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Im Confused About Excalibur Prime


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I understand your confusion. Removing the item from Codex and then keeping the mods. And what about exclusives for PS4? They only have given us the color picker so far. that's not even such a great thing. I mean PC already has the Shamrock colors and tons of Wraith/Vandal weapons which have not been released for the PS4, and they did promise exclusives for PS4, but where are they?


Loki Prime? Who cares. They are not making updates fast enough. I am already bored of this game.


Destiny beta is coming next month, time to uninstall.

To clarify, this thread has been merged. It's 2 threads. There's the subject of confusion about excalibur prime, and there's call for developer to either finally release those items on PS4 or remove all references. So, 2 separate but close subjects. Developers want to have their cake and eat it too, which is... How do I describe it? Scummy?

Last time excalibur prime and other founder pack primes were brought up official response was "no active plans to re-release".

It also indeed boils down to account migration. If those primes are never available on PS store, they should not be transferrable. Because it's exclusive content like Kratos in PS3 and Vita versions of Mortal Kombat.

I personally am giving them benefit of doubt. For now. Too bad half of moderators are PC fanboys.

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To clarify, this thread has been merged. It's 2 threads. There's the subject of confusion about excalibur prime, and there's call for developer to either finally release those items on PS4 or remove all references. So, 2 separate but close subjects. Developers want to have their cake and eat it too, which is... How do I describe it? Scummy?

Last time excalibur prime and other founder pack primes were brought up official response was "no active plans to re-release".

It also indeed boils down to account migration. If those primes are never available on PS store, they should not be transferrable. Because it's exclusive content like Kratos in PS3 and Vita versions of Mortal Kombat.

I personally am giving them benefit of doubt. For now. Too bad half of moderators are PC fanboys.



Agree with most if not all those points, however not much we can do until DE finalizes the migration and such. Only then will we know to what extent our "benefit of the doubt" will extend to.


P.S To any Mod who thinks closing this thread will help stop the hate, please don't as so far this has been kept to topic and further discussion could still be used at later date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding to the mod art issue: in dojo architect the picture of trophy room displays a statue of Excalibur Prime. The actual statue is loki btw.

Look, this is one or the other. If you are not going to sell founder primes to PS4 players - which is an insult in itself - then remove all related art from PS4 version and make sure to block them from transfer in case of account migration.

And in regards to previous [DE]Drew statement in this thread - if you intended for those items to be integral part of lore, the why did you make them not only real-money only and time limited, which can arguably be a bad decision, but also NEVER offered them on PS4 at all, which is borderline criminal? Especially considering release timing. Those sleazy statements like "no active plans to re-release" on founders items and "pc players won't have access to items before PS4 players" in regards to migration are not good enough, not at this point. You expect us - at least some of us, who buy new cosmetic items, prime accesses etc. - to invest in this game full price of PS4 if not more. At this point I'd expect a definite statement, especially since you confirmed that some kind of PC account migration will be happening.

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I'm actually in favor of taking Excal Prime off the Corrupted mods. We have twice as many Prime frames and weapons, so it'd be a good time to update the mod art. Trying to stress Excal Prime's importance isn't really a good thing since we never had an opportunity to get him. Letting content that's so important and was never available on our console, transfer over will probably make the forums explode. You(DE) will have to decide if pleasing a few Founders is worth angering many PS4 and Xbox players.

If a console exclusive frame is off limits, then you've dug yourself a pretty deep hole. Something so integral should never have been so exclusive. Also, if that's the only Excal variant that will ever exist, then that hole is looking more like a pit.

Edited by (PS4)The_Moustache
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as far as i know excal prime will not xfer to ps4 even when they bring PC players he will stay on PC. as for the mods i can care less what image it holds, i equip then dont really see the image after that. it can be a white image for all i care as long as the mod does what it says it will do im fine. update art dont update art not that important.

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as far as i know excal prime will not xfer to ps4 even when they bring PC players he will stay on PC. as for the mods i can care less what image it holds, i equip then dont really see the image after that. it can be a white image for all i care as long as the mod does what it says it will do im fine. update art dont update art not that important.

I respect your opinion, but just because your standards in this particular area are relatively low it doesn't mean we all find this acceptable.

More on mod art, corrupted mods could indeed use more telling pictures. Fleeting Expertise has Mag Prime - mag don't gives a damn about power duration, only 1 power affected, and is still useful. Heavy Caliber should have Rhino Prime with Boltor Prime, Overextended should have Loki Prime disarming an endless horde of grineer.


