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Let's Discuss Loki.


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Radial Disarm is one of the best abilities in the game on its own, but it is ridiculously overpowered with coupled with any of the following:




Molecular Prime (specced for slow)

And yes, your precious Snow Globe too. Enjoy your globe suddenly slowing the movement and attack speeds of every single enemy, making them ripe for being mowed down by melee.




Decoy is a fantastic 25 energy skill. One of the best in the game, alongside Ash's, Excalibur's, Hydroid's, Trinity's, and Mag's.


Invisibility is an excellent skill that nullifies Loki's fragility while allowing him to scale harder than most characters. Perfect for mowing down infested and all of those hapless Grineer/Corpus/Corrupted that he disarmed for you.


Switch Teleport is highly situational, but it can be useful for swapping a downed ally into the team during the last seconds of his life - or swapping a retard out of a disarmed melee gangbang (because apparently that's a thing). 

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Also I really hate Saryn, Excalibur and Ash they are the worst warframes for me to play with 

"For you to play with". See, that's the difference between you and the OP. You're saying you don't enjoy those frames, whereas the OP is claiming that "Loki fanboys is stupid. Loki sux. Trufax. Don't hate mai truth. Stahp arguing with me".


There are ways to express your opinion. You stated your opinion. I can respect your opinion. But if you go and say, "Excalibur sucks, he's useless and mediocre, don't cry fanboys", I would not respect that statement. Plain and simple.

Edited by Zachhh
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Radial Disarm is one of the best abilities in the game on its own, but it is ridiculously overpowered with coupled with any of the following:




Molecular Prime (specced for slow)

And yes, your precious Snow Globe too. Enjoy your globe suddenly slowing the movement and attack speeds of every single enemy, making them ripe for being mowed down by melee.




Decoy is a fantastic 25 energy skill. One of the best in the game, alongside Ash's, Excalibur's, Hydroid's, Trinity's, and Mag's.


Invisibility is an excellent skill that nullifies Loki's fragility while allowing him to scale harder than most characters. Perfect for mowing down infested and all of those hapless Grineer/Corpus/Corrupted that he disarmed for you.


Switch Teleport is highly situational, but it can be useful for swapping a downed ally into the team during the last seconds of his life - or swapping a retard out of a disarmed melee gangbang (because apparently that's a thing). 

Those are your opinions, and i'll respect them. I hope the retard thing isn't referring to me.

I already replied to someone earlier with this "You seem under the impression that I have gone down by stun sticks just because I worded it that way. Have you ever heard of the term empathize? I was trying to make a point by stating a situational, but very possible scenario."

Edited by Tymerc
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"For you to play with". See, that's the difference between you and the OP. You're saying you don't enjoy those frames, whereas the OP is claiming that "Loki fanboys is stupid. Loki sux. Trufax. Don't hate mai truth. Stahp arguing with me".


There are ways to express your opinion. You stated your opinion. I can respect your opinion. But if you go and say, "Excalibur sucks, he's useless and mediocre, don't cry fanboys", I wouldn't not respect that statement. Plain and simple.



Yes excaly..wow..I just realized that and thanks Zachhh I agree alot with you there, let me just edit my post now.

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[A huge chunk of text]

Now maybe, just maybe, if the OP would have constructed his first post like that, maybe we could have gotten a serious thread going on in here.

When right from the start he starts accusing a certain crowd of players, and then continues to completely disregards any counter arguments that follow, then he just gets the same treatment.


And don't worry my friend, you internet visa has been reinstated ; )

Edited by DMan128
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"For you to play with". See, that's the difference between you and the OP. You're saying you don't enjoy those frames, whereas the OP is claiming that "Loki fanboys is stupid. Loki sux. Trufax. Don't hate mai truth. Stahp arguing with me".


There are ways to express your opinion. You stated your opinion. I can respect your opinion. But if you go and say, "Excalibur sucks, he's useless and mediocre, don't cry fanboys", I would not respect that statement. Plain and simple.

I didn't just bash Loki with nothing to back it up. I stated legit reasons as to why I dislike his abilities. Not good enough for you? Fine.

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Your opinion is wrong.



You know that post is just spam, right? It's wrong? Explain in detail why my opinion is wrong, please. If not, don't post at all.

Edited by Tymerc
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Playing as Loki is like playing chess. If you plan your moves carefully and utilize all of the tools at your disposal, it can be very rewarding.


