wounds. 


"Please make it work, please make it work...", Zephyr silently prayed to herself while more and more nano-bots landed on Frost. 

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The blast wave had rendered Two unconscious. When she came to, she felt dizzy, and could barely breathe. She took off her helmet and looked at it. There was massive damage all over it, and next to her, she found the canister where she had stored the explosive sample. It was blown open.

'Hmm...  Must've had nano-bot trigger mechanism...' She thought, her eyes still hazy from the shell-shock. she dropped her helmet, and took a step forward, only to run head-first into something cold and glass-like. she put her hand to her head, and shook it, to clear away the haziness. But as soon Two did that, a sharp stab of pain  struck her temples.

"Ah!" she shrieked and fell backwards. Lying on her back, she raised her hand and looked at it. It was bloody. Then she passed out again.

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"Great. Now I have two bloody and unconscious people. On the other hand though, at least Frost's wounds are closing thanks to those nano-bots, so...", Zephyr spoke to herself before grabbing the nearest blunt object and carefully smashed the ice encasing Zephyr, then pulled out another healing capsule, activated it and threw it onto the ground, allowing the nano-healers to burst out and cover Zephyr


"Now that everything is hopefully secure... in fact, I'll just probably stand guard until they wake up. Don't want them wondering what the hell just happened..."

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Few spider looking like bots appeared to air lock and started to repair places. One spider had red cross on its back it turned GC on his back as he was on the ground on front side. Spider climbed on GC's chest used defiblator on GC. GC woke up with one big gasp. Two bursts of air came out from shoulder armor holes "Ahh... That was hell..." GC gasped then raised to look situation spider walked on Two opened the eye and used flashlight. Took a look on Two's eye. She is still alive two construction spiders started to fix Two's helmet.

Medical spider closed Two's eye and used defiblator on Two as this had climbed on Two's chest.

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"Look on the bright side, at least the nano-bot healing capsule managed to save your life. Because you do not want to hear what happened to the last person I tested that on,", Zephyr off-handily replied, while Zephyr stirred slightly after the nano-healers managed to get a second shock in. 

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"You shouldn't have needed to use them if you dug those from locker 10 they were designed to extreme emergencies... My own regeneration program what was made for me would have gone online now *cough cough* I have wounds deep at the body. Regeneration is now on" GC said stand up spiders went back to their places. GC slowly raised Two from frozen cage as he broke it enough. He tried to find pulse. "Still alive but still sleeping" GC said as he found pulse.

GC returned with somekind of machine he connected it to Two's armor "Worst way to wake but most effective" GC said. Turned the machine on and soon Two started to see nightmares.

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"I do not fully know the layout of your ship, so might as well use my own healing capsules to save both of your lives instead of fumbling around trying to find that locker 10 and then having two dead bodies. At the very least, we now know that the healing capsules do their job, instead of making the first matter the nano-healers land on explode.", Zephyr dismissively replied while looking at Zephyr, "At least she looks at peace with the world when she is asleep...". 

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Two was next to the lake again. She walked around it for a while, and enjoyed it. It was a while since she felt this much at peace.


Suddenly a voice came from deep inside the forrest. 'What?' Two looked in the direction of the voice.

She followed the voice through a thic forrest, only to come out in a cherry orchard, where every tree was in full bloom. The voice was louder now.

'Could it really be...?' She thought.

Suddenly the voice turned into a growl, the sky turned blood red, and infestation growth started appearing everywhere.


Two recoiled from the sudden shock, and the stench of rotting flesh, and tried to turn around to run, but her legs were caught by the infestation, and were starting to turn.
Suddenly a wash of pain overwhelmed her, and she screamed trying to tear her feet out of the growth...

Then Two woke up, looked at GC and Zephyr, and recoiled in horror. crawling into the corner of the room and shivering.

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"Now that told me one thing Two. You will not become stalker ever. If you can not hold yourself well from a nightmare you are more of Tenno than Stalker. You just were woke up by this thing" GC said as disconnected the machine from Two and turned it off. He took off his helmet it was partly black from here and there because explosion.

"Here this should recover you from inside" GC said and threw some kind medical pill.

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Two took the pill from GC, looked at it for a while, then shook her head and threw it away. She wasn`t going to take any pills. She could get over this by herself. she would get over this herself.

The shock and fear had knocked Two into a regressive state. She tried to say something, but no words came out of her mouth. After a few attempts, she understood that she wouldn`t be able to talk for a while, so she resolved to mimicking and gesticulating again.

Two put her hands up to her head, imitating a hammerhead shark, then shrugged her shoulders. What happened with the Loki?

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"Closed this inside of air tight and water proof locker. He will not be coming out before I decide so" GC said and pocketed the pill. He sat down next to of Two pulled her on his embrace. "You are not just ordinary Tenno I have to admit. Standard Tenno would have screamed as would have woke up" GC said with low voice "Let me tell you about the Project Stalker Slayers the part where I was after you... It was day when Myeri leader of our clan gave kill list to us. We set up a plan to exterminate the persons of the list. Anreas one of the Excaliburs of our clan was deep on side of Stalkers. No wonder we were tortured.

Then brainwashed I managed to break out of it. We started another slaughter over stalkers I was middle of all enemies but just when I managed get on track of you and your friends Anreas had managed to warn you. Do remember night black and blood red Excalibur?" GC spoke.

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