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How Hard Have You Carried?


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This might be in the wrong section, but I'd like to see some screenshots and hear some stories of times when you guys carried a team whether it be through kills, revives, just teammates going down constantly.  We've all had missions like this, so how hard have you carried?


Going to post an SS of a recent survival mission where I was leveling up my Vectis and Oberon.  Admittedly, I was lagging to hell so mobs weren't hitting me... but still doesn't excuse my teammates lol



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Oberon you say? Looks like you've helped a lot of enemies see the light.


Right before you drag them back down. 


Also, nice head shots.

Idunno, I actually was sorta peeved to see the headshot count so low.  I know I hit more than that... oh well xD

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Headshot counter is bugged. So are a lot of other things >.>


This. Considering I have 109% accuracy on my despair, I presonally am not convinved the end game report has any reflection of reality.


Thing is, sometimes when you truely carry a team not only is it not reflected in the numbers, but your teammates don't notice at all. But then you just KNOW. Thats what counts any way. That you did.

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The OP literally says vectis and oberon... are you sure you read it?


Was not specifically talking to OP, indicated by the lack of quoting their original message or directly using their name in the body of my post. 



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ODS last year where I went to 1,000+ while my team derped off rezzing eachother.


My Ember went in with a pure Accelerant build and all those kills are from Ignis. Some of my team mates that day (not sure about that mission in particular) were also playing Ember, but with WoF builds that fell short very quickly on ODS and I had to carry them after they talked a bunch of crap about how nerfed Ember was with Accelerant replacing Overheat. 

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ODS last year where I went to 1,000+ while my team derped off rezzing eachother.


My Ember went in with a pure Accelerant build and all those kills are from Ignis. Some of my team mates that day (not sure about that mission in particular) were also playing Ember, but with WoF builds that fell short very quickly on ODS and I had to carry them after they talked a bunch of crap about how nerfed Ember was with Accelerant replacing Overheat. 



Accelerant is your God mode fellas.

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Well I met a new player who needed some materials that all happened to be located at pluto. Of course, I did the most logical thing any person would do, we went at it in a private session, and I grabbed my radial blind and headed out.

The final damage total was over 90% to under 10%. 

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Did this one during the survival event using nova + snipetron vandal iirc (got a time of 1hr 14min)



These were from the survival alert that happened just after the survival event.  I played as trinity, and dear god, did that blessing carry hard.  (Got a time of 1hr 30min).  





Also, about that headshot counter.  I'd have to be full on $&*&*#(%& to have not been hitting corpus techs in the head with AP damage with snipetron vandal (yes, this was back in the days of damage 1.0), so clearly that's a little messed up. 


EDIT: For the record, these were the first times that the survival game mode was released, so yes, everybody was, supposedly, bringing their best gear >.>

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