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The Truth Behind The Frames.


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Excalibur is top CC, you know.

Can't deny the CC.

You need it. 

You *#1+ing neeed it.




Banshee's Sonar damage buff is huge.

Hydroid's CC is great, especially vs. Infested, though Undertow might slow the mission down a bit.

Volt>>>Frost in the endgame, because Volt's shield doesn't have any damage caps, unlike the Snow Globe.

Zephyr is pretty much invincible vs. projectiles, has decent CC and the Tornadoes are fun to watch.
Nova lacks CC, though she can 1HK most enemies with Antimatter Drop, and the damage buff from M-Prime is nice.
I'm sure you included her in that list only because of the M-Prime, though. :l
Mag isn't that great, tbh.

I disapprove half of the list.

Edited by Harbinger777
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I hope you're not implying that ANYONE is any use against level 9999 infested.  Really all you can do is keep running and coptering just to get to the objectives.  Ash and Loki can use stealth but I don't see what else you can do.

paris prime can still kill those

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paris prime can still kill those


If that were true I can see most people killing a handful of those infested before getting run down by the horde or having to run away.  And in any case, it's the weapon and last time I checked ALL frames can use all weapons so a "reject" frame can use the Paris Prime just as well as a "Top Seller".  The only real frames that would have an advantage are Loki and Ash that can go invisible and in that case they're better off just running to the objectives and then GTFO.

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Nova lacks CC, though she can 1HK most enemies with Antimatter Drop, and the damage buff from M-Prime is nice.

I'm sure you included her in that list only because of the M-Prime, though. :l

Mag isn't that great, tbh.

I disapprove half of the list.


My thoughts exactly

Edited by (PS4)MoriartyHaaaiii
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honestly, how many of you managed to score 405 on the event?


the frames with the most tactical or abstract skills are the top tier ones. those rejected rely on pure damage to do their deed, and thats a terrible thing when your weapons can easily outdo them. a poorly built melee can break 1k damage, rendering most 4's useless, and its a rangeless, low DPS weapon compared to some mid tier rifles you can use.


my only real complain is that ember is perfect to get clantech material from the invasion events. turn on the oven, rush to the exit, repeat 3~5 times and collect clantech stuff a day later.

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Personally I feel zephyr is a strong frame but that might be because I have lots of maxed mods on my bird woman.

Gonna have to veto that on the basis that while she has some pretty decent base stats most of her actual abilitys (the thing we all think of first) aren't all that useful into high wave/time missions. The only one I would personally consider of note is Turbulence and frankly I'm not all that familiar with how to maximize/make good use of it.

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Gonna have to veto that on the basis that while she has some pretty decent base stats most of her actual abilitys (the thing we all think of first) aren't all that useful into high wave/time missions. The only one I would personally consider of note is Turbulence and frankly I'm not all that familiar with how to maximize/make good use of it.

I think one of the points you make here are very important for the discussion. High wave/time. I never play past 40 minutes, not because I can't but because it bores the hek out of me, so what I might consider a great balanced frame, you may consider not impressive at all. The real issue that determines a lot of these discussions is how your playing the game. If we are talking about balance the discussion usually involves level 35 to 50 for top tier enemies. If someone is having a meta discussion it reframes the entire debate.
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Moved from General Discussion.

Ummm... this isn't really feedback as much as it's just general discussion. There are no suggestions or improvement ideas presented here, it's just a guide for endgame frame selection and food for thought




Lol these would all be different before the damage 2.0 update.....all of these. ALL OF THEM!!!! DAMMIT

Pretty sure vaub, frost and nova were as good back then if not better

Edited by Uuni
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I'd put zephyr higher. High shields and health, with Turbulence and tailwind, and you can survive, and get out quickly.


Personally I feel zephyr is a strong frame but that might be because I have lots of maxed mods on my bird woman.


Zephyr usless?


Wtf OP


She's the most balanced frame in the game.


balance is not what one looks for on a OP frame. nova would never be balanced, for instance.
her turbulence has a strange range issue where it stops working beyond a certain range, tornado spreads the enemy too much and its effectively more annoying that 4 lokis spamming switch teleport on a exterminate or survival mission. the movement habilities are interesting and full of potential, but not even modding for them will be better that knowing how to parkour and saving your energy for when you need it.
i too like zeph, but i have to admit shes too limited when things get tought. high base HP and shields are of no use when everything can oneshot you.


Yea Loki is useful... except in Infested missions. Just off of pure powers he has no effect to them


i have the feeling you will like this next event.


invisibility is quite meta, and decoy can be used to clear doorways of toxic infested. he is one of the best solo frames and can easily reach the top score on this event.

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I hope you're not implying that ANYONE is any use against level 9999 infested.  Really all you can do is keep running and coptering just to get to the objectives.  Ash and Loki can use stealth but I don't see what else you can do.


Nyx's absorb absolutely destroys them. Many of the other approved frames keep them all CC'ed perfectly while you shoot them (Their hp stops scaling so some guns still have proper damage). Loki is Loki and just walks past them all, obviously. So there are frames that are perfectly useful against those enemies.

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