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So Let Me Get This Straight About The Tenno...

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valkrie is the original scared project the other warframes were created to use abilities like her

Oh yeah, this brings up another point. The codex excplicitly says 'The original Valkyr'.

They also would refer to them as "an excalibur, or a hydroid" instead of the way they currently do with terms "he was, or she is"

Think of car models, consoles or any piece of technology for that matter. When they describe it, even if there are many, they refer to a single individual to represent them all. As for the gendered pronouns.... well the warframes do have a gendered design.

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the original valkyers warframe was used to create the new version which makes the user go into a rage by boosting the hormones responsible for our emotions(im assuming)


Dang it that's what I was going to say!


Think about it, if the Tenno truly did have literally an army of Warframes, they could have stormed the HQs of both the Grineer and the Corpus at the same time.


Warframe has stealth tech good enough to hide moons! What makes you think we have any idea where the Queens or Behk hang out?

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Well its because all the frames are individuals, in terms of lore there would be only one of each one, but for the sake of game playability this takes a bit of a side step, this does not mean though that if say warframe was not a game and instead a tv series, or a comic series or some other form of media that instead of there being countless of -insert frame a here- there would be one of each, and each one a character. There was only on valkyr, only one ember only one etc (you should get the idea)


Greetings, Tenno.


I have to disagree. The Stalker lore indicates thousands and thousands. The Lore for the Proto Excalibur skin indicates it is an early prototype, along with all the Primes indicating they are frames. I tend to think the Lore supports many Tenno.



Victory to you, Tenno.


- Salishaz

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We are one tenno, the frames are copies of the original, all and every valkyr is "angry" becuase thats how the original was, and it worked, so when we copy them the traits stay, because when you copy something its easier to just copy the original as it is, the tenno is one, the frames are copies.

So basically...we are overpowered Grineers.

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  I subscribe to the theory that the player is one Tenno, and the Warframes are remote controlled biomachines. Each frame either has a clone of the Tenno, or a clone automaton that is inhabited by the original Player. Frames are models or archetypes, that is why they are of a specific gender and body type, hence the need to clone bodies to fit the proper frame. The remote control is likely a mental state the Player Tenno goes into, via the void to cross any distance instantly. This is also how the power is channelled into the frame.


DevStream 25 at about minute 34 [DE]Steve says, the Tenno was human and a Tenno in the Warframe. That could mean that they aren't remote controlled, but I still hypothesis that a Tenno clone is built for the purpose of inhabiting the frame remotely. The Tenno clone is made when the frame is constructed. Its that or a single Tenno's body is morphed when putting on the suit, assuming that they aren't remote controlled. But, Steve definitely stated you are playing a singe Tenno. 

[DE]Steve, also said that he is intentionally keeping it vague as to keep the game accessible to as many people and cultures as possible. I read that as, he doesn't want to explicitly say that you play a character that potentially gender swaps. I find that funny because, even if you play many Tenno, you the player, immerse in the role of the opposite sex, unless you forgo using those frames.


DevStream 22 at about 17 minutes in, 17:45 is about where he says it, is where he refers to the player as, "What you are, your Tenno." Now, I agree this still leaves room for interpretation, but I find it strong enough to leave room for my hypothesis. And that hypothesis would help answer a lot of confusing issues. If the remote theory is true, then is possible that the void acts as a sort of stream of consciousness to the frame, and the frames are built, custom made to be receivers. Channeling the Tenno, and the power of the void, expressed in the form of the frames archetype, Excalibur, Rhino, Nyx, etc.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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In terms of lore, there is only one of each Tenno.  There has never really been an instance suggesting otherwise except in two instances (proto excal and Primes,) and they're mostly cryptic.  Grineer ripping a tenno "from their metal womb" could imply a completely different Tenno not a part of our current roster.  There were likely way more than 16 Tenno in the Orokin era (duh) but that doesn't mean any single one of them was a mass produced model.


However, it IS much more convenient and allows more room for drama to allow writers to off a Tenno and not lose them forever.  Remember how you felt when you saw Warframe's poster boy get effortlessly dissected?


In terms of raw game play, the lore isn't used as some sort of anchor to prevent us all from being Rhino in the same mission.

Edited by Littleman88
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In terms of lore, there is only one of each Tenno.  There has never really been an instance suggesting otherwise.  Grineer ripping a tenno "from their metal womb" could imply a completely different Tenno not a part of our current roster.


