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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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I think everyone will be allowed to be as miserable as possible... This week with pure hotfix (not even a goddamn Color Pallet?) and the PWE speculation that DE is making sure we're left in the dark for the whole day, possibly the whole week...


Bleak times, my friend, i think it never got as bleak as this.

...actually, I think it did, once, maybe. But whatever, you want bleak? Then stop playing video games entirely. Everyone who makes them is a sellout. So much as working in the video game industry marks you as a sellout who compromises everything you want in the pursuit of money. Trust is pointless, fragile, and a sign of weakness. Never trust anyone. Not a lover, not your family, friends. Trust nobody. Be suspicious of anyone who so much as looks at you. Everyone you know is plotting how to get rich at your expense. No one cares about you, your job will end up being a complete load of S#&$ and there will be absolutely no escape but your death. Trusting people to provide you entertainment is stupid, you have to do everything by yourself, with your own hands, because if you let someone else provide it, it will be taken away from you, beaten with a 9-iron, and replaced with a giant piece of S#&$.

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The hype and money I had planned on funneling into this game left the building when Warframes direction came into question. All the fun U14 was to provide will all be for not if someone comes in and starts changing parts of the game that made it a hit with it's current fanbase.

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PW wants some stock shares, not the whole @(*()$ studio. Stop talking like they want the whole studio.

The news specifically talked about all available stock. So they in fact do want "whole effin studio".


Know your stuff before you complain about others being wrong. When they are right and you are wrong.

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The news specifically talked about all available stock. So they in fact do want "whole effin studio".


Know your stuff before you complain about others being wrong. When they are right and you are wrong.

Well, available stock may just mean the stock DE is willing to sell.

And please do not go claiming that the half of the forum that is panicking is correct. Even if you feel it too be true, the way you phrased it was kind of...mean, to put it kindly.

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Well, available stock may just mean the stock DE is willing to sell.

And please do not go claiming that the half of the forum that is panicking is correct. Even if you feel it too be true, the way you phrased it was kind of...mean, to put it kindly.


PWE doesn't do non-controlling shares. it's 51%+ with them or not at all. 


If, *IF*, DE somehow pulls off the coup of the century and manages to keep a controlling interest in the game, it may turn out ok. I somehow doubt that's what's going to happen, though. 

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This is the part where you realize Warframe is already that style of F2P, except tamer.

Nah...not even close. 

You don't get idiotic amounts of RNG for things that you actually "need" in the market.

You also don't get OP weapons and armors or upgrades for them that aren't obtainable otherwise...

WF offers every weapon in the game....but like I said...the weapons are actually in the game...and none of them are all that hard to get.

Pretty much everything in the market is "optional as of today. WF is entirely pay2skip and pay for convenience. PWE is entirely Pay2Win and a cashcow company.

Edited by Shehriazad
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#1 - There is a mega-thread for the PWE discussion.  If y'all want to discuss PWE, y'all should use that one.


#2 - U14 won't be out at least until next week.  Expect DE to make a lot of noise about it coming out before it hits the servers.  DE hasn't given us any news on its release, so u14 won't hit for a little while yet.


#3 - What's wrong with a hotfix week?  Geez, y'all!  We have been getting a steady stream of weapons, gear, and events for a really long time.  You don't even want to extend to them the courtesy of having one week off to deal with other critical issues?  Haven't people been claiming that they would forgo bright shinies if it let DE work on other needed game fixes?  and when they to, everyone complains?  C'mon y'all!  We're better than this!!


#4 - Unfortunately, breaking #1 above, DE may have to deal with the PWE situation before they can get us back focused on U14, so hat may add further delay to the release.


And lastly,

#5 - While I anticipate our Wednesday offerings, I cannot say I have ever been "hyped".  What will happen will happen, and I will enjoy or not enjoy the events/gear/what-have-you as my own preferences see fit.

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...actually, I think it did, once, maybe. But whatever, you want bleak? Then stop playing video games entirely. Everyone who makes them is a sellout. So much as working in the video game industry marks you as a sellout who compromises everything you want in the pursuit of money. Trust is pointless, fragile, and a sign of weakness. Never trust anyone. Not a lover, not your family, friends. Trust nobody. Be suspicious of anyone who so much as looks at you. Everyone you know is plotting how to get rich at your expense. No one cares about you, your job will end up being a complete load of S#&$ and there will be absolutely no escape but your death. Trusting people to provide you entertainment is stupid, you have to do everything by yourself, with your own hands, because if you let someone else provide it, it will be taken away from you, beaten with a 9-iron, and replaced with a giant piece of S#&$.

Im pretty sure that Grinding Gear Games can not be called a sellout company. 

They've stuck to their pledge to have nothing but vanity items in their market (costumes and whatnot). To this day neither has the company offered a single booster or item in the market...nor are they selling their baby to anyone.

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Im pretty sure that Grinding Gear Games can not be called a sellout company. 

They've stuck to their pledge to have nothing but vanity items in their market (costumes and whatnot). To this day neither has the company offered a single booster or item in the market...nor are they selling their baby to anyone.

Quit being positive! Positivity is not allowed on the internet! Only total despair and hate is allowed! >:c

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