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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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They pushed out of U14 Focus system, so, no hype for me. They annunced his endgame projects before U13, and for now, we only have the failed Dark sectors. Kubrows will be a more cute sentinel, so nothing new, Quest system will be focused on new player experience, so i´ll need to play bored low end levels to "enjoy" it. Ships will be a UI. Maybe the new frame will be interesting.


I can understand why they focused on that things and ignore veteran problems, only have to read the forums to see the kubrows hype, DE will get tons of profits with kubrows cosmetics, etc. New players is good for business too. I love this game, but i need some objetive to really enjoy it, some kind of advance or pogresion and this update not is the answer for me.


Well, maybe for U15...

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too early for hype but these new things that are coming is a good step up

i don't expect to see things get fixed and improved within just a short time


i do like the new helmets that are coming (though i also want alternate variation for prime helmets)

finally hysteria will have new animations and i do hope that its claw attacks aswell


i do wish that these good things that are promised are all into one huge update.

warframe is indeed getting better. 

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Only thing that i know is: " Overhyped people will be to ones that cry the most, when they realize that Kubrows are half assed addition".



The effect will be the same as Melee 2.0. Shiny and good looking, but in the end clunky and implemented badly.

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Personally Stance mods are not considered "Core mechanic" you can do fine with or without them. And id beg to differ on the Stamina is worthless thing. I have my hydroid with stamina mods and i block with melee reflecting every bullet back at my attacker killing all of them. And sometimes it burns even my maxed marathon stamina! Its not worthless its how you play the game. I use antitoxin on the new breeding grounds event. I don't run through press 4 and everything dies! Ive been using my weapons, and NOT pentas or ogris. The problem with every player is they ALL use the same weapons! Why use a melee weapon when i can press 4!!! why use a shotgun when i can blow up an entire enemy battalion with a penta shot!? So of course you wont see a reason for putting Antitoxin on your warframe because you press a button and those flying infested die! I on the other hand have 5-6 of those dodging rats leaving multiple trails of toxic fog in there wake ticking me for near 50+ damage per second! then it gets worse if I'm proced! These mods are made for specific instances or players who find themselves being knocked down a lot. When your Rhino with Iron skin of course you think Handspring is worthless! But all of this is my opinion. Although i will agree they DO need to flesh out some of the mods polarity coast! Seeing my freeze mod coast 11 points then seeing a dual freeze mod coast 7? sorry but shouldn't that be the other way around? Otherwise the mods are fine FOR NOW IMO


Edit: OH! and yea handspring i guess shouldn't really be a mod. We are "ninjas" this should be ninja training 101 lol

Agreed on stances to a degree, sort of on stamina, but then you go off on a tangent list of things I don't do ... and I still disagree on certain useless mods. (Handspring, Warm Coat, Intruder, etc)

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     Warframe is a f2p game, which means if new content isn't being made on a regular basis, DE isn't making money. If DE isn't making money, there will be no more content; which includes going back and implementing all the cool ideas that players have posted and others shamelessly promote like they know best. New content takes priority to spending more time fleshing out old content, whether anyone likes that or not doesn't matter. DE will have the freedom to go back and polish EVERYTHING when 2 things happen: when new players get adequately hooked by the intro (which should be a done thing in U14 barring bug fixes) and when there are 2 or 3 endgame options that you can sink another 700 hours into.

     The first is necessary to get new players into the game, and the second distracts you from realizing that no new content has come out in a month when -BAM- huge update that doesn't actually have much that can be called new, but it contains crap-tons of: buffs, nerfs, balance changes, extra content,and re-visits to old content that don't really generate revenue, but increase the player experience- for veterans. This game kept people busy for hundreds of hours, myself included. And like me, I doubt anyone complained so much as when they no longer had a goal and could look back and say," It would be so~ much better if...".



    I'm not going to say that DE knows exactly what they're doing, but I bet they have a better idea than anyone else does on where Warframe is going. 

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Personally Stance mods are not considered "Core mechanic" you can do fine with or without them. And id beg to differ on the Stamina is worthless thing. I have my hydroid with stamina mods and i block with melee reflecting every bullet back at my attacker killing all of them. And sometimes it burns even my maxed marathon stamina! Its not worthless its how you play the game. I use antitoxin on the new breeding grounds event. I don't run through press 4 and everything dies! Ive been using my weapons, and NOT pentas or ogris. The problem with every player is they ALL use the same weapons! Why use a melee weapon when i can press 4!!! why use a shotgun when i can blow up an entire enemy battalion with a penta shot!? So of course you wont see a reason for putting Antitoxin on your warframe because you press a button and those flying infested die! I on the other hand have 5-6 of those dodging rats leaving multiple trails of toxic fog in there wake ticking me for near 50+ damage per second! then it gets worse if I'm proced! These mods are made for specific instances or players who find themselves being knocked down a lot. When your Rhino with Iron skin of course you think Handspring is worthless! But all of this is my opinion. Although i will agree they DO need to flesh out some of the mods polarity coast! Seeing my freeze mod coast 11 points then seeing a dual freeze mod coast 7? sorry but shouldn't that be the other way around? Otherwise the mods are fine FOR NOW IM