In terms of game play, the lore isn't used as some sort of anchor to prevent us all from being Rhino in the same mission.


  Where in the lore does it explicitly state that their is only one of each Tenno? I believe their is only one Player Tenno, but [DE]Steve stated that a Tenno is in each frame. Frames our models or archetypes of the original, presumably prime frames. So, you entirely could have four Rhino's stomping around.


So cloning clones upon clones to only to give them horrible memories of being tortured and engineering them to be killing machines...


isn't that a tiny bit unethical?


  Nothing about how the Tenno where made, used, treated, was ethical. It was war. The Tenno are what they are, something new and not entirely human anymore. They are the Tenno.

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actually the warframe is just a conduit to channel the abilities of the tenno, of the lore we know, we know the tenno were individuals corrupted by void energy the way the void energy corrupted one person was not the same as it would another, so really there is only one of each, the difference between prime and none prime really is just one is a more pure version of the same suit. (reread the ember codex entry some time)

Please explain how Excalibur is still playable.



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Oh no, we still have far less Tenno than Grineer or corpus, but you're underestimating the scale of things entirely. Grineer and Corpus run entire planets. Most of them 100 times larger than Earth.


Currently, there are 7 billion people living on Earth in the 21st century. Fast forward a few millenia to the time period of Warframe. Grineer are highly procreative with there cloning and such and have spread not only across Earth but also Mercury, Phobos, Saturn, Sedna, Uranus, Ceres, and Eris. Here's a comparison to scale of how massive these planets are:compare_gas_giants.jpg


As you can see, the Grineer alone probably number in the trillions, maybe even quadrillions. And that's not even taking the Corpus or Infestation into account.


There were counted approximately 7 million players in Warframe. 7 million Tenno against trillions of Grineer.



I don't think "mass produced" is the best term to use. Sure, there are probably several of each warframe, but I highly doubt there would be over 100 of each. In Valkyr's case, there is probably only one, unless the Tenno reverse engineered the Warframe to create more.


Think about it, if the Tenno truly did have literally an army of Warframes, they could have stormed the HQs of both the Grineer and the Corpus at the same time.

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  Where in the lore does it explicitly state that their is only one of each Tenno? I believe their is only one Player Tenno, but [DE]Steve stated that a Tenno is in each frame. Frames our models or archetypes of the original, presumably prime frames. So, you entirely could have four Rhino's stomping around.



  Nothing about how the Tenno where made, used, treated, was ethical. It was war. The Tenno are what they are, something new and not entirely human anymore. They are the Tenno.


It never explicitly states so, but it's far more heavily implied than the opposite, which has no backing what-so-ever except in the instance of multi-player.  In particular, the well done trailers only show one of each frame at any given moment.  The use of pluralities from the Lotus isn't indication of an army of Excaliburs, she could just be referring to the whole lot we have access to now.  Mentions of having killed or discovered Tenno by the Corpus and Grineer don't suggest they've found multiple's of Excaliburs, Mags, or Valkyrs either, just "Tenno."  Start rattling off names for frames that make sense, then mark them off as KIA.  I'm calling "Crag" for an earth frame.  "R.I.P in peace," dude.


And do understand that what Steve said applies to the idea that there is only one of each type of Tenno as well.  Of course there is a Tenno in each frame.

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Please explain how Excalibur is still playable.




  If you subscribe to the remote control concept or a clone theory, then the Excalibur that died there was akin to the loss of a vehicle, or drone. The Tenno that was unfrozen at the behest of the Lotus was back at his/her ship or dojo, controlling the frame remotely. 


It never explicitly states so, but it's far more heavily implied than the opposite, which has no backing what-so-ever except in the instance of multi-player.  In particular, the well done trailers only show one of each frame at any given moment.  The use of pluralities from the Lotus isn't indication of an army of Excaliburs, she could just be referring to the whole lot we have access to now.  Mentions of having killed or discovered Tenno by the Corpus and Grineer don't suggest they've found multiple's of Excaliburs, Mags, or Valkyrs either, just "Tenno."  Start rattling off names for frames that make sense, then mark them off as KIA.  I'm calling "Crag" for an earth frame.  "R.I.P in peace," dude.


