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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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That is not the definition of a solution. You can't just stop using something that broke and say well that solved it! It's still broken and I can't use it but that is a solution!


Also good thing this design flaw did not give advantage over other players but apparently you have not studied the situation enough to know this.


Also please refer to the event page on the home page, near the bottom is this statement.


"These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in Clan Leaderboards."


Endless potential in the clan leaderboards. has now become endless potential up to 405. You can't announce the event as one thing then change it half way through. Of course with your shaky definition of a solution I bet you think 'endless' potential up to 405 is a solution. It's alright to change the rules. It's just a solution!

No, I think that DE underestimated the player base again.  It doesn't change the fact that not playing broken mission was the common sense thing to do. The event design to reward you with with more points as finish it at increasing difficulty, if the difficulty suddenly just drops to essentially zero, there's no reason it should be rewarding you still.

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No, I think that DE underestimated the player base again.  It doesn't change the fact that not playing broken mission was the common sense thing to do. The event design to reward you with with more points as finish it at increasing difficulty, if the difficulty suddenly just drops to essentially zero, there's no reason it should be rewarding you still.

To be fair, the difficulty of the mission wasn't all that much even with 9999 enemies.

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To be fair, the difficulty of the mission wasn't all that much even with 9999 enemies.

Was talking more to the design intent of the event, not your subjective evaluation of it :|

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I agree that DE shouldn't have placed a point limit since that flys directly in contradiction to what they said before - - they could easily just increase eximus spawn rates upon hitting the limit; or with more difficulty, introduce more nodes / put in place pre-existent environment conditions to make the game harder,


But putting a hard cap on the point limit is a sign of lazy design. They didn't expect it (though it's been known for sometime) and the team should have been better prepared.

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Was talking more to the design intent of the event, not your subjective evaluation of it :|


Their intent was to have the score scale ENDLESSLY. DE could not deliver and turned around to call it an exploit for trying to get what they promised.

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Their intent was to have the score scale ENDLESSLY. DE could not deliver and turned around to call it an exploit for trying to get what they promised.


Okay, first up, the score literally physically cannot scale endlessly. The computer code can't handle it. Eventually, even with a NASA supercomputer, the number would reach so high it would shut down. DE's marketing doesn't change this fact, so ultimately it was never endless and DE was just saying "endless potential" as a meaningless marketing phrase. They could've said "endless potential up until the enemies reach level 9999", but that doesn't distill down into a soundbyte as well, and nitpicking a turn of phrase like that is a sign of terrible lameness.


Second, you guys need to stop with the whining about your score being axed because you guys were running missions with no goddamn enemies and pull Warbros back up with the tenacity (tennocity?) they're known for. "Hurr durr, DE can't fix perceived exploits" is not a mental trap Warbros of all clans should fall into because it's happened to them before.


DE closes loopholes in design as they become apparent. This should be obvious.

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DE closes loopholes in design as they become apparent. This should be obvious.


Sept, y'know, enemy's not spawning beyond a certain point has been a known bug for months now.


And was reported 2 days ago when someone first broke the 400 point mark.


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Okay, first up, the score literally physically cannot scale endlessly. The computer code can't handle it. Eventually, even with a NASA supercomputer, the number would reach so high it would shut down. DE's marketing doesn't change this fact, so ultimately it was never endless and DE was just saying "endless potential" as a meaningless marketing phrase. They could've said "endless potential up until the enemies reach level 9999", but that doesn't distill down into a soundbyte as well, and nitpicking a turn of phrase like that is a sign of terrible lameness.


Second, you guys need to stop with the whining about your score being axed because you guys were running missions with no goddamn enemies and pull Warbros back up with the tenacity (tennocity?) they're known for. "Hurr durr, DE can't fix perceived exploits" is not a mental trap Warbros of all clans should fall into because it's happened to them before.


DE closes loopholes in design as they become apparent. This should be obvious.

Actually, they didn't consider people would be willing to grind to infinity. This is appearent. So instead, they break their scoring, and keep on truckin.


It is quite a large, massive, lump of a failure.

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Okay, first up, the score literally physically cannot scale endlessly. The computer code can't handle it. Eventually, even with a NASA supercomputer, the number would reach so high it would shut down. DE's marketing doesn't change this fact, so ultimately it was never endless and DE was just saying "endless potential" as a meaningless marketing phrase. They could've said "endless potential up until the enemies reach level 9999", but that doesn't distill down into a soundbyte as well, and nitpicking a turn of phrase like that is a sign of terrible lameness.


Second, you guys need to stop with the whining about your score being axed because you guys were running missions with no goddamn enemies and pull Warbros back up with the tenacity (tennocity?) they're known for. "Hurr durr, DE can't fix perceived exploits" is not a mental trap Warbros of all clans should fall into because it's happened to them before.


DE closes loopholes in design as they become apparent. This should be obvious.

They fix loopholes when they bit them in the @$$. Simple truth.



DE tends to ignore issues with the game until things become ugly.

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I honestly don't care if you say it's an exploit or not, what DE says what they want in the game is final. If you feel entitled to something that DE initially didn't wanted that's your own fault. Continue crying, no one cares. You're screaming at a wall for hurting you when you ran into it. 

