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The Truth Behind The Frames.


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Loki > Ash, Valkyr, Excal

Nova > Banshee, Ember, Saryn, Zephyr

Vauban > Hydroid

Frost > Hydroid

Trinity > Oberon

Nyx > Banshee, Ember, Saryn, Zephyr, Hydroid

Rhino > Excal, Ash, Banshee, Saryn

Mag > Banshee, Ember, Saryn, Zephyr, Hydroid

Volt = Niche Speed

Nekros = Niche Farming.

Play the game, and you'll know you can't argue.

Saying "All frames are viable" isn't even relevant. 


Maybe you should play the game with more than one ability per frame.

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Baseless, untrue assumption.

Getting pretty defensive over a "Baseless, untrue assumption".


The assumption is based on the fact you think it's fair to compare specialized frames with well-rounded frames in the certain roles the specialized frames are built to occupy, while completely disregarding the fact that the well-rounded frame very often outclasses the specialized frame in multiple different criteria by a wide margin.


So, either you only play with one ability per frame, or you're just bad at the game.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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This is sad. It really saddens me to see someone going out of there way to classify a tool as useless. I feel Warframes are tools, and that each tool has a job, and that each job comes more or less frequently. Some tools are more durable than others, some break under the strain, but NO Warframe is useless. I think D.E is one of the best game developer companies out there, for a few legitimate reasons, mainly they're proactive, and listen to their community. I think they're taking the game past what it needs to be at the moment. They're adding too much content too quickly. Now granted, don't get me wrong, I love all the new frames, and weapons, and mechanics and enemies, but they should really look at the balance side of things. Make it so that each frame has a purpose, and that purpose can be met on the regular. Perhaps nerfing the "OP" frames and buffing the weaker ones. Or they need to really define what that frame is meant to do, for instance, with Excalibur, he's a support and DPS frame, with his skills "Slash Dash", "Radial Blind", and "Radial Javelin" I feel if they defined this role more clearly, A. he'd be used more, and B. he'd have alot more utility. I also think that if the frames abilities were diversified more, then there'd be more of a key use for them.

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Getting pretty defensive over a "Baseless, untrue assumption".


The assumption is based on the fact you think it's fair to compare specialized frames with well-rounded frames in the certain roles the specialized frames are built to occupy, while completely disregarding the fact that the well-rounded frame very often outclasses the specialized frame in multiple different criteria by a wide margin.


So, either you only play with one ability per frame, or you're just bad at the game.


That is why Nyx is approved and not rejected. It's one of the most well-rounded frames. All the rejected frames get outclassed by one of the approved frames in their particular area.


But I think everyone by know realizes that you either don't know how all the frames work, or are just a baddie trying to defend his Valkyr or whatever your favorite frame is that happens to be rejected with the way you're constantly defensively posting, lol.



This is sad. It really saddens me to see someone going out of there way to classify a tool as useless.


Nobody said the other frames are useless, just that the 'rejected' frames are all outclassed in what they can do by the other ones. Like you said, it's somewhat of a balancing issue. The only near-useless frame is Banshee, which is partially also because stealth in Warframe does not work very well. Of course, even Banshee can be used in some lower level stuff but she's severely underpowered.

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Getting pretty defensive over a "Baseless, untrue assumption".


The assumption is based on the fact you think it's fair to compare specialized frames with well-rounded frames in the certain roles the specialized frames are built to occupy, while completely disregarding the fact that the well-rounded frame very often outclasses the specialized frame in multiple different criteria by a wide margin.


So, either you only play with one ability per frame, or you're just bad at the game.

Ad Hominem. Nice.

How does playing with one ability even come close to being relevant.

The frames you are mentioning are not as well rounded as the others.

+1 Free Post

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That is why Nyx is approved and not rejected. It's one of the most well-rounded frames. All the rejected frames get outclassed by one of the approved frames in their particular area.


But I think everyone by know realizes that you either don't know how all the frames work, or are just a baddie trying to defend his Valkyr or whatever your favorite frame is that happens to be rejected with the way you're constantly defensively posting, lol.

Except that Nyx is garbage tier, she doesn't even have a mobility skill or a heal.


Also, the original post was built as a flame-bait. It doesn't matter what frame I like, in fact my three most played frames are either approved or Best-sellers because yes, some frames are just plain better.


But this thread is a garbage troll thread because OP set it up to troll/flame-bait.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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U Wot m8?


successful troll thread is successful.


I'm going to assume that this was for comedy purposes only, because the amount of BS this guide has is astounding.


Hydroid and Zephyr reject. But nekros is approved because loot.



10/10 would troll again.






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Ad Hominem. Nice.

How does playing with one ability even come close to being relevant.

The frames you are mentioning are not as well rounded as the others.

+1 Free Post

And yet you've been completely incapable of backing up any claim that you've made so far, possibly because you don't even know what three out of four skills even do.

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And yet you've been completely incapable of backing up any claim that you've made so far, possibly because you don't even know what three out of four skills even do.

I'll go through each frame slowly for you.

Maybe it will educate you mr 238

Pick any one.

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Except that Nyx is garbage tier, she doesn't even have a mobility skill or a heal.


Also, the original post was built as a flame-bait. It doesn't matter what frame I like, in fact my three most played frames are either approved or Best-sellers because yes, some frames are just plain better.


But this thread is a garbage troll thread because OP set it up to be a garbage troll flame war.

you don-t need a mobility skill when you can just equip dual zorens, and you don-t need to heal when you can sit, invincible, and then blow everything up around you. while also scaling with enemy damage AND powered up by your pals and their OP weapons


And yet you've been completely incapable of backing up any claim that you've made so far, possibly because you don't even know what three out of four skills even do.

i-m bored and with nothing to do, what you need proof of and i-ll give it a shot

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I'll go through each frame slowly for you.

Maybe it will educate you mr 238

Pick any one.

Fine, please explain how garbage tier nova frame is somehow better than Ember, Nova's ult speeds the enemies up for christ sake. She has no stuns, her second skill does hardly any damage, an expensive and unreliable mobility skill, and her first ability is a waste of 25 energy.


While Ember has a stun that increases her damage significantly, a first skill that can be utilized for damage AND CC, a third skill that can redirect infested, and her fourth skill does crazy damage while she's moving.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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