And do understand that what Steve said applies to the idea that there is only one of each type of Tenno as well.  Of course there is a Tenno in each frame.


  No backing what-so-ever is a little strong. [DE]Steve said, "[T]he player, what you are, the Tenno," suggest you are a Tenno, in the singular. You do not govern a batch of Tenno. You build frames and likely clones of yourself to inhabit in order to inhabit them remotely. This also likely ties into how the power of the void is accessed. I find the supporting codex entries to help, but it took long enough to find the videos. 

  It isn't guaranteed to be the answer, but from the tone that DE takes on the matter, I think this post human, futuristic approach is what they have in mind, but they are afraid of upsetting some of their player base that might find the idea off putting (also discussed in the videos). 

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'Kay, we went over a personal (Now) head-canon theory in the Typhus thread a little while ago. I'll give you the abridged version because I've been up for 28 hours and have to go do another 12-hour shift in four hours (Yay...)


Think of each Warframe (Singular) as a specific "Strain" (A mutation of the virus) of the Technocyte Infestation (Because it takes a S#&$-tonne of infested flesh to make a Chassis and in some cases systems). This specifically engineered strain is then used to "Culture" (The act of growing organic tissue) a new Warframe (Singular) onto a newly unfrozen Tenno (Singular, Those guys in the defense Cryo-pods.) Because of this process, the Tenno is basically grafted into the Warframe.

About why there are multiple Valkyrs; Genetic Memory. The Technocyte Infestation strain, when grown a specific way, causes the new Tenno to become afflicted with the same kind of rage and hatred. Think: Blood Angels Chapter of the Space Marines in 40k. They often lapse into a genetic memory that causes them to go completely goat-@(*()$, blood-drinking, corpse-desecrating berserk


Prime Warframes are simply a different mutation that were grown by the Orokin, they are refered to as Prime because the Orokin were directly involved in their creation, unlike modern Warframes grown by the current Tenno.


I'm not trying to argue, I am simply stating my own personal theory.

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'Kay, we went over a personal (Now) head-canon theory in the Typhus thread a little while ago. I'll give you the abridged version because I've been up for 28 hours and have to go do another 12-hour shift in four hours (Yay...)


Think of each Warframe (Singular) as a specific "Strain" (A mutation of the virus) of the Technocyte Infestation (Because it takes a S#&$-tonne of infested flesh to make a Chassis and in some cases systems). This specifically engineered strain is then used to "Culture" (The act of growing organic tissue) a new Warframe (Singular) onto a newly unfrozen Tenno (Singular, Those guys in the defense Cryo-pods.) Because of this process, the Tenno is basically grafted into the Warframe.

About why there are multiple Valkyrs; Genetic Memory. The Technocyte Infestation strain, when grown a specific way, causes the new Tenno to become afflicted with the same kind of rage and hatred. Think: Blood Angels Chapter of the Space Marines in 40k. They often lapse into a genetic memory that causes them to go completely goat-@(*()$, blood-drinking, corpse-desecrating berserk


Prime Warframes are simply a different mutation that were grown by the Orokin, they are refered to as Prime because the Orokin were directly involved in their creation, unlike modern Warframes grown by the current Tenno.


I'm not trying to argue, I am simply stating my own personal theory.



  Not a bad concept. A more descriptive form of my back-up theory, of the clones-purpose-built-to-frames idea.

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err maybe I didn't explain well enough


currently the game play and lore are separate from each other, there is lore just most of it not released, and in this case lore is more for the sake of trivia fun facts, it doesn't effect the game play, and the game play doesn't effect the lore, lore is simply for those hard core well lore players than it is for generic gamer in this case, you can play the game endlessly with out knowing any lore and it wont effect the quality of the game. If you do go in to looking at the lore you need to take a moment and take the gameplay only as a grain of rice, and instead appreciate that behind the scenes is a detailed thought out world full of history (I use this loosely because as I said we dont know much lore right now but it is obvious they are working towards this goal)



That's all and good but what you said before about there being only one Tenno of each type is completely wrong.  There are many Tenno.  Thousands, maybe even millions lorewise.  If each type only had one then that means there would be no more Excalibur since in the profit trailer he was ripped apart.  Unless he is like deadpool and can survive being dismembered and decapitated and that just means the other Tenno would have to find his pieces and put him together, but I don't think that's what DE was going for.

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