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Their intent was to have the score scale ENDLESSLY. DE could not deliver and turned around to call it an exploit for trying to get what they promised.

That endless scaling also was supposed to include enemies.  Continuing to farm for points even though you knew that it wasn't working as it was supposed to is an abuse of a design flaw.  You might not like or properly understand the term exploit, but that's what it was. 


DE fixed it as they could when it became an issue.  They aren't first dev studio to have to do this and they won't be last.  Acting like this was some sort of unprecedented extraordinary that requires special treatment is ridiculous simply because that's not true at all.

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Wait, I got it..


This game is in beta. So you just help test a feature.


How do you like them apples?




"B-But its a beta" with a cash shop and a certain someone someone even admitted that in the old days this game in its current state would be classed as an "Alpha"

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Sept, y'know, enemy's not spawning beyond a certain point has been a known bug for months now.


And was reported 2 days ago when someone first broke the 400 point mark.



Yes? And? That changes the fact that guys are asking for points gained on runs with no enemies how, now?

Could DE have done it better? Maybe. I dunno how the code works. It sounds like this is an engine thing that would take a large amount of programming resources to fix. If that's the case, I for one would much rather those resources go to fixing actual problems instead of something like this that only shows up when enemy level exceeds 9999.



Actually, they didn't consider people would be willing to grind to infinity. This is appearent. So instead, they break their scoring, and keep on truckin.


It is quite a large, massive, lump of a failure.


What else is to be done, though? If it was as simple as letting single-run scoring keep on going up while somehow keeping enemies spawning, you think DE would've *done* that. This sounds more like they ran headfirst into an engine limitation that restricts their options. Like, if it was just as easy as uncapping the enemy levels so they continue to spawn forever, DE would've done that.


Points earned after 405 are tainted by the fact that there's no enemies, so they can't just leave it as it is, so they have to do something.

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when you know something is not right and yet keep on doing it, its an exploit. Its a bug at start but people keep on exploiting it. If I encounter this first time, I would run 2 more missions to make sure that its not on my end but if it keep happening, I stop and report the problem.

People know that shouldn't happen but yet keep on doing it. Now face the consquences.

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Wait, I got it..


This game is in beta. So you just help test a feature.


How do you like them apples?


This game is not in a beta, this game is not in an alpha and this game sure isn't finished by any means.


This game could verify as either an unfinished scrapped together game, or an early alpha with a grindwall walking hand to hand with the big wall of wait, yet somehow people like you keep the idea that defending this game is a good idea.


If you're adding new content to your game while it is in an unfinished state, and your customers are betatesters, you are not suppoused to put weapons or new content behind grind to hide away from criticism or bug reports.

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I honestly don't care if you say it's an exploit or not, what DE says what they want in the game is final. If you feel entitled to something that DE initially didn't wanted that's your own fault. Continue crying, no one cares. You're screaming at a wall for hurting you when you ran into it. 

"You should count yourself lucky DE lets you even play this game :^)"

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They might've tried to fix the 9999 problem, maybe it just made the game explode. Maybe they have a task force of coders trying to find out why their engine is having a hard time with this. I mean, programming, especially games is really fickle. You make one wrong move somewhere insignificant and everything just dies. I think Helios and Carrier were a good example of that.


Also, I think people are attacking this event in the wrong way. The mentality is there is a ceiling on how many points you can get, before you start using the 'exploit'. But that's considering every single last member of your clan hits that celing. If that was the case now the leader boards would all look the same. Even the ghost clan leaderboards are skewed, A bit. Tenn O's far in the lead.. a couple in the 1,800's.


I sort of agree with what they did to preserve the purpose of the event..to showcase the strongest clan by numbers, not by an individuals brute force. I agree that this should be fixed, however I don't have sympathy for anyone who knew the risks of going that far, and spending countless hours to feather their score to make up for inactive members.

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Yes? And? That changes the fact that guys are asking for points gained on runs with no enemies how, now?

Could DE have done it better? Maybe. I dunno how the code works. It sounds like this is an engine thing that would take a large amount of programming resources to fix. If that's the case, I for one would much rather those resources go to fixing actual problems instead of something like this that only shows up when enemy level exceeds 9999.




What else is to be done, though? If it was as simple as letting single-run scoring keep on going up while somehow keeping enemies spawning, you think DE would've *done* that. This sounds more like they ran headfirst into an engine limitation that restricts their options. Like, if it was just as easy as uncapping the enemy levels so they continue to spawn forever, DE would've done that.


Points earned after 405 are tainted by the fact that there's no enemies, so they can't just leave it as it is, so they have to do something.

What they could do is ditch leaderboard scoring altogether at this point, since they're unbelieveably broken at this point, or perhaps seek out a better medium of scoring, or consider a second phase.

The event is still a wash as is.

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Jesus, people. Has no one posted the images of how, of the Moon Clans, only WBP had 52k points cut, and Second Moon had not a single point cut, standing at 52k? Because it's a clear sign that DE hasn't done exactly the best "for the community".


And even ignoring that fact, we can see that their solution blatantly benefits zerg/giant clans instead of the hardworkers. Makes no sense in any kind of event or competition that tries to be seen seriously (but then again, we all know how DE does in that regard).

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