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Invasion Idea Fix List


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An online petition?


Aha. Ahahaha.

Yeah happens all the time. I'm guessing you don't get around much.


no i disagree.....they wanted invasion missions so they put them in game. This is the consequences of having this type of missions in game.


Just have to wait till the grineer can stage a counter attack and win it all back

Not gonna happen.




Seems like people are missing a concept. Players control the outcome not the factions.


Also don't quite know if ya remember but this is a game. You want a good way to lose playerbase just let other players decide what you get to play from the get go. Let players choose to wipe out bits of gameplay. I'm sure new players would enjoy the corpus and lack of mods and items only obtainable by the grineer.


Invasion missions need a rework.

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The system is fine overall . Some tweaks on the battle pay system depending on how long a fraction is controlling another fraction's planets or single points (missions) will probably work. Let's say that the longer the corpus holds a grineer points the higher the grineer battlepay for these points will be on every consecutive invasion to take it back. Also the point of "everybody is grinding brakk" is kinda dumb. Everybody will eventually get it. And personally there are enough invasions to choose from. Why would you go to an invasion mission you have no interest to succeed. Reset is the most absurd thing ever. What's next - yearly reset on all accounts just because some have weapons that are not present in the game anymore ? I presume that when the infested get back on the star map again they will probably be able to take planets and points as well. Not just infest them for a period of time. Another thing you don't consider is the fact that these prosecutors can be easily added to other grineer missions, not just the shipyards and that will fix the "OMG Ceres is corpus now, I can't grind 100000 hours to run 1 Vay Hek mission" treads.

Edited by Didoguard
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I agree with your philosophy, but in practice it doesn't work because no one is deciding based on battle pay right now, everyone is just farming the Brakk. Personally the only Grineer invasion I've supported in over 3 weeks happened yesterday, and only because they were offering a Catalyst BP as battle pay. The assassin spawn rates just need to be increased, I've had my death marks for over a month (including Stalker DMs).


If you have had a mark for 3 weeks then there is no need for you to be supporting Corpus right now.  You are either marked or you aren't so increasing the assassin spawn rates would actually lead to people needing to support Corpus more as they would need to refresh their deathmarks more often (assumiong they don't get the parts needed, which they wont if the forums are anything to go by).


People asked to be able to influence the war between Corpus and Grineer, DE gave us that ability (as a community), people complain about the influence the community has had.

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here is an idea let some things go but later on they come back with an iron fist like one month these guys go completely off the grid allowing new weapons in the time to be made an so forth get what im saying.

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If you have had a mark for 3 weeks then there is no need for you to be supporting Corpus right now.  You are either marked or you aren't so increasing the assassin spawn rates would actually lead to people needing to support Corpus more as they would need to refresh their deathmarks more often (assumiong they don't get the parts needed, which they wont if the forums are anything to go by).


People asked to be able to influence the war between Corpus and Grineer, DE gave us that ability (as a community), people complain about the influence the community has had.


Exactly.. in a system, albeit not perfect but is still good in its execution, comes along and allows the players to decide stuff and have an impact on the solar system in a small way through their choices rolls out, and the devs set it and fire it off and see what happens, there comes the group of players who want the devs to fix things for their instant fix now instead of waiting for stuff to resolve, as the counterattacks will occur and the players will more than likely mount an offensive against the original invaders (going by what I am seeing on PC.. Corpus all but took over Ceres, a couple days later the Grineer relaunched an offensive and are now taking back the system).


Dark Sectors were the same thing, as rudimentary (or low-tier) as it is, followed the same idea; set things up, let the players go about handling it in their own ways while tweaking the tools being used as necessary. There were complaints going to DE about this, that and the other, and instead of working with the community to band together.


In short, this is why we can't have nice things. People cry for new, more freedom of choice and stuff and when they get it, they want to give it back. I feel that things are alright, always room for improvement clearly, but for what it is, having players affect the outcome of some systems is a neat thing to me. Then again, this is just one player's opinion, as critical as it may be.

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This isn't one of those situations though that you can fight back and have a chance to win. On ps4 players aren't deciding on battle pay, they're deciding by the Detron or brakk with brakk winning.

There you go, remove these two guns from invasions.


remove the brakk and Detron

Players will play for rewards

You'll take my 2-forma detron...

From my cold, dead hands!

Edited by (PS4)Goldengeartwo
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i may not like it but i think the players should suffer through their decisions... i like that about the game, you deal with the consequences you and your fellow tenno's decide on.

Exactly, because you can't have a reset in real life after making stupid decisions, NOW CAN YOU!?


I know you wanna reset the fact that Larry is dead my friend, but he didn't die in vain, we will avenge Larry!