I'm actually in favor of taking Excal Prime off the Corrupted mods. We have twice as many Prime frames and weapons, so it'd be a good time to update the mod art. Trying to stress Excal Prime's importance isn't really a good thing since we never had an opportunity to get him. Letting content that's so important and was never available on our console, transfer over will probably make the forums explode. You(DE) will have to decide if pleasing a few Founders is worth angering many PS4 and Xbox players.

If a console exclusive frame is off limits, then you've dug yourself a pretty deep hole. Something so integral should never have been so exclusive. Also, if that's the only Excal variant that will ever exist, then that hole is looking more like a pit.

Very well said. I find the whole situation deeply offensive. Especially constant trying to equate PS4 players to new PC players, which considering the situation is doubly offensive. With them being bought by perfect world I can only hope new management will force more acceptable policy on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, they are switching starter frames around, I could imagine removing excalibur from starter frames and replacing him with ash for example. Then edit excalibur codex and replace mod art and such related to prime version and they could get around making it PC exclusive. Not that I would praise it, since at the end of the day they just restricted their playerbase on 2 consoles from getting parts of game, but that would surly help making it less obnoxious and offensive.

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Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, Excal Prime and the rest of the Founder items are never coming back, for anyone.  Period.  End of story.  No amount of begging, bribing, ranting, whining, and/or crying will change that.  Best to save everyone the time and don't try it.


As for completely removing evidence of his existence from the PS4, that seems a little extreme (especially removing his statue from the Vaults).  There are PC players that will never get him too, you know.  Excal Prime exists, everyone who plays and will play Warframe will know that.  They'll just never be able to get him.

Who is crying asking for return here? In case you did not know DE said they would remove him from codex (wich happened) so that we would not feel like they were teasing us and they worked on those details and since you "Founders" like reminding things im going to remind you that if DE allows something that is exclusive to PC come to PS4 the would break their promise of Ps4 not having anything to do with "founder" gear being on Ps4.

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The only thing that bothers me about Excalibur Prime, is the "Prime" part. I wish Excalibur PRIME was able to be found in the void for EVERYONE, and that the founders would then get like Excalibur Wraith or something, maybe even with actually better stats and crap. I just think that Primes should be available to everyone, and Wraiths and Vandals should be the exclusive things.

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The only thing that bothers me about Excalibur Prime, is the "Prime" part. I wish Excalibur PRIME was able to be found in the void for EVERYONE, and that the founders would then get like Excalibur Wraith or something, maybe even with actually better stats and crap. I just think that Primes should be available to everyone, and Wraiths and Vandals should be the exclusive things.

Duh, that was the whole point the entire time. If it was some kind of Founder Excalibur or something, even if it had overpowered stats - well, that's just a PC exclusive made for no good reason. You may get another exclusive on PS4 or xbone, whatever. Not a huge deal. But it's a chunk of core content ripped from the game. I do believe game now needs to be altered around this fact, including lore and starter frames - ash or oberon should replace excalibur.

For example if you play Mortal Kombat - the last one - on PC or xbox you don't instantly feel like Kratos is missing. Everything related to Kratos is only on PS3 and Vita. He's not a prominent story character with tons of lore.

I'm really interested in how DE actually expected the entire thing go when they never offered those items on PS4 and just decided not to offer them anywhere from a certain point.

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The only thing that bothers me about Excalibur Prime, is the "Prime" part. I wish Excalibur PRIME was able to be found in the void for EVERYONE, and that the founders would then get like Excalibur Wraith or something, maybe even with actually better stats and crap. I just think that Primes should be available to everyone, and Wraiths and Vandals should be the exclusive things.


I wish too! Much to my dismay it should remain exclusive forever along with closed beta items, period! To make it clear backstabbing those who original funded the game we have today is disgraceful, disrespectful and betrayal of trust. Replacing them with wraiths or vandal wont solve this issue and unless we have every Grand Master and Master sign a document stating the release or trade-able versions of these items, this wont happen.


I am not trying to be a #$&(%-bag but this applies to any exclusive deal in any industry related to business. For DE to be credible they must keep their word and I hope everyone on PS4 and newcomers understand this. 

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I wish too! Much to my dismay it should remain exclusive forever along with closed beta items, period! To make it clear backstabbing those who original funded the game we have today is disgraceful, disrespectful and betrayal of trust. Replacing them with wraiths or vandal wont solve this issue and unless we have every Grand Master and Master sign a document stating the release or trade-able versions of these items, this wont happen.


I am not trying to be a #$&(%-bag but this applies to any exclusive deal in any industry related to business. For DE to be credible they must keep their word and I hope everyone on PS4 and newcomers understand this. 

