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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Again, regarding this Focus nonsense. All that is required is that you wait a little bit longer until you reach whatever rank. It's not as if when a new weapon is released suddenly founders/CBeta players go up a rank creating some sort of massive gap, which isn't true. They still have to reach it too. There's too much overthinking, unnecessary worrying, PvP-based 'points' and 'what if!'s taking place here.

Edited by Naith
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Again, regarding this Focus nonsense. All that is required is that you wait a little bit longer until you reach whatever rank. It's not as if when a new weapon is released suddenly founders/CBeta players go up a rank creating some sort of massive gap, which isn't true. They still have to reach it too.

Were it a PvP game, then maybe it would matter.

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Possibly but even then there's still not going to be some sort of massive gap which is frequently being implied.



Very true.

Even if Founder and CB weapons would not give any mastery, people would still cry about them. Because Founders have more options and that is giving them edge in game.



You cannot argue with people that want something just because of greed. "Want" is too strong in them and they will always find a reason why certain items cannot be exclusives.

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Because Founders have more options and that is giving them edge in game.


Please. I've got Soma, Ogris, Orthos Prime, Stug, things like that.




Possibly but even then there's still not going to be some sort of massive gap which is frequently being implied.


Prove it.

All we know is the devs have stated that Mastery will affect Focus, which will in turn affect player power, which will in turn affect PvP.



Because wiki is 100 % true. Stop making assumptions without any evidence.


Clearly someone missed the part of my post where I mentioned livestreams.

You know--those things with the devs themselves?

Edited by Yezzik
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I found a solution to this problem...

hey DE. Let's say you had a "Fire"... Now let's just say what if... some code went missing in said fire...

That would be devastating.


What I'm saying is DE... you need to start a fire. BURN IT! BURN IT ALL!

[size=2] Fire is nice. I like fire.[/size] [size=1]I'm not serious... just so you know.[/size]

Edited by Sutherland
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I feel like the majority of specifically Master (Such as myself) and Grand-Master founders are the ones berating this idea. Honestly, I welcome it; Aklato Prime would be damned well cool. But first, Akbolto Prime. That comes first.

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Please. I've got Soma, Ogris, Orthos Prime, Stug, things like that.





Prove it.

All we know is the devs have stated that Mastery will affect Focus, which will in turn affect player power, which will in turn affect PvP.






Clearly someone missed the part of my post where I mentioned livestreams.

You know--those things with the devs themselves?

Yes again, because they said that Focus MIGHT be affected by mastery. As they said that they WANT to reduce grind, stances WILL be given with weapons, lore WILL be the thing in U12 (and later in U13 ) and millions of other ideas that were changed over the time. As i already said, they are just ideas that are appearing during livestreams.



You are to naive and paranoid. Or you simply believe everything what you hear.

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I feel like the majority of specifically Master (Such as myself) and Grand-Master founders are the ones berating this idea. Honestly, I welcome it; Aklato Prime would be damned well cool. But first, Akbolto Prime. That comes first.

akbolto prime +1

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You cannot argue with people that want something just because of greed. "Want" is too strong in them and they will always find a reason why certain items cannot be exclusives.

On the thread at hand, all the reasons for the two weapons that are not exclusive have been justified.


However if this is directed at the topic that Yezzik has started go ahead. Yezzik has started another topic in this thread that does not relate to the thread topic. Releasing anything of the founders, ranking/focus have nothing to do with the original post.


The only impact to ranking that releasing these two weapons will have is that they will increase everyone's rank as usual.


Edit: typo

Edited by Postal_pat
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 Yezzik has started another topic in this thread that does not relate to the thread topic.


I disagree; I'm of the opinion it's all connected as Focus is the way exclusives like the Founder ones affect gameplay.
If either Focus or PvP didn't exist, or if the former didn't affect the latter, all that would be left would be people asking for what would just be cosmetic items.
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Then why not just give the missing points to the people instead or get rid of them or something :/

1. If you were to give the points to everyone without the weapons, then it will be unfair to the Founders that had to level it themselves.

2. Getting rid of them is out of the question. Then what can Founders keep, other than Excalibur Prime, to show that they're proud supporters of DE?