But if you decide to climb up onto the table and take a massive dump on the board, it ruins the game for everyone.

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Thread starter said he gets mobbed.

you radial disarm and let you get mobbed?


you use invis and decoy with it


loki is fragile, thats why he perma invis kid. what the flying pig man.


you are indeed inexperienced. naab.




this is my opinion too by the way 


you get these replies because of your topic.

you asked for it

Edited by Ritchel
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you radial disarm and let you get mobbed? you noob thread starter, you use invis and decoy with it


ur not favored by



Excuse me. If you're just going to make posts while deliberately ignoring what I say, you will be reported. I've already answered to another person with this "You seem under the impression that I have gone down by stun sticks just because I worded it that way. Have you ever heard of the term empathize? I was trying to make a point by stating a situational, but very possible scenario. "

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Now maybe, just maybe, if the OP would have constructed his first post like that, maybe we could have gotten a serious thread going on in here.

When right from the start he starts accusing a certain crowd of players, and then continues to completely disregards any counter arguments that follow, then he just gets the same treatment.


And don't worry my friend, you internet visa has been reinstated ; )


YES! MY VISA! thanks :3


Anyways yeah that is true I did edit my topic however to change it a bit more better

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I didn't just bash Loki with nothing to back it up. I stated legit reasons as to why I dislike his abilities. Not good enough for you? Fine.


You never gave a single real reason. You made base claims, didn't back them up with anything substantial, and then presented an absurd, ridiculous scenario as something "situational, but very possible."


Frankly, my "opinions" have held more weight than yours. It is a fact that Loki's ultimate synergizes fantastically with every example I have given. Do I need to paint you a pretty picture of how it does so? It is a fact that Loki's abilities are less redundant than those of most frames - in fact, he is one of the very few frames who can plausibly keep all of his abilities on his build. It is a fact that Loki, alongside a few other frames, provides more utility than most other frames. These are the clearly observable states of the game. 


The burden of proof lies upon you, because it is a FACT - the current state of the game, in fact - that Loki is one of the most desired frames for high end content. Until such a time as he falls out of favor for an observable reason, you've got your work cut out for you.

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You never gave a single real reason. You made base claims, didn't back them up with anything substantial, and then presented an absurd, ridiculous scenario as something "situational, but very possible."


Frankly, my "opinions" have held more weight than yours. It is a fact that Loki's ultimate synergizes fantastically with every example I have given. Do I need to paint you a pretty picture of how it does so? It is a fact that Loki's abilities are less redundant than those of most frames - in fact, he is one of the very few frames who can plausibly keep all of his abilities on his build. It is a fact that Loki, alongside a few other frames, provides more utility than most other frames. These are the clearly observable states of the game. 


The burden of proof lies upon you, because it is a FACT - the current state of the game, in fact - that Loki is one of the most desired frames for high end content. Until such a time as he falls out of favor for an observable reason, you've got your work cut out for you.

My reasons are as real as real gets. You just claim they're not because you're bothered that not everyone sees Loki in the same light as you. I'm not debating it any further with you, or any of the other people just insulting me with their posts. I'm at least civil and don't resort to insulting anyone here to get my point across. If you don't like my reasons for disliking his abilities, then keep it to yourself if you're just going to insult me. Thank you.

Edited by Tymerc
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If you're just going to make posts while deliberately ignoring what I say, you will be reported.

Really? Is this guy even real? Report a person because you didn't like his opinion?

You do realize that people have the right to express their own opinion, right?


Edited by DMan128
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Now maybe, just maybe, if the OP would have constructed his first post like that, maybe we could have gotten a serious thread going on in here.

When right from the start he starts accusing a certain crowd of players, and then continues to completely disregards any counter arguments that follow, then he just gets the same treatment.


And don't worry my friend, you internet visa has been reinstated ; )

I agree. He cant just go in here and say that we should "discuss" Loki yet ignore any constructive post that defends Loki in a orderly fashion. Its hypocritical. If not outright flamebaiting.

Edited by Septin
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Whilst it can get annoying that Loki is pretty much harped upon and swooned over to a pretty crazy degree, it's not like he's garnered attention pointlessly.


Redirection and Vitality are, debatably, worthless on every single frame except the latter being present on Valkyr.  By the time enemies are actually of any real chance of becoming a threat you're going to be moderately deep into one of the endless game types, which means that those same two mods will do little to really change your chances of survival.


