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Interception T4, 6 Time Same Reward


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So we played Interception T4. First wave Dakra Blade, okay fine, Next Wave fusion cores, also okay.

Then other 6 times Fang Handle. How is that even possible??? How high drop rates are of Fang Handles?


We exited after that, it was frustrating.

Edited by TheFuryCro
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He's not lying. I just did a T4 Interception and had the same problem. 7 rounds first two were Dakra Prime Blade then Fusion Core. The rest were Fang Prime Handles. I have some people in Clan chat saying the same thing. fyi don't do T4 Int until another hotfix probably.

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Do you believe me if I tell you Natural Talent showed up 3 rounds in a row in a normal Interception mission today?


It was my first Interception mission after 13.7.0 ... I grabbed the third and gave it to someone in alliance who was asking for it..


Something in Interception was touched I guess.

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Do you believe me if I tell you Natural Talent showed up 3 rounds in a row in a normal Interception mission today?


It was my first Interception mission after 13.7.0 ... I grabbed the third and gave it to someone in alliance who was asking for it..


Something in Interception was touched I guess.


I had the same thing. Round 3 to 6, natural talent.

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