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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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He got the boost earlier because he was faster in the first place! Are you saying that since people grinded the enemy missions faster they deserve to be punished? The effort of the enemy levels is the same for everyone. Some just did more of them faster and got the boost first. Just because someone is slow at the game doesn't mean they get to cry. Everyone had the same opportunities.

It's not an intended part of the competition and completely changes the nature of how the competition functions.  Same goes for the enemies not spawning.




So where does being faster/better depending on what scenario we go with make it an exploit. In your messed up logic I should probably be banned because I can level a frame faster than you.

Because it provides an advantage to people who started earlier or grinded more early on, rather than rewarding their effort for the whole of the event, it disproportionalty rewards their effort early on in direct contraction to how the event was supposed to function (ie have increasing difficulty) .  I'd also ask that you remember that this event is occurring in limited time frame.

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Guest Shibboleet

It's not an intended part of the competition and completely changes the nature of how the competition functions.  Same goes for the enemies not spawning.

It was presented as an endless grind. There was no change; Until the hotfix at least.

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But you also reported this issue to the bank 6 months beforehand, and they never changed it. So it seems then that is intended to be this way.

Regardless of whether the bank follow up on it properly, It's still not your money.

You can't argue that something that didn't belong to you is yours because someone accidentally handed it to you.

An exploit is an exploit. I don't understand the logic behind all this. DE didn't stop you from exploiting a bug so it's their fault you did it? I am not sure you understand the concept of free will very well. You broke a rule. The penalty for that was reduction in score.

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It may be something that DE didn't fix, and you could say it is their fault for pushing endlessly increasing levels into this event with this whole stupid 'clan statue' prize race that every event has.


The moment you noticed no enemies spawning, you should have stopped running the event, reported in and waited for a hotfix. Everything past this is indeed exploiting. You continued on your own risk, be happy they just reverted the points.


This event clearly was never expected to be pushed past 48 points per run by whoever designed it.


Things to fix this from the top of my head:


-Tumors and Pods should have scaled their HP accordingly, just like every other enemy in the mission.

I can solo this with my Loki at ~100 points per mission. I don't care about any enemy, it takes a whole mag on my best weapon to kill a Runner let alone Ancient, I just go for the Tumors and Pods.


The whole mission would have capped out naturally at a very much earlier point, when you simply can't bring enough ammunition to destroy the mission-relevant things.


-An actual midboss that you run into before the end, that has to be killed. Think old Golem or even just a Phorid or two.

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It was presented as an endless grind. There was no change; Until the hotfix at least.

It was presented as an endless grind with increasing difficulty.  Having enemies not spawn at a certain point doesn't really fit that description.

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It was presented as an endless grind with increasing difficulty.  Having enemies not spawn at a certain point doesn't really fit that description.


Then they should have fixed it when the Tenn Os clan actually reported that problem.

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Because it provides an advantage to people who started earlier or grinded more early on, rather than rewarding their effort for the whole of the event, it disproportionalty rewards their effort early on in direct contraction to how the event was supposed to function (ie have increasing difficulty) .  I'd also ask that you remember that this event is occurring in limited time frame.

Huh? If there was no boost at all the people who started first would win anyway. I didn't stop since the moment it started. Boost or not those people weren't catching me. You aren't even arguing about the exploit anymore but that me grinding longer than others isn't fair. Lol.

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Huh? If there was no boost at all the people who started first would win anyway. I didn't stop since the moment it started. Boost or not those people weren't catching me. You aren't even arguing about the exploit anymore but that me grinding longer than others isn't fair. Lol.

Not necessarily.  Since you'd be gaining points at a slower rate more groups that have started at different times would see an opportunity to catch up.  The psychology of competition is every bit as important to the balance of a competition as is the functionality.


As for the question of whether it was an exploit or not.  That's pretty much unquestionable.  The event was clearly not working as DE intended and they have stated as much themselves.

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Not necessarily.  Since you'd be gaining points at a slower rate more groups that have started at different times would see an opportunity to catch up.  The psychology of competition is every bit as important to the balance of a competition as is the functionality.


As for the question of whether it was an exploit or not.  That's pretty much unquestionable.  The event was clearly not working as DE intended and they have stated as much themselves.

^He's correct here. I like to compete but if I look at scores and see I am getting crushed I'll just go have fun goofing about and not get serious about trying to catch up with someone out of reach. And a lot of people get discouraged.

As an aside this game isn't meant to go to level 9999, so why would they be too concerned about fixing that bug. I am just curious how people even survive against enemies of that level other than hiding behind some seriously meta cheap tactics that involve very little skill.

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Not necessarily.  Since you'd be gaining points at a slower rate more groups that have started at different times would see an opportunity to catch up.  The psychology of competition is every bit as important to the balance of a competition as is the functionality.


As for the question of whether it was an exploit or not.  That's pretty much unquestionable.  The event was clearly not working as DE intended and they have stated as much themselves.

I'll agree I might have psychologically ruined their spirits. Nope. No one was going to catch anyone. With the top boards being EGT and Tenn Os, no ones going to catch that. Neither of those groups will accept loss, look at the top boards for the last events. Who else grinds that long? If anything the last event should have psychologically deterred them.

