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Fellow Female Warframers!


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how do you post a pic on here?



name: Ms.Yoloswaggerliciousexpialidopeciousness or just michelle for short

i am referred to as omg, over, or geek


Fact: yes all my necrophilia talk on west region chat is real, sort of, anyways... and yes might as well be blind with those glasses :P and i this is the first game i have ever laid $100 bucks on and believe it has been worth it!


Food: Chilaquiles(look it up it's completely worth it!)


Fav frame: Mag Prime cuz she is as close to a gravity themed frame we will have. second favorite is ember cuz of that fanfic that you can find on the forums about her being a ****

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Well, I'm a dude so ther


I'm one of the younger people to be playing Warframe. 


And barbecue, can't go wrong with barbecue.


Then, Ash is my main frame, and because you can't have too much ninja, I almost exclusively use the Paris Prime.

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Have you ever been so bored you read through nearly eleven pages of the first topic to catch your eye? I have.  And what a roller coaster ride it was. Greetings and salutations to all. Not female, but after reading everything, I felt as though I had to at least introduce myself.


Jay's the name, and ninja-ing is the game.

Favorite food....well that's easy. Bacon

Favorite frame, My most used is Volt last I checked, but I also greatly love my Frost Prime for the countless hours spent farming for him.

Mayhaps one day I'll post a pic...one day....

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lol, if the title of the thread went like "fellow male warframers" i dont think you would see any girls posting in there like "yeah, im a girl but ill just post anyways ;)".


but anyhoo, i AM a girl and i feel like im surrounded by dudes 100% the time in game so figured its worth a post here... even if it did get a little creepy and hairy in some parts haha.


my name's Samantha... too. but my clan calls me sam or soop.

fav food is pizza.

fav frame... im gonna have to say ember pr and valkyr. but maaaaaaan, excalibro is HOT! so i've kept mine from backin my baby tenno days.

so yeah, started playing WF march 2013.

not gonna post a pic cuz thats just creepy to me.


and whoa! Emar!!! i didnt know u were a girl! ...alll this time...

and sorry ive typed this sloppy, my vita is trolling me. nice to meet y'all!

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Eh. Two more years and I can be independent. Hopefully. ._.




Being an adult sucks.  


I don't have any pics to post atm, way too dark for my poor camera phone, but I am of the females. 


Fact:  I'm trying to draw a Warframe tattoo for myself, I have three other tats as well as a piercing and I just started stretching my ears. (Nothing major, just 14G.)

Food: Chicken is the best.  I'll eat it cooked any way, but it's the best on a Caesar salad.

Frame: Mag Prime!  

Edited by Noamuth
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Hm, you don't see this sort of thread a lot in here.

Ok, here goes:


I was born in Siberia, near the Russian-Chinese border, moved to Germany at the age of 13 and live now with my mom and my step-dad from Arkansas (his Norwegian kids visit us from time to time) in the glorious land of bratwurst, while trying to master Asian languages. Needless to say, I'm interested in foreign languages and the whole national identity thing kinda avoided me.

I'm studying to get a certificate that allows me to teach German worldwide. I will teach you German ze honorable way, with ze iron fist of a Tenno

ᕙ( `д´ )

My gaming life started at the age of 4, when my dad bought a SNES clone called Dendy.

I joined Warframe way back in the closed Beta but became active in the forums fairly late, though.


Other than that, I'm more mellow than anything else. And sunburnt as of right now:



You still can call me 'sir' in the forums, heh, I don't mind.

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