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What Is The Mark Of A Skilled Player?


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A true Tenno is like water.


They move softly and humbly, but deliberately. 


They quietly sustain the lives of those around them without asking for thanks.


They flow around obstacles, yet can wear away the strongest foe.


They're hardly noticed when there, but greatly missed when they're gone.


They bring life to their allies, and death to their enemies, as if without effort.


The true Tenno is the unseen Tenno.

Edited by Hortonman
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In my experience: A player, you almost don't notice, because everything is going just fine!

You usually notice players, when they don't do their job or when you need to look for them.

But being responsive in the chat also is pretty nice imho.

I like this. 

WF is hard to determine skill because you can be so powerful yet still be bad.

The thing with someone you don't really notice means 1st they aren't doing anything wrong.  They aren't doing anything annoying.  Meaning they may still be using their 4 or other powers but in a way that is beneficial to the team and not just annoying or making the game slower for everyone.

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It is easy to tell if a person in your game is not doing well, say if they are constantly going down, or playing in a way that hurts the team. In fact most games have that one guy who just doesn't do much in the way of helping, and too be fair, at one time or another we have all been that guy.


On the other hand separating the skilled player from the average is much more difficult, kills aren't a great indicator, due to the powers of the 4 key, and most other end-screen stats are bugged.


So I ask you, the community, what is it that makes another player skilled in your eyes?


Examples are welcome

Being able to play the tank, healer, support, and dps as a nekros.

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Greetings, Tenno.


Skill in this game varies from person to person depending on what frame and weaponry they are using. I am highly skilled with some frames and less so with others. I generally see skill broken into specific categories:



This has to do with how well you know your frame and the frames of the others playing so you can maximize the effectiveness of your synergy. For example, if I see a Nyx in a bubble, I will not as a Vauban use my CC abilities anywhere near her. If I am in a Nova, on the other hand, I know that using Antimatter Drop on that bubble will supercharge it with 200K damage, so I will quickly do that. How well you know not only your own abilities but those of your comrades is critically important to end game players. Well played support frames also fall in this category. We emphasize this kind of skill highly in my clan.



Simply put, some people are not in control of their Warframe well enough to keep up with the rest of the group. This is maddening when you have to wait at extraction for nearly the entire countdown time while someone fumbles through the level trying to get to where you are. To make sure our Tenno do not being shame to our clan, the initial three ranks have as a component required times in the clan Obstacle Course that must be beaten before being allowed to advance.


Lethality/Combat Ability:

This is how deadly the player is in any given combat environment, and includes things like using cover, aim, using the proper tools for the enemy at hand, etc.. If I see a person with a Penta cornered by a group of enemies, there are few options. If that Tenno does a jump kick through the group, knocks them all down, then nukes them with a quick Penta shot, I know I am dealing with someone proficient in combat. The examples of this are nearly endless, but the principle is it is a person capable of using what they have and making it work. Some Tenno are born with it, some are trained.



Let's face it, a Tenno with a rank 30+Forma Warframe and all tricked out weapons with 6 Forma and maxed mods is going to look really good next to someone with rank 1-5 equipment regardless of any other factors. While this is not a direct indicator of skill, it is an indicator of a person that has taken the time to get really good stuff, hopefully because they know they need it.



While I do not include Mastery Rank, it is an indicator of generally how any given Tenno will fall in regarding the above mentioned areas.


I hope this helps further the discussion and clarify some of the concepts.



Victory to you, Tenno.


- Salishaz

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It is easy to tell if a person in your game is not doing well, say if they are constantly going down, or playing in a way that hurts the team. In fact most games have that one guy who just doesn't do much in the way of helping, and too be fair, at one time or another we have all been that guy.


On the other hand separating the skilled player from the average is much more difficult, kills aren't a great indicator, due to the powers of the 4 key, and most other end-screen stats are bugged.


So I ask you, the community, what is it that makes another player skilled in your eyes?


Examples are welcome


winning in conclave.


No but, one time my teammate was in way too deep in survival and everyone else died, he was nekros with QT and he spammed energy pads all the way to extraction while the oxygen was at 0 and he had 5 health yelling "IF I HAVE ENERGY YOU CAN'T KILL ME" over and over and I thought that was pro because I probably would've just died in his shoes. It was mostly that he was coptering, dropping pads, and screaming at the same time that made it good.


Real answer: This isn't a skill based game in PvE, it's a knowledge based game. If you know all the protips you can do really well. The only skill based thing is how fast you can speedrun since everyone has various degrees of control over it and having a slow teammate sucks.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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It is easy to tell if a person in your game is not doing well, say if they are constantly going down, or playing in a way that hurts the team. In fact most games have that one guy who just doesn't do much in the way of helping, and too be fair, at one time or another we have all been that guy.


On the other hand separating the skilled player from the average is much more difficult, kills aren't a great indicator, due to the powers of the 4 key, and most other end-screen stats are bugged.


So I ask you, the community, what is it that makes another player skilled in your eyes?


Examples are welcome


You don't need skills to play this game which means having skills or not doesn't matter.


I'd say you are "good player" if you understand the mechanics of the game and how to use stuff. The loadouts of weapons, which sentinel to bring, what comp to use for what faction and gametype and when and how to use it.


If you understand all that you won't go down so easily 

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