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Join Elysium Noire! 5 Years Running Strong! Looking For A Clan With A Fun, Helpful And Hilarious Player Base? We Got You Covered, Join Today!


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13 hours ago, JordieLSX said:

I would like to join as well. I've been looking so far a month for a good clan.

IGN: JordieLSX
MR: 18


2 hours ago, Tyzuris said:

Hey, Looking to join this hot mess!

IGN: Tyzuris

Cheers in advance!

Invites sent, welcome to the Noire =)

14 hours ago, DizzyDante said:

Hey everyone this clan has been recommended by a friend if possible can I join 

You gotta leave your current clan before I can invite you, just post here once you have done so =)

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1 hour ago, Makapoop said:

Hi, I'd like to join the clan.


IGN: Makapoop


26 minutes ago, Croczz said:

IGN : Croczz

Invites sent! Welcome to Elysium Noire =)

1 minute ago, munovicus said:

Umm. I was a member of this clan before and  was kicked because inactivity (there's some problem with my laptop) 

Hope to rejoin this clan soon :)

Invites sent, welcome back to the Noire =)

2 hours ago, boilingjaguar said:

I'd like to be a part of this clan! I have never been in a clan before, so I'm not sure how to do this.. My IGN is boilingjaguar! Looking forward to joining the ranks.

You gotta leave your current clan before I can send you an invite. Do post here again once you have done so. =)

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14 hours ago, ShadowStalkerXrX said:

Can i get in IGN :ShadowStalkerXrX



13 hours ago, boilingjaguar said:

Hi- I left my clan now, so you can try again! Sorry about that


7 hours ago, h2kdota said:

I would love an invite to Elysium Noire as I would like to play with others under the banner.


IGN: h2kdota


5 hours ago, Vademar306 said:

I would definitely want to join Elysium noire for the active environment




3 hours ago, kiiva_ said:

Hello, coming back to the game, like to join your clan.

MR 6, IGN: kiiva_

Thank you ^.^

Invites sent, welcome to EN =)


15 hours ago, TheGorlax said:

could i get in IGN: TheGorlax


14 hours ago, bluddragon said:

I would like to join if possible.

Ign: bluddragon14



9 hours ago, HanzoHitori said:

Would love an invite, solo warframe just aint cutting it anymore


IGN: HanzoHitori


3 hours ago, Morteniversen1 said:

Hello I am a Dedicated new Player And i would like to join you'r clan more than anything in the world, would be a great christmas gift :p My IGN is "Morteniversen1"  Merry christmas and a happy new year to u Fellow Tanno's!


10 hours ago, League_Is_Legend said:

Hey could my friend and I join your clan?
My IGN is League_Is_Legend

His is terrifying_potato


You guys have to leave your current clans before we can send you an invite. Just post here again once you have done so =)

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