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I'll agree I might have psychologically ruined their spirits. Nope. No one was going to catch anyone. With the top boards being EGT and Tenn Os, no ones going to catch that. Neither of those groups will accept loss, look at the top boards for the last events. Who else grinds that long? If anything the last event should have psychologically deterred them.

The scores doesn't change the fact that exploits do have to be addressed regardless of whether it will change anything.  Even if the possibility is low that anyone will catch up, the event still needs to be able allow it to happen.


You're also still brushing over the simple fact that it conflicted with the design intent of the event.  If it was not the developers intent to have the event work this way, taking advantage of that design flaw is an exploit and was addressed such.

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Guest Shibboleet

The scores doesn't change the fact that exploits do have to be addressed regardless of whether it will change anything.  Even if the possibility is low that anyone will catch up, the event still needs to be able allow it to happen.


You're also still brushing over the simple fact that it conflicted with the design intent of the event.  If it was not the developers intent to have the event work this way, taking advantage of that design flaw is an exploit and was addressed such.

Your yourself are using the mental deterrence as a point, and now you're brushing it aside. But now you're saying that anyone should be able to catch up to non stop grinders? Players could still catch up if they had stopped, because anyone could get to that breakpoint of faster runs. What is your point anymore?


The design intent was endless grinding. They endlessly grinded.

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The scores doesn't change the fact that exploits do have to be addressed regardless of whether it will change anything.  Even if the possibility is low that anyone will catch up, the event still needs to be able allow it to happen.


You're also still brushing over the simple fact that it conflicted with the design intent of the event.  If it was not the developers intent to have the event work this way, taking advantage of that design flaw is an exploit and was addressed such.

You are using circular logic to raise your mastery rank on the forums.

Reported to jagex.

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Bickering over either the bug being an old bug miraculously absolves those who abused it of wrongdoing or not aside, the thing I can see from this is how Loki is gonna so be on the radar for trivializing the event. As far as being on topic is concerned, so many people are playing the victim, that I am not even upset over how stubborn the people who got caught and trying to justifying it is amusing me greatly.


With that, carry on. I want to see this keep going, should give a good indication of accountability in the world (so much defence over questionable actions in a video game.. I'll leave it at that). DE maybe not did the most upfront thing about it, but they outright called it an exploit over dancing around it by calling it a bug, so that's a start. But hey, I'm plenty thirsty, so carry on, people, carry on. 

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You are using circular logic to raise your mastery rank on the forums.

Reported to jagex.

You only address peoples' arguments when it suits you and don't understand your own analogies.  I'll be kind here and offer you a draw.




Your yourself are using the mental deterrence as a point, and now you're brushing it aside. But now you're saying that anyone should be able to catch up to non stop grinders? Players could still catch up if they had stopped, because anyone could get to that breakpoint of faster runs. What is your point anymore?


The design intent was endless grinding. They endlessly grinded.

When did I brush aside mental deterrence as a factor?


And no, I said that the event should allow for it people to catch up.  Getting to the break point doesn't stop people from having had faster runs for a longer period of time during a time limited event.

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Guest Shibboleet

And no, I said that the event should allow for it people to catch up.  Getting to the break point doesn't stop people from having had faster runs for a longer period of time during a time limited event.

So they were grinding faster anyway, therefor they should be on top anyway. And there was absolutely no way for them to catch up, because they were grinding that quickly even before the change. (See 4 minute Tenn Os video).

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Can someone please explain to me whats going on, and why his 48 hours were wasted at 405 points?


In short, without mentioning how they got to 405 points to start with, any mobs that were supposed to spawn past level 9999 simply didn't. All there was, were the pods, the Tenno, and nothing else. So people, in their endless wisdom and apparent lack of foresight, took advantage of this and kept running empty missions to inflate their scores.


The current discussion (and I use that term loosely at this point) is if the use of the bug, admittedly *being known as not working as intended* was justified due to DE not addressing it sooner or not. Anything else is simply fluff or twisting words.



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So they were grinding faster anyway, therefor they should be on top anyway. And there was absolutely no way for them to catch up, because they were grinding that quickly even before the change. (See 4 minute Tenn Os video).

We aren't saying they shouldn't have win. We are saying people shouldn't complain about getting penalized for using an exploit.
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So they were grinding faster anyway, therefor they should be on top anyway. And there was absolutely no way for them to catch up, because they were grinding that quickly even before the change. (See 4 minute Tenn Os video).

So why exactly should they be allowed to grind even faster for no reason whatsoever?  Also, there are multiple Tiers and Tenn OS, EGT and warbros are not the only clans in the game.  And why shouldn't DE roll back the points like they've done with every other event exploit?  Because it makes you sad?

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In short, without mentioning how they got to 405 points to start with, any mobs that were supposed to spawn past level 9999 simply didn't. All there was, were the pods, the Tenno, and nothing else. So people, in their endless wisdom and apparent lack of foresight, took advantage of this and kept running empty missions to inflate their scores.


The current discussion (and I use that term loosely at this point) is if the use of the bug, admittedly *being known as not working as intended* was justified due to DE not addressing it sooner or not. Anything else is simply fluff or twisting words.




So how was OP's 48hours wasted exactly?

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