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Arrogant And Rude Players You Have Met.


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Generally most of the people I meet playing this game are pretty mature and forthcoming. Occationaly though I meet some that are less inclined to partake in civil conversation. Like yesterday when we were about to start a T3 Survival and we had this discussion:




I sent him this post regarding the same subject:




Got a great response:




So have any of you experienced similar players or just downright rude player. If you have please do share and let fellow Tenno`s have something to chuckle about.

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I don't have the exact chatlog but I recall very clearly what happen on one T3 mobile defense run.


We have a Rhino on our team, he grabs the datamass and rushes to the elevator and leaves without us... He's miles ahead of us, already defending the objective. By the time we get to the console, the timer has about 20 seconds left, after it finishes he rushes to extraction using yet another elevator by himself.


I told him he could very well just solo this considering he defended a terminal all by himself. He tells me that he doesn't have time for slow people and that we're wasting his time.


Sorry, pal, but that's what you get for joining through recruitment chat.


Edit: There was also a frost who was snowglobing on a T3 defense just to block other player's bullets so he could get kills. Thanks, frost.

Edited by Sarmon
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I only once met a "nice" player. We were on a Invasion, me and 2 other Guys (long time ago can't remember the names) and we started it. We loaded and suddenly we couldn't join because of Hostlag i assume. The Host, said some stuff (yes some bad things and i don't want to bring up) and we couldn't respond because we were still in the Loading screen. He left and we joined with no problems. 

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It's an attitude typical of the humankind. On the Internet expecially. I'ts deeply radicated into the ego of everyone, there's who know it's wrong and stop it and who let it vent out on others. You can't expect to not see them around. So it's better if you start taking precautions.

Anyway what's the meaning of this thread? Is this a public pillory? Do you need more moral support?
You can't have revenge like this, that's pretty immature.

Just learn to ignore them and do not care about their toxic attitude.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Mr Sid may be part right..running does use more oxygen, but it matters not. i prefer sitting while i play Warframe anyways, much easier to concentrate on the screen that way!

I don't believe it does... It seems rather silly.

I think Mr Sid's a kid honestly...

Anyway you could probably report him but I feel the topic will be locked

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I only once met a "nice" player. We were on a Invasion, me and 2 other Guys (long time ago can't remember the names) and we started it. We loaded and suddenly we couldn't join because of Hostlag i assume. The Host, said some stuff (yes some bad things and i don't want to bring up) and we couldn't respond because we were still in the Loading screen. He left and we joined with no problems. 

Wait, what?

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Well I've never had the displeasure of meeting people like this, they do exist and when I DO encounter them, the best offense is to just ignore them. You have full control of who you are and what you say and do so just sit back and laugh at their stupidity all the while enjoying your life. 

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I don't have the exact chatlog but I recall very clearly what happen on one T3 mobile defense run.


We have a Rhino on our team, he grabs the datamass and rushes to the elevator and leaves without us... He's miles ahead of us, already defending the objective. By the time we get to the console, the timer has about 20 seconds left, after it finishes he rushes to extraction using yet another elevator by himself.


I told him he could very well just solo this considering he defended a terminal all by himself. He tells me that he doesn't have time for slow people and that we're wasting his time.


Sorry, pal, but that's what you get for joining through recruitment chat.


Edit: There was also a frost who was snowglobing on a T3 defense just to block other player's bullets so he could get kills. Thanks, frost.

Unless he was host I could understand but if said Rhino wasn't he was using up someones key and being a D at the same time. If he wasn't tell host you should've told host to disconnect or if you were the host disconnect. Would've been worth it just to rage off a D like that

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Once had a player badmouth me for bringing Banshee to a T3 Defense, saying I should have instead brought a "good" frame like Nova or Rhino.


I then proceeded to watch him go down (he was a Rhino user), stand over his body, revive him to 90% before stopping, then watch him die and use a revive.

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Once had a player badmouth me for bringing Banshee to a T3 Defense, saying I should have instead brought a "good" frame like Nova or Rhino.


I then proceeded to watch him go down (he was a Rhino user), stand over his body, revive him to 90% before stopping, then watch him die and use a revive.

I think he was a stereotypical Rhino user... Sigh my race gets bad reputation more and more
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sorry to say but people who can hide behind their computers and user anonymity basically can act like morons with no come backs. We are always going to get people who behave like the guy above (beginning of the post). As for arrogance well we all started with Excalibur and just because we have a clan, a rank or hours logged on a game doesn't make us any better than that new guy. Respect should be a given but sadly in a lot of cases people like a fight and want to be the big man. I personally don't start anything but ill finish it.

Edited by (PS4)Draconis1981
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Unless he was host I could understand but if said Rhino wasn't he was using up someones key and being a D at the same time. If he wasn't tell host you should've told host to disconnect or if you were the host disconnect. Would've been worth it just to rage off a D like that


I wasn't the host and neither was he.


I don't regret disconnecting one bit because that run did get me a boltor prime BP.

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I wasn't the host and neither was he.


I don't regret disconnecting one bit because that run did get me a boltor prime BP.

You should've PM'd the host and asked to disconnect while he was in the lift or something. If I was the host and get an ignorant player like that I'd disconnect at the end of the mission
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Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who encountered Rhino-fan-boys. But anyway, here goes.

So one guy on region was bragging about his rhino being OP. What with iron skin, intensify and steel fiber. He seemed to believe that Rhino was invincible. I told him otherwise. Go on wave 20+ on any Tier 2 Grineer defense and see for yourself. He called me a noob xD. I, realizing reasoning was not going to work, challenged him to conclave. I brought Valkyr with QT+rage, and hysteria with max narrow m. just in case. He said anything goes. Fine with me I told him. So he tried and tried but could not kill me with hysteria on. 10-0. And then I explained to him what Hysteria did. He claimed I was cheating, as his Rhino would not lose to a useless frame like Valkyr. He also started calling me names, and a lot of intriguing ones at that ;). At a loss of words, I trolled him into thinking I was a hacker. He threatened to report me, I said, bring it on! So off he goes to region to complain about me and all. And oh, was it priceless to see the other players mocking for being an idiot =D. And everyone lived happily ever after ^_^.

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