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Prove it.

All we know is the devs have stated that Mastery will affect Focus, which will in turn affect player power, which will in turn affect PvP.



Prove otherwise?


I keep repeating myself here and you keep ignoring it - the only real downside will be that you just need to wait a little bit until you reach the next rank. Again one new weapon being released does not instantly reward those with founder/cbeta gear or make some massive gap in between them and others just because they have access to a few items others do not. Again you're implying it's going to have a massively significant affect on gameplay that is going to throw everything into chaos. Get real. I sincerely doubt it.


On a further note: For christ sake, stop referring to PvP as if it's some sort of driving argument. It clearly isn't the main focus of this game and definitely does not justify utilizing a loophole. Unless you specifically select everything about your opponents in PvP there's always going to be some sort of unbalance, some sort of edge. Don't like your opponent? Don't play against them.

Edited by Naith
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1. If you were to give the points to everyone without the weapons, then it will be unfair to the Founders that had to level it themselves.

2. Getting rid of them is out of the question. Then what can Founders keep, other than Excalibur Prime, to show that they're proud supporters of DE?

we have alllready said the fix for this ages ago in this thread, you give founders(and event winners) the equivalent of Legendary cores but for ranking a weapon, and then u take the mastery off exclusive things

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I can see where you're coming from in terms of a collectors viewpoint. I am a MASSIVE collector of weapons, I have nearly every single one of them, rubbish, quirky, novelty and good guns alike, all with multiple formas. I understand I will NEVER get a Braton Vandal, though, as much as I could tear my hair out of it, it will not make me get a Lato/Braton Vandal, I will never get a snipetron again, even though it pains me to see the loss of mastery and the incompleteness of my arsenal.

I honestly feel the word EXCLUSIVE means EXCLUSIVE, which for layman's terms means, if you didn't get it at the time, you can not have it. I believe it's that simple. No amount of me posting on forums will get me an aklato vandal or a lato vandal, or braton vandal, so I don't feel they should be adapted into another version for my benefit. We all have to go without on things in life, and exclusive weapons are no exception.

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the logic in this thread, ''It sucks and i dont use it but you cant use it because i dont want you to have one''...wow ,


get off your pedestals you narcissists



Lets pretend that at the start of this game

there was 100 players, and 10% were founders....so 10 founders

over a year, 1000 new players join, but 200 leave because they cant get what they want (vs 10 founders who may or may not stop being loyal to the game after whats done is done)

the amount of profits lost for the sake of the tiny amount....when they can just refund and rerelease at the same price and not only  make more money,but keep a larger amount of there playerbase happy and supporting them , being more beneficial in almost every way..... unless your telling me that somehow, because you spent a large amount of money at a very very specified time that you are better than every other player that would spend a large amount of money at a different time? because they didnt know about it till recently? 


i have no idea how big the founder % base compared to the total population, and it be hard to prove WHY people left the game, but im pretty sure they would make significantly more money ,  and more player base happy, as opposed to just feeding there sheep....making 90% of the player base not even want to play the poster boy of the entire game


even just taking the mastery points away from exclusives, just that alone, would cut the negativity and constant threads by a large sum


basing it solely on how theres like..5-10 of these threads a day, all i see is it would be an improvement



Wow, they reopened a topic, that's deep.

 Won't make a difference though.  DE didn't really think it through when they decided to go the route of putting in on Consoles etc anyway, only to cancel out the goods so soon to the PS4 release months ago.

 Frankly anything they said, should of automatically became void once it came out on consoles, as now your dealing with a whole new Audience, and Community of players, Corporation, etc, and I don't really care for the copy & paste lines people post about " NO, DE said, Founder, Exclusive, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm I'm not really interested in how a person was or was not there from the beginning etc.

 I use to beta test lots of games, even founded a few, got access to some goodies, and maybe years later they might release it to others.  Was my pride so big that I got mad, nope, as far as I was concerned, I paved the way for a game and newer players, and my money paid for the things people have now, and I was glad they got to enjoy it as much as I did, back when I was granted early access to such things, then I moved on.


  Frankly some people are so tensed up about digital items, and things that will have no impact on their real lives, and its sad really.  Its even more sad when people threaten to take a company to Court etc, like really!?  Go out, and get a life, its a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed.