Edit: OH! and yea handspring i guess shouldn't really be a mod. We are "ninjas" this should be ninja training 101 lol

1+ for you wise teno

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     DE is going beyond and beyond.  My dreams are coming true, there are storylines coming, known as Quests(no farm grinding:)!  And they pretty much completely remade the menus, interactions, actions, and such, not just a reanimation of things, it's completely different.  It's amazing.  The ship, how things are all holographic, like damn o.O


     Kubrows, they look furry....hehehe....BBQ.....jk.  So yes, they are kinda like one of those girl Barbie games where I guess you take care of them as your pet until they grow up and you can bring them to missions.  They are like war buddies that each posses a different personality.  From Hunter to Stealth and others of genetic mutation.


     Valkyr also has her own Hysteria reanimation with actions that make her seem hyperactive along with her own combos.  Looks pretty brutal with all the claws and the finisher moves.


    Yes, there are new weapons coming with aerial animations and grapple scenes that kinda reminds me of Fatalies in Mortal Kombat, but not that brutal....  Anyways, those are the new stances and new weapons that will involve those animations!


     Also there are new Cosmetic Helmets coming, right now the helmets I remember that are coming are Nova's and Loki's.  And yes, the designs are astonishing.


     And for all you players, yes, there is a new Warframe coming.  It, as the topics with ideas of the new Warframe powers, it manipulates her(yes it's a her) environment/ surroundings.  She can literally turn everything into something lethal to all enemies.  One ability that DE gave away is her activating a move that changes ropes that the Corpus use to slide on into electrified ropes.  She also will change containers and other such things into things that grab enemies in and devour them.


     Those are all the main things of the new update, Update 14.  


     So who's excited, because I know I am, for sure!


So, nothing of actual substance then...


No Balancing

No Mod system changes

No Damage 2.0 system adjustments

No Frame balancing

No enemy balance

No parkour and melee fixes to a mediocre system

No RNG and drop table fixes given that it's a trainwreck.


All aboard the Hype train?



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It's a bit soon for an U14 hype, no?

Let's hype for 13.9 first ;)

Probably nothing speshul, but we can hype anyway.

Warm-up hype for u14.

im just real excited

Still no confirmation whether it's next week or not :c

and yea, the up top says theres still 13.9 to come
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So, nothing of actual substance then...


No Balancing

No Mod system changes

No Damage 2.0 system adjustments

No Frame balancing

No enemy balance

No parkour and melee fixes to a mediocre system

No RNG and drop table fixes given that it's a trainwreck.


All aboard the Hype train?




If I remember correctly, there will be some frame and sniper balancing coming.


Enemies don't really need balanced imo.


Damage 2.0 is pretty good as it is.


Scott mentioned something about changing mods a little, not sure exactly what he said.


Parkour is a large aspect of this game, when they change it, it's going to be Parkour 2.0, not some small adjustment they throw on the side of a bigger update.


And the drop tables are always being looked at.



So quit yo' whining bub.

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If I remember correctly, there will be some frame and sniper balancing coming.


Enemies don't really need balanced imo.


Damage 2.0 is pretty good as it is.


Scott mentioned something about changing mods a little, not sure exactly what he said.


Parkour is a large aspect of this game, when they change it, it's going to be Parkour 2.0, not some small adjustment they throw on the side of a bigger update.


And the drop tables are always being looked at.



So quit yo' whining bub.


1) No they didn't they're focusing on update 14, and many frames are long overdue for a balance update.


2)You're insane if you think that, everything is either cannon fodder or stupid difficulty. Such as shield ignoring toxin damage or non telegraphing energy drain attacks, several of which can be ignored by Rhino, Trinity, Nova and 4 spam while Boltor and Soma use still renders everything irrelevant, but the game will kick you in the crotch for not using them. 


3) Damage 2.0 is a mess. +/- 75/50% damage bonus/ reduction for specific element types doesn't lead to better in game balance. Every build goes like this. Damage mod, multi shot mod, punch through/rate of fire/ spread mod, as many damage type combos as you can fit in. 


4) scott said very little and had some inane ideas about lower ranked serration mods and the like, clearly the solution to the issue of the likes of handspring and shock absorb mods being completely useless and certain mods being a must have for the rest of the game. 


5) yes Parkour 2.0 Soon like balance 2.0  also coming soon also maybe when hell freezes over. I'm sure Parkour 2.0 will be as well implemented as melee 2.0 where you can't actually use melee on several enemies and it doesn't work on any bosses which have a specific mechanic, or dmage 2.0 which didn't actually fix the problems of damage 1.0 and just created a set of new ones. 


So I'll keep whining until you take off those rose tinted glasses.

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