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Goddamm Stalker


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The funny part is... he's the weakest of the "death mark" mini bosses.


Ever meet the Grustrag Three yet?  I find the Stalker to be a cinch to kill, yet the first time the G3 spawned, I found myself bleeding out on the floor and wearing a new ankle bracelet before I even knew what hit me.

Stalker is not the weakest. He just works like this - you 1shot him or he will 1shot you. G3 just needs strategy and kinda tanky frame thats why they are harder. Also - Harvester, he is the weakest out there, even lvl 25 napalms are harder to kill.

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If the stalker hits you with a melee attack... it's all over for you. Hit stunlocked my frost to death. I was pretty sadface since all the heavies have a get-out-of-lock-for-free ground slam and we get nothing but being faced.


The only reason I don't like the stalker is because he's a waste of a revive. I don't bother trying to kill him as he only spawns when I'm ranking up weak frames and gear.

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Modding for survivability probably won't help if he Slash Dashes you.  When the Stalker spawns just keep running in circles and let your teammates kill him.  If you are solo it will be more difficult but never stand still for more than a second at a time and try to look for the times when he pauses to shoot you.  You can whittle him down during those moments.

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Why don't they revert him to how he was before though? I actually defeated him then solo, he killed me at the same time but I was able to respawn, for my efforts I got a bloody slash dash. And that's when my Warframes were weaker and I had less knowledge of the game.

The end of the day if people playing already have his stuff then why buff him to make it stupidly unfair


its not unfair, you just have to know how to kill him. he is an assassin, how would it make sense for him to be easy to defeat?


when he contacts you, stop, wait and get to an area where you can see the entire room.


kill all enemies nearby


now, start straifing around as you wait for him to spawn...he spawns faster now so dont just stand in one place


once he spawns, back away from him while circling and dodging...you dont need to run behind an obstacle.


unload your clip into his face and dont stop moving. thats it.

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It's about gear check, really. At one point I had current Stalker come after me in Pluto Dark Sector. I was using a properly modded Valkyr and was actually leveling up Brakk after 3rd forma (was lvl 26 or so). He managed to hit me twice with his scythe, land a slash dash in my face and put some daggers in. Then he died to 1 shot from Brakk and I continued as nothing happened. Granted normal frame would have died of 1 scythe hit.

It is a gear check. Although he's dumb as a brick and you can exploit it. Another time I've killed him with Tigris as a Nekros in defense mission. He has trouble hitting target that runs from him in circles.

I say buff his spawn chance and make it related to how many bosses you've killed.

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Every time the stalker has appeared for me in the last month or two, I have been leveling new gear solo. And when I say every time, I mean EVERY time. He teleports to me and kills me in one shot. This has happened maybe five times or so. Does he have a higher chance of spawning if you are using low-level gear?

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