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Do You Ever Hold Back Your Dps?


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I usually do reserve a mod slot for Fast Hands/Quickdraw despite not being optimal for dps, Damage+Proc chance mods I use all the time if you count those as being less than optimal dps, as well as Wildfire and Ice Storm for their mag boosts. I'm not running pure dps focus, but I am running a high dps focus. 
in low levels, anything works, there's no real need to change. So wasting the time to alter my build for utility isn't something I bother with. 
In high levels and tougher enemies you want to kill things as fast as possible, at which point dps and damage per bullet is the most important factor. After those would be reload, because it doesn't matter how long you can shoot(Magazine size), if you're dead before you can finish a reload. 

And for playstyle I usually wait for other people to catch up any ways. Abilities I only use when necessary, or spamming Rhino Charge/Slash Dash/Tidal Wave, dashing in to enemies be fun. But I'm rarely dropping massive CCs. 

Edited by LukeAura
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pff, i don't ever give Video Games my all unless i have comms with other players and we're doing 'serious sh*t'. 


i complete the Mission, that's all that matters. 




now, if there's some players that i don't want to ruin the experience for in a match i fall into, i will take pauses here and there to avoid running too far ahead of them.

that being said, i play Warframe to play it. i'm not going to stop playing the game for other players. i just play. there's Enemies, i Eliminate them at the rate and method i feel like, if there's an objective to get to, i go to it at my own pace.

my own pace is certainly faster than someone that isn't a veteran, but it's not always the fastest, and, whatever. i go at my speed, i enjoy the atmosphere and investigate things that catch my eye. i sidetrack for l00t sometimes, but not always. the Mission gets completed, so all is well.

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I never hold back - I rush far ahead cloaked, killing everything in sight and ruining the fun for almost everyone else then get back to texting once on the extraction point waiting for the slowpokes.

I shouldn't be the one slowing down. It's up to DE to create content for people like me, i'm a customer among so many others, otherwise i'll just rush since rushing is all the fun there's left for me, we're all bored of our OP weapons.

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Only when it doesn't fail the mission, or doesn't kill the players i am doing the mission with. If it endangers the objective i will switch from lets share some kills to kill as fast as i can XD (sry but after rezzing the team 6 times in 10 min i will go full broadside). 

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It gets boring destroying everything in your path by lightly blowing on it with all of your maxed out gear, so yeah, I find myself holding back often. I'll gimp myself with some run-of-the-mill weapon when I just can't be bothered to do some high-tier stuff for void runs. Nowadays I'm leveling 90% of the time, so my gear is low level anyhow. It's fun actually having to try and play a little more carefully while using the lower tier weapons. You really appreciate the work that was put into them, ya know?

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I will not deny on survival I wont hold back DPS no matter their Tier. I once did it in T1 and we just weren't killing fast enough and no Nekro in sight. We literally ran out of Life Support before the 15 minute mark. 

the thing is about survival (i hat it once) i too kall my maxed gear and becus its T1 you think... ah this is gnna be a peace of cake ... so you keep killing and killing but you forget your playing mostly with lower lvls ..... and then you suddenly realize that oyu have to much fun killing all the enemies and the life support is at 6% .... + you have to run all to the other side of the map again to use the life support ... wich means extraction then -_- its becus itsl ower tier you will et your gaurd down faster then when its T4 :p

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I just don't sprint, let them all have fun, I'll just stay behind.


When S#&$ get serious like if somebody is bleeding out, I spin like crazy with Dual Kamas rushing to them, press 4, and revive.

xD i was playing with my excal prime yesterday at mercury all maxed out and stuff... and the whole team was i nthe front going to vor i was just walking the whole time in theb ack to be sure they have the xp/kills becus i dun need it .. suddenly whole team down i wasl ike wut? ... then my team said omg excal you noob we have to do everything.....then i thought well fck it then and cleared the mission in 2 mins xD (what i mtryingto say is.. itsn ot always good that you stay behind or let them have the fun becus then they will see yo uas a noob like i had)

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Held back in a last game because I know how to play.


Just because my gun is super powerful, doesn't mean I need to weaken Nyx's absorb by killing mobs off her. Instead I just disarm and move on to the next part of the map and Nyx's absorb will clear it up as long as there are enough mobs alive beating on her.

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Guest DefiantPotato

I close to never give my all, ever.

I dont want to be that lil' annoying guy that mows people down b4 others get the chance

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Have to do this sometimes so I don't feel bad.


Like with Mag's Pull in the earlier planets of Corpus. You can literally take out an entire wave on Defense with one pull, rendering the rest of the team obsolete. I don't do it unless S#&$ seriously hits the fan.

exactly how i feel with my few AOE-nuke frames, i dont nuke unless i have to because it makes the game more boring

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Not talked about much, but I suspect other players do this as well sometimes. So the real question is do you ever not, "give your all" so that you do not run all over other players who might not be as geared or might b!tch if you did?


I do this often in low-level missions on Venus, Mars, and Saturn plenty of times and scale back my play-style with lower level weapons and warframes as well. Instead of steamrolling over everything I'd rather attempt to play the game more tactically with strategic rolls and cover than rushing in and destroying everything with a Soma and my ultimate. 

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