 I don't even care about rules, contracts etc.  It basically just comes down to the two basic things "How much money you spent, and Greed"


  The person who woke up one day, and thought of exclusives ought to be beat....


  Oh yeah, and if anyone argues their not greedy, look at the billions of post from them that state they'll take this, and that, or would want this, if it was re-released, thank you.


  I know not all of them are rude, but some on here are pretty nasty over things.  I pray the PC to PS4 Migration never happens!!



I don't care about the items, founders are founders. What annoys me is that my dedication to the game wont be be rewarded cos im a late comer, cos I didn't know about it. Now that im dedicated to it, I have no option of having input. You got people being recognised for being there at the start, but what about the people that came later and dedicate time and adoration to the game, convincing friends to play, spending a lot of money. Should we not be noticed too? Are we not also crucial? To a game where players come and go. Shouldn't the players who are just as dedicated as founders get something to say, hey, thanks for liking our game enough to play every day and buy stuff. Isn't that really what these exclusive items are about. A thank you. And I think founders stuff should stay exclusive to the founders. Just not sure excal prime was the best choice for such a done dusted deal.


But a system for design council to be possible for dedicated late comers seems logical to me.

I have no idea if the focus system will make this any worse, but i do know that to me, getting mastery is pretty much the point of the game right now, once you have beaten all the maps, gotten all your mods....really the hardest part of the game(and most time consuming) in this ''weapon simulator'' is getting to max mastery, and then you put hours and hours of effort getting to that max mastery, and you learn that, you CANT be at the best regardless of no matter how much effort you put into this game...because you werent around for all the other things, why play a game like that? Its like playing legend of Zelda but you cant get the last heartpiece because you didnt pay money for the game when it was being released, its like playing Mario and you cant be metal mario because hes ''founders only'' its like playing an MMO and the level cap is 80 but you can only get to level 79 because  ''just deal with it''

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I have no idea if the focus system will make this any worse, but i do know that to me, getting mastery is pretty much the point of the game right now, once you have beaten all the maps, gotten all your mods....really the hardest part of the game(and most time consuming) in this ''weapon simulator'' is getting to max mastery, and then you put hours and hours of effort getting to that max mastery, and you learn that, you CANT be at the best regardless of no matter how much effort you put into this game...because you werent around for all the other things, why play a game like that? Its like playing legend of Zelda but you cant get the last heartpiece because you didnt pay money for the game when it was being released, its like playing Mario and you cant be metal mario because hes ''founders only'' its like playing an MMO and the level cap is 80 but you can only get to level 79 because  ''just deal with it''

Except you clearly can be 'at the best', you just need to wait a touch more compared to others.



20 pages and not a single side of the argument has broken any ground into the other.



It's no surprise. It's always the same. DE do not help when they continue to make lame and unhelpful statements, each and every time.


'GUYS, GUYS, We're aware it's such a hot topic BUT.... We won't make a firm statement about it to try and ease things! No we'll keep being vague! Yay!'


Good freakin' job.

Edited by Naith
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Except you clearly can be 'at the best', you just need to wait a touch more compared to others.



It's no surprise. It's always the same. DE do not help when they continue to make lame and unhelpful statements, each and every time.


'GUYS, GUYS, We're aware it's such a hot topic BUT.... We won't make a firm statement about it to try and ease things! No we'll keep being vague! Yay!'


Good freakin' job.

You took my comment and skewed it so hard I'm surprised we're not barbecuing it.

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You took my comment and skewed it so hard I'm surprised we're not barbecuing it.



Sorry but I see that neither side will get anywhere without a firm statement from DE. That's why we keep having topics about it; they go no where and eventually someone will start beating that 'dead' horse again which was left mutilated just down the street, waiting to be put into Tesco's burgers.

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Most of my friends that are founders don't even use their exclusive gear. They just kind of hold onto it and say they paid good money for it. It seems like such a waste of ingame weapons really to have them just sitting in your inventory. 

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20 pages and not a single side of the argument has broken any ground into the other.




And people wonder why I've been trying to broker a compromise between the two camps all this time.

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