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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Somewhat.  I mean I still feel like I have time to play and enjoy for a while no matter what happens.


But I'd be lying to say I'm unaffected.  I don't have any idea what this will mean for the game and I don't presume that this is 'the end', but PWE is not a name that I really want any game I enjoy to be associated with.  Warframe is the first F2P game I've touched in years, but I still remember the horror that is PW.  So I'm just tentative about it all right now and I will remain so until DE addresses the subject.  So yeah that's a damper on my hype because in my mind there's going to be that just-around-the-corner possibility of doom.

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Anyone who blames PW for the update not coming out or want to quit because they think Warframe is going to get taken over by PW doesn't know what's going on, you're just throwing around the mob mentality.


PW wants to acquire all standing stock shares of DE, that's it. If that stock share is a majority, then yes, maybe there is some cause for concern, but its likely less than that. This is more of an investment by PW into Warframe. DE gets more money and assets to work with, and PW gets a cut of profits. It's a win win for both parties. PW isn't out for a hostile take over of DE, so everyone please relax. Your misinformation and lack of willingness to even understand the situation are pissing me off (go read the official statements from PW in the megathread, please. It's all there).


So yes, I am still hyped, cause we now likely know for sure that U14 will be next week. 

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Anyone who blames PW for the update not coming out or want to quit because they think Warframe is going to get taken over by PW doesn't know what's going on, you're just throwing around the mob mentality.


PW wants to acquire all standing stock shares of DE, that's it. If that stock share is a majority, then yes, maybe there is some cause for concern, but its likely less than that. This is more of an investment by PW into Warframe. DE gets more money and assets to work with, and PW gets a cut of profits. It's a win win for both parties. PW isn't out for a hostile take over of DE, so everyone please relax. Your misinformation and lack of willingness to even understand the situation are &!$$ing me off (go read the official statements from PW in the megathread, please. It's all there).


So yes, I am still hyped, cause we now likely know for sure that U14 will be next week. 


I just blame PWE because i love "jumping the gun" jokes... Y'know... "Today is July 4th.... Half-Life 3 confirmed!"

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My interest in U14 is now on hold in limbo. Same with my Plat purchases and spending what I currently have.


Whoever was running RedText earlier for the 13.9.1 Hotfix tried to make it seem we were all still eager and upset about today not being U14, but that didn't work at all. (ie Hotfix 13.9.1sorryitsnotu14yet etc etc..)


Nobody was 'flipping tables over' on that. Our concerns were elsewhere. If DE still has their normal 2 streams this week, I'm sure they will outright say at the beginning that they A.Cannot talk about it so dont ask and/or B.Will delay more streams using U14 as cover. Both are legit reasons, but we need some kind of bone thrown our way IMO.


Real crappy situation. This is the first time ever that I haven't looked forward to logging in. Back to not being excited about any game out there...again. *sigh*

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My interest in U14 is now on hold in limbo. Same with my Plat purchases and spending what I currently have.


Whoever was running RedText earlier for the 13.9.1 Hotfix tried to make it seem we were all still eager and upset about today not being U14, but that didn't work at all. (ie Hotfix 13.9.1sorryitsnotu14yet etc etc..)


Nobody was 'flipping tables over' on that. Our concerns were elsewhere. If DE still has their normal 2 streams this week, I'm sure they will outright say at the beginning that they A.Cannot talk about it so dont ask and/or B.Will delay more streams using U14 as cover. Both are legit reasons, but we need some kind of bone thrown our way IMO.


Real crappy situation. This is the first time ever that I haven't looked forward to logging in. Back to not being excited about any game out there...again. *sigh*

PW wants some stock shares, not the whole @(*()$ studio. Stop talking like they want the whole studio.

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PW wants some stock shares, not the whole @(*()$ studio. Stop talking like they want the whole studio.


They want the whole thing.... They bought like 40%+ of DE Stock... Probably buying the whole 49% that DE allows others to buy... They just didn't buy majority because DE isn't allowing it.


So yes, PWE is looking for a hostile takeover, only DE active defenses are impeding the acquisition and i'm not sure i don't trust DE not to give in the sheer numbers...

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They want the whole thing.... They bought like 40%+ of DE Stock... Probably buying the whole 49% that DE allows others to buy... They just didn't buy majority because DE isn't allowing it.


So yes, PWE is looking for a hostile takeover, only DE active defenses are impeding the acquisition and i'm not sure i don't trust DE not to give in the sheer numbers...

Links to the numbers and people might be more willing to believe you. As it is, this is just feeding a rumor mill, and as much fun as it would be to say this, "Why care to begin with? Nothing we do will ever matter in the long or short term. We humans are pointless, incurably flawed, disgusting aberrations that spread filth and decay wherever we go and the only ways to go are to die or shred every ounce of our emotions so we are nothing but empty husks, waiting to die. = -=," being a depressing Neitzche wannabe gets tiresome when you run out of flowery, depressing words.

Edited by Sidathe
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They want the whole thing.... They bought like 40%+ of DE Stock... Probably buying the whole 49% that DE allows others to buy... They just didn't buy majority because DE isn't allowing it.


So yes, PWE is looking for a hostile takeover, only DE active defenses are impeding the acquisition and i'm not sure i don't trust DE not to give in the sheer numbers...

What the hell are you talking about, nobodies bought anything yet. And nobody knows what percentage of stock DE is even offering.


I really really hope half of these people are trolls.

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never was




edit: i bet Update 14 will come with some many goodies and alerts causing all of you people to crawl back as they regain your loyalty. I know i will.

For all the negative PR this incident has generated (even if it doesn't happen or isn't a majority buyout) DE will need to do this to retain a large number of it's customers. I just think that it's sad that they would consider doing business with a company with a drastically different business model. Reputation among development companies means a lot more these days due to social media.

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For all the negative PR this incident has generated (even if it doesn't happen or isn't a majority buyout) DE will need to do this to retain a large number of it's customers. I just think that it's sad that they would consider doing business with a company with a drastically different business model. Reputation among development companies means a lot more these days due to social media.

All they need to do is come out and explain what they are actually doing, which is letting PW buy some stock shares. DE will still be DE.

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Facts might hurt, but we'll get over it a lot faster.


And sorry for the ninja edit, I just wanted an excuse to post that string of misery.


I think everyone will be allowed to be as miserable as possible... This week with pure hotfix (not even a goddamn Color Pallet?) and the PWE speculation that DE is making sure we're left in the dark for the whole day, possibly the whole week...


Bleak times, my friend, i think it never got as bleak as this.

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