In practically every game ever that isn't turn based there's a thing that is commonly known.  That particular thing being that mobility is by far one's greatest tool.  If one is swift enough to not get hit, one needs no other form of defense at all.  Loki has a greater level of inherent mobility than most other frames, ergo Loki has a technically better defense than most frames.


Decoy is one of, if not the outright best 1 in the game.  It can be utilized to manipulate the enemy AI in pretty funny ways even without the usage of Loki's other abilities, however it synergizes strongly with two of them and indirectly synergizes with the other.  You act as though it is "horrible CC", however name any 1 with greater CC than Decoy.


Invisibility is invisibility.  So long as you remain outside of any given line of fire you're set, and with the above skill you can manipulate enemy lines of fire.  The melee bonus is merely icing on the cake.


Ah good ol' Switch Teleport, not every Loki is a troll.  Having good sensibility in using this skill allows Loki to traverse massive distances faster than anyone except Nova and with more control in distanced travel than Zephyr.  Blaming the actions of a player upon a frame is unnecessary.


Lastly there's Radial Disarm which is pretty much outstanding in every possible way.  The only downsides to RD are that it cannot be cast in midair and that its casting animation is both a tad sluggish and one of the casting animations that inhibits momentum.


Loki is one of the very few frames with both a fully synergetic kit and literally the only frame with an infinitely scaling kit.  Are other frames just as capable of being gloriously fantastic purveyors of awesome goodness?  Hek yes they are.... except..... well I'll just stop before digging myself into a hole.  But realistically speaking most of the frames are outstanding when both specced and played well.


So yes, Loki is most definitely overrated as can be.  However saying that he's "weak" is blatantly false.


Hooray for quoting myself.  Seriously though, why did I bother typing this if it just gets glazed over completely?


The thing is Tymerc, you're getting some things wrong about the ways in which opinions work.  Anyone who has a reasonable understanding of how things work in Warframe cannot truthfully say that Loki has a weak kit.  You are more than free to dislike the playstyle to which Loki primarily caters.  However, there isn't anything within your original post which holds any real merit as to why Loki is "weak".


Take Mag for instance, to me that frame is as dull as watching paint dry.  But it's not like I would say her kit is lacking solely because I don't personally enjoy it.

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I agree. He cant just go in here and say that we should "discuss" Loki yet ignore any constructive post that defends Loki in a orderly fashion. Its hypocritical.

What's constructive about people calling me a nub, making assumptions and just outright insulting me? Look at all of Dman's posts. Not one constructive post. Just insults and assumptions. I'm glad I got some civil replies from a few Loki mains, but the majority have just been people looking to cause distress because I stated an opinion they don't like.

Edited by Tymerc
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Insult you? I'm utterly amazed at the things that qualify as an insult these days.


You're overly sensitive. You take things personally when they just happen to be simple observations. No one has directly insulted you at any point, and no one has done anything worthy of an ignore or a report. You've literally reported a guy for disagreeing with you. And no, none of this was an insult either. It's an observation that is well supported by everything you've said and done in this thread. Any drop out psychiatry major could tell you the same. 

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My reasons are as real as real gets. You just claim they're not because you're bothered that not everyone sees Loki in the same light as you. I'm not debating it any further with you, or any of the other people just insulting me with their posts. I'm at least civil and don't resort to insulting anyone here to get my point across. If you don't like my reasons for disliking his abilities, then keep it to yourself if you're just going to insult me. Thank you.

lol. This guy is borderline delusional.

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What's constructive about people calling me a nub, making assumptions and just outright insulting me? Look at all of Dman's posts. Not one constructive post. Just insults and assumptions. I'm glad I got some civil replies from a few Loki mains, but the majority have just been people looking to cause distress because I stated an opinion they don't like.

I wouldnt call those posts constructive but you have not responded to any of the posts that you deem civil. Thats also what makes this thread look so hypocritical. You say your opinion yet have only answered to the negative comments but not any of the constructive posts.

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He explains loki's abilities in a all its small negative ways

while theres alot of much more positive uses for it.




and he's saying "its my opinion".


well, your really going to get alot of negatives with sharing an opinion with just telling its small portion negative side

while its usability makes those negative side look like dust.


next time if your trying to make a discussion, include the positive sides and try to come up with a suggestion aswell.

try asking the community aswell for their opinions on what loki's ability lacks (the way i see loki, he doesnt need any change.)

if so.

this would make a good discussion.

but well,

what a downhill thread.

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