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Why Does This Happen?



I've noticed something today.



Just for S#&$s and giggles, I set my graphics settings to the maximum, and I noticed that my frame rate was roughly the exact same as when I had it set to the lowest. I also experienced hitches for no reason. (Frame time was approx. 100 m/s, frame rate was around 7-10), and it would remain that way for about 20 to 30 seconds.



By hitches, I mean severe loss of frame rate, but funny thing about that: something as big and flashy as Nova's Molecular Prime exploding on my screen did not cause my FPS to tank. It was something else, and that something else was not visible to me.



Is my computer just stupid, or what? I know Warframe has performance issues, but this is just ridiculous.



EDIT: I should not be allowed to post after dark. Bad habit of misplacing threads. *summons Tulzscha*

Edited by Zachles
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7 answers to this question

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Glen had posted some while back about hunting down these mysterious "hitches" where there are severe drops in framerate and things. 


You could try taking your EE.log and DxDiag.txt files and sending them in a support ticket, it might help Glen or the other coders to more easily identify what's causing the strange hitches.

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There are more things going on than Nova's MP going off. Those effects are just shaders being applied.


Likely the hitching is coming because you've either run out of video card memory (or local if you're integrated graphics) and it's having to stream in textures from RAM or, worse yet, the hard disk.

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I have the same issue, or similar anyway. Low or high graphics setting my FPS is roughly the same in multiplayer matches. Haven't tested solo. Also hosting (especially in void) a full game can cause severe FPS loss (as low as 10-15 fps), even though friends say I'm a great host and I have a decent gaming computer. Whereas solo I get great FPS... to the point where playing solo sometimes feels like an entirely different game.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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I have no idea how this works, but I'm aware that this is definitely a thing. There was a year when I was furious I couldn't run any games and was saving up to get a new PC. Someone from a gaming community told me to stop setting everything to minimum because it was actually harder to run games outside 'recommended' levels (up and down alike), so I went back and set all my games to recommended with only minor tweaks to disable extras.


Didn't need a new PC for another year.

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I have no idea how this works, but I'm aware that this is definitely a thing. There was a year when I was furious I couldn't run any games and was saving up to get a new PC. Someone from a gaming community told me to stop setting everything to minimum because it was actually harder to run games outside 'recommended' levels (up and down alike), so I went back and set all my games to recommended with only minor tweaks to disable extras.


Didn't need a new PC for another year.

Thx for this, gonna try this on my old pc which on minimum settings will give 10 FPS in missions. 

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