Edited by BecomeLikeWater
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I was mostly laughing at you thinking an online petition would work.


They have an abysmally low success rate.




Exactly.. in a system, albeit not perfect but is still good in its execution, comes along and allows the players to decide stuff and have an impact on the solar system in a small way through their choices rolls out, and the devs set it and fire it off and see what happens, there comes the group of players who want the devs to fix things for their instant fix now instead of waiting for stuff to resolve, as the counterattacks will occur and the players will more than likely mount an offensive against the original invaders (going by what I am seeing on PC.. Corpus all but took over Ceres, a couple days later the Grineer relaunched an offensive and are now taking back the system).


Dark Sectors were the same thing, as rudimentary (or low-tier) as it is, followed the same idea; set things up, let the players go about handling it in their own ways while tweaking the tools being used as necessary. There were complaints going to DE about this, that and the other, and instead of working with the community to band together.


In short, this is why we can't have nice things. People cry for new, more freedom of choice and stuff and when they get it, they want to give it back. I feel that things are alright, always room for improvement clearly, but for what it is, having players affect the outcome of some systems is a neat thing to me. Then again, this is just one player's opinion, as critical as it may be.


Yeah especially when we wipe away whole bits of gameplay that new players that never even made a choice will get to touch. 

You do realize your "counterattack" is player driven right? that means players will make the same stupid decisions they did before.



I know for people on pc its different you guys seem to have a lot more common sense but people on ps4 don't, they make the worst decisions possible for their own benefit.


I never thought for once invasions were a bad idea but right now on ps4 their execution has wiped away a lot of gameplay, right now its currently wiping out ceres meaning no more hydroid and no more vay hek boss battle. I can understand if a mod becomes inaccessible than eventualy it rises in price, players get pissed and they take the planet back, but losing access to a warframe and a boss battle you can't just trade for these. You can trade for the triangulators but they aren't reusable so eventually they will be gone. Maybe then ps4 will fix its crap but that is way far off, right now its going to halt people that are starting the game not realizing the horror of the decisions we have made that are befalling them

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Yeah especially when we wipe away whole bits of gameplay that new players that never even made a choice will get to touch. 

You do realize your "counterattack" is player driven right? that means players will make the same stupid decisions they did before.



I know for people on pc its different you guys seem to have a lot more common sense but people on ps4 don't, they make the worst decisions possible for their own benefit.


I never thought for once invasions were a bad idea but right now on ps4 their execution has wiped away a lot of gameplay, right now its currently wiping out ceres meaning no more hydroid and no more vay hek boss battle. I can understand if a mod becomes inaccessible than eventualy it rises in price, players get &!$$ed and they take the planet back, but losing access to a warframe and a boss battle you can't just trade for these. You can trade for the triangulators but they aren't reusable so eventually they will be gone. Maybe then ps4 will fix its crap but that is way far off, right now its going to halt people that are starting the game not realizing the horror of the decisions we have made that are befalling them




When Invasion came out, Corpus were dying because of Detron... Both Ps4 and PC players don't have common sense.

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i may not like it but i think the players should suffer through their decisions... i like that about the game, you deal with the consequences you and your fellow tenno's decide on.

For a newly awoken Tenno just crawling out of their pod this is exactly how it should be. You can't wake up and tell warring factions you want a time out so you can figure out what's what... you deal with the hand that you've been dealt

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I know for people on pc its different you guys seem to have a lot more common sense but people on ps4 don't, they make the worst decisions possible for their own benefit.


You make it sound like this was never a problem on PC and PS4 players are unique in the way they handled invasions.  Folks on PC were concerned about this as early as April. (source: There Is A Chance To Lock Out Hydroid For Everyone)


Update 13.3 added some changes to the way invasions work, so DE doesn't have any reason to do a reset.  I don't know if this fixed everything on the PC side, but we'll see if it does anything on the PS4 side soon enough.

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You make it sound like this was never a problem on PC and PS4 players are unique in the way they handled invasions.  Folks on PC were concerned about this as early as April. (source: There Is A Chance To Lock Out Hydroid For Everyone)


Update 13.3 added some changes to the way invasions work, so DE doesn't have any reason to do a reset.  I don't know if this fixed everything on the PC side, but we'll see if it does anything on the PS4 side soon enough.

No not unique, but we aren't exactly on the track of balancing back out at all. 


Also I notice a couple comments still about players suffering with their decisions and id like to point out a saying, if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. I get the feeling that you guys are aiding in the removal of gameplay and then telling everyone to suffer from it. If i had my way id put all the planets back to their rightful way because the descriptions not matching the planet faction are annoying


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