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Vampire Mode Needs To Be A Regular Thing


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I just had my first game in which it was vampire mode and while i was scared at first it was insanely fun.  It has such a different feel I would really like to see it be a lot more common possibly even optional on regular missions.  It would be particularly interesting to see this also with the new  damage levels of the corpus in the alert missions.

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This is not Balanced on regular missions. yes Health drains constantly but it stops at a point. If it was an Option, everyone would always use it. Restore health by killing enemies? I don't blame you for wanting this on regular missions. Certainly make things easier, especially in survival. Maybe if they removed the health stop and it just kept draining until you where dead. but that doesn't sound fun when you run into a "dry" area where no mobs spawned. Or you cleared them out and cant find more.

I think Vampire mode is right where it should be.

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Vampire could replace oxygen in survival?

Would make more sense for the enemy to release a toxic gas on earth than to cut out life support...


And shooting people with bullets to restore health makes sense?


Vampire mode in Nightmare is fun, but lets leave it there.

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