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Let's Define Fun. De Needs To Know.


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Let's be honest, DE gave us somethings we asked for. (i'll detail later). DE must want this game to be Fun™ (I Assume)


So DE is adding things players ask for. Yet, with each update it seems like there is nothing but new complaints. and many of them say "THIS ISNT FUN™" So I ask you, what is Fun™? 


Is it-

Friends who do stuff together?

U and Me?

Nywhere and anytime at all?


We asked for nova, then complained that insta-dead isnt Fun™

we asked for nerf in the name of Fun™, then said it wasnt.

we asked for masterrace prime, then said grind isnt Fun™

we asked for T4 voids, then said increasing enemy level isnt Fun™

we asked for sentinal primes, then said dragon wyrm isnt Fun™

we asked to get rid of trinity all day everyday because it wasnt Fun™

we asked for PVP/ player competition, then complained that DS wasnt any Fun™

we asked for greater eximus spawning, and now we have it, in the name of Fun™


But what is this mysterious idea of Fun™?

Tell me what you think is fun™?


please DO NOT POST if you have come to say "X ISNT Fun™"

I only want to know what IS Fun™. Maybe if we can define fun™ we can all understand where/why/what DE is going for.



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Do you know that feeling of euphoria after you somehow pull an amazing stunt, against all odds, after such a long time of practicing, with nothing but your wits? That is what I consider fun. The feeling of being challenged and winning.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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getting what you have been farming for after a long time/finishing a build/getting rid of a weapon you hated after getting it to rank 30 is fun.


In a nutshell, i think "fun" is accomplishing something you set out do do.

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idk about u but losing my first t4d mission at wave 31 due to ....drones sneaking into the pod....i think that's fun....captain vor scared me...that was fun...



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This is one of those things that is hard to define. Some people hate challenge and wish to effortlessly murder everything, they have fun winning, and only that. Others like challenge, and hate when it's too easy.


Some people don't mind RNG and know how to bypass the mindset (People who've played Monster Hunter, keep grindin for dem gems!), while others demand instant gratification.


But, if therew's one thing I think we can agree on.



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The following is based on personal opinions, if you do not agree it is because I'm not you.

Loki, Zephyr, Valkyr & Vauban are warframes fun to play with.


The Amprex, the Drakgoon, the Torid, the Lanka and Vectis and the bows are fun primaries to play with.


The Castanas, the Stug, the Tysis and the throwing stars are fun secondaries to play with.


The Dark Dagger, the Jat Kittag, and the throwing melee are very fun to play with.

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Sometimes, I think it's fun to stride the WF world as a juggernaut, destroying all who come before me and facing no real threats to my continued dominance of all I survey.


But other times, fun is finding a challenge I want to overcome, failing several times but sticking with it, and eventually succeeding through perseverance, patience, observation, and eventually learned skills.


Sometimes fun can be setting myself a challenge, like earning a Rhino Prime frame, and then grinding through the days and weeks which are necessary in order to earn this frame the free way.  (I think in this respect, WF is currently failing, as I LIKE grinding, and even I think there's currently too much of it.)


One thing I've whined about lately is that there's currently very little for solo gamers to do in WF.  Very little of the recent content can be accessed by a solo gamer ~ one must either join a clan and glom off their research, or find other players willing to share their Void Keys with you to farm Prime parts (and as stated above, there's a LOT of farming necessary!)  I've achieved much in this game, but I find no fun at all in trying to play WF solo these days.

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Spongebob: F*CK U


Plankton: NO



On Topic:


- I loved Nova. Can't complain on any of that.


- I never asked for Nerfs, can't say anything about that either...


- Fun is to be able to assure your reward by knowing where you must go to get it. (Unlike what we have now, which is "Go there and pray you'll get what you want."


- I loved the T4, but can't say much about it either because I still didn't try that out.


- I'm sorry, but having our first Sentinel be anything other than either Shade or Dethcube is just plain stupid. (Ergo, I.M.H.O. Fun would be to have one of those two be the first Prime.)


- I loved that Trin lost her iddqd, can't say anything about that either.


- I was against PvP from the very beginning. But since it was shoved deep in our behinds anyway, I'm just ignoring it and happy for those who wanted it. (I think PvP can be Fun, I just personally don't like it tho, and think it stands in the way of Warframe in a way DE will never be able to fully handle. Sorry DE, my humble and honest opinion only.)


- I never saw anyone ask for more Eximus spawns, nor did I get to see it coming.

If I had, my concept of fun would be to only spawn them on special occasions, like the last of each wave set on Defs, or have one of them spawn whenever 5 (Or 15) minutes passed on Survivals.

Also have them spawn occasionally here and there in other missions.

And for the record, I was never part of those who have something against "Bullet Sponges".

I think bosses should be hard to beat and require lots of bullets INDEED. But I wouldn't mind some more intelligence/weak spots here and there either.

Is that enough?

Edited by CenSilver
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I'd also really like to know how Wyrm prime is fun.  It's a essentially a reskin.

Yeah . . the sentinel prime doesn't fundamentally change a sentinel's abilities anymore than a prime frame does.


But to the OP, you can't define fun by any single meaning. Ask 5 people one question and you'll get 10 different answers. It's impossible to please everyone.

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A sense of progression, accomplishment, and satisfaction. Its something that this game lacks, and is really needed to divert the repetitive gameplay.

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It's not that they didn't give us what we ask for, We wanted t4, we wanted loki prime


but we wanted better enemies before we bothered just raising levels to create a fake difficulty. We wanted Loki prime but he is hidden behind a grind wall, we have never been a fan of grind. Also the crap about them adding better stats to some primes but not all primes or making one prime way better then it's normal version but not making another prime that same way. 


it is not that it was done it is how it was done. 

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The reason the community often has complaint threads after DE listens to a vocal minority is because not not everyone has fun in the same way. In fact, it can vary so wildly that one person's definition of fun will ruin it for someone else.


This is also why you often see hostility in threads when people ask for certain changes. The problem isn't that DE doesn't listen to us. The problem is the community is too split.



Tricky thing is that each person has fun in a different way, so while some players will be happy, other players will be *@##$ing all day long...

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