I don't know what you're smoking, but at least google the details of the deal. Keeping founders pack exclusive is essentially a spit in direction of console players, no more, no less. Closed beta items are different though, they were actually offered in closed beta, big difference.

Anyhow, I expect changes to happen at some point. Excalibur makes really poor mascot character on PS4 and xbone now. And certain mod art will need to change.

It also boils down to developer having the luxury of being the one and only F2P TPS of a next gen console. And in fact the only TPS overall, unless you count things like Watch Dogs, but that's a different cup of tea. Being in this luxurious position they could afford to make a bold statement and treat console players like crap in order to boost PC players ego. Thing is, this holiday season is going to change the situation on PS4.

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I dont need to google it, we had a chance couple weeks before PS4 to grab it. Last day was Nov 1 and like myself never knew it existed since launch on Nov 15th. If your that interested in the deal PM (DE) or the actual founders?


Like I stated in earlier posts I want Exalibur Prime but in the end I missed it by two weeks, accept it and move on. There are worse things like preorder exclusives that bug me more than this like Destiny, forcing me to get PS4 version than a dumbed down Xbox version.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've played WF everyday since it's release (over 1325hrs), and I've never seen anything offering the PS4 the Exalibur Prime, instead, in fact, I was always told that the PS4 would never get it. Course I wasn't a member of the forums until early Feb 14, so I probably lost that info. But like I said, the PS4 was never offered it. I for one, am disappointed, DE tells us over and over, that the two platforms would be equal soon, but if they don't offer Exalibur Prime, too, that's not ever going to be true. I don't understand what the difficulty is, or understand why EP isn't offered, it's nonsense. The characters already created, simply put the programming in to accept it.  Come on DE!?  Are you for the fans or not. You said in the Cologne Stream, (or should I say Steve said): "Nothing is too difficult, sky's the limit" Does that mean EP is a heavenly creature, or an extraterrestrial, or just above the sky? PS4 players have earned it, they deserve to have him, you keep asking us if we need another WF and what do you know.. you have one already.


I dont need to google it, we had a chance couple weeks before PS4 to grab it. Last day was Nov 1 and like myself never knew it existed since launch on Nov 15th. If your that interested in the deal PM (DE) or the actual founders?


Like I stated in earlier posts I want Exalibur Prime but in the end I missed it by two weeks, accept it and move on. There are worse things like preorder exclusives that bug me more than this like Destiny, forcing me to get PS4 version than a dumbed down Xbox version.

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@Dokejema Well, there's nothing stopping them. It's basically deliberately mistreating PS4 users to appease PC elitist and trolls, no more, no less. At this point it's kinda disgusting.

I myself still not 100% sure about this dev - are they actually trolling/crapping on PS4 users deliberately? Up until that point it kinda seemed so, but it's also a ludicrous concept in itself.

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I dont need to google it, we had a chance couple weeks before PS4 to grab it. Last day was Nov 1 and like myself never knew it existed since launch on Nov 15th. If your that interested in the deal PM (DE) or the actual founders?


Like I stated in earlier posts I want Exalibur Prime but in the end I missed it by two weeks, accept it and move on. There are worse things like preorder exclusives that bug me more than this like Destiny, forcing me to get PS4 version than a dumbed down Xbox version.

Why would we purchase a 100 dollar dlc for a version of a game we are not even going to play? The fact is that the founders pack was unavailable on the console. 


By the way, this is exactly like what destiny is doing for the ps4. Other consoles won't get a chance to experience that exclusive content. We didn't get to have the founders pack. 


@Dokejema Well, there's nothing stopping them. It's basically deliberately mistreating PS4 users to appease PC elitist and trolls, no more, no less. At this point it's kinda disgusting.

I myself still not 100% sure about this dev - are they actually trolling/crapping on PS4 users deliberately? Up until that point it kinda seemed so, but it's also a ludicrous concept in itself.

In the founders pack terms (or something) they said they would never re-release the items. So technically they can't re-release the items, or they would be sued for breach of contract.


On the other hand, there is nothing preventing them from making a "new founders pack" with different items and releasing that. But we won't see that, not because of any good reason, but because of the pc elitists. Honestly, most of the pc community on the forums act like hoarding little children.  

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The founders packs are no longer available on any platform - PC, PS4, and XB1 included. Because this decision is settled, topics about founders packs are often volatile and inflammatory. I'm locking this thread with the hope that new threads might take a more product approach to discussing this issue - maybe conversations about some cool PS4 exclusives in the future? 


I can tell that many posters did their best to remain respectful in this thread, and I appreciate it. 


Thank you. Locking. 

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