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World On Fire



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Nope, her real power is color her ult bright white and spam it. Hate her so much.

I meant power as in effeciency. As in kill opponents. I didn't mean her power to &!$$ off people..


Edit: How is another word for urine a swear word? Come on DE...

Edited by Klazik
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I don't think any frames that cause buffs/defuffs have timers. I'm totally not sure about, but I don't recalled things like Rhino's Roar or Valkyr's Warcry having timers. There's usually an aura surrounding frames/enemies during the duration and disappear when they're over.

Ember's Accelerate lasts 7 secs (unranked) and maxed at 15 secs (maxed rank). You can increase the time by using mods that increase duration, but at the cost of how big of a radius it will affect.

Check out the wiki for more info on getting the most out of your Ember ;)


Edited by (PS4)iTJ84
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Enemies in the radius will be coloured by your energy.  It lasts until that has gone away or they are dead.  Personally, I find extending the duration to not be necessary as most things die pretty quickly when you use Accelerant.


You can go here http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Ember to play around with builds.  Chuck in the powers and click 'Details' to see what damage they deal and how long they last.  Put in a few mods and check the details again to see what the altered stats are.

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I have a 3 forma ember prime build that simply owns infested.

She is also very useful against other fractions and in the void if you mod your ignis with heat and corrosive damage.

Her fireball and accelerant are her best powers. Use a R7 blind rage and maxed intensify for maximum DPS.

Just a heads up. Accellerant only boosts fire dmg and not heat mixed with other stuff. Just thought you should know. So a max dps ignis build for ember, would only contain fire mods as element

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Just a heads up. Accellerant only boosts fire dmg and not heat mixed with other stuff. Just thought you should know. So a max dps ignis build for ember, would only contain fire mods as element

Yeah. I know. Hence I have heat AND also corrosive on my ignis.

My aura slot is polarized for corrosive projection for easier take down of armor targets.

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Just a heads up. Accellerant only boosts fire dmg and not heat mixed with other stuff. Just thought you should know. So a max dps ignis build for ember, would only contain fire mods as element

You can get more fire damage (or dps) to better weapons than Ignis even though it has innate fire damage.

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Yes. But it boosts the innate dmg too, unlike any other weapon in that combo..

Sure, but you still get more fire damage on better weapons just from the fire mods compared to fire mods + innate damage on ignis.

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You may be right. Could you maybe give an example?


Ignis caps out at 4460.8 fire DPS, x5.05 = 22.5k fire DPS (http://goo.gl/rVsPjF)


Boltor Prime can pull 9813.6 base DPS with the same mods, so 150% of that is fire, or 14720.4 Fire DPS. x5.05 is 74k, adding back in the base 9.8k is 84 thousand DPS http://goo.gl/tJSBva


So its about 3.7x more DPS. The difference is Ignis can hit multiple targets and ignore cover. So if we can hit 4 guys at once, Ignis is better - for single targets a single target weapon will be better (duh).


Edit: For the hell of it, Penta (http://goo.gl/PU3xMD) can pull 4513.92 base, 8125.06 Corrosive, and 6770.88 Fire (x5.05=34192.944) which totals 46.8k DPS; so about double of Ignis but a little harder to use and chance of killing yourself.

Edited by Darzk
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