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Let's Talk Lore...


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Hmm I would say that the are currently, functionally that way. But not permanently so.


IMHO the whole "maintaining balance" is a choice stemming for the desire not to rule, not to become the next Orokin.


What if the Sentients are a bigger ''balance maintainers''? Maybe the Sentients are the ''Interstellar Tenno'' and they have seen the Orokin Empire like a threath for the interstellare balance, so they decided to destroy it.


That's why Lotus forces us to keep balanced the solar system so you do not risk to ''warn'' the Sentients.

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I gave up on this game having any kind of lore that makes any sense

This is where I am nearing. So far, there is very little lore. What pieces we do have leave more questions behind. Then you have a ton of people using different stories for this and that. Then you have even more confusion when people insist on attempting to link dark sector and warframe by saying Hayden Tenno was the first tenno. That parts confusing because the lore we Do have clearly states the Orokin created the tenno, Not that virus in Dark Sector, thus meaning Hayden is in no way related. Yet they still argue.


Its all a mess so far. Hopefully we start to get some lore. Just saying that the tenno lost all of their memory is, im my opinon, a cheap excuse to be lazy with what could be some amazing lore in this game. Truth be told, I do believe what lore they wanted to use or had set up was put into Dark Sector. They did say that Warframe is or was what Dark Sector was supposed to or planned to be. Sure, some people may argue that lore doesn't matter, and they might be right to an extent. I cannot feel a connection with any warframe at all. I cannot feel like I can get to know any of them since I do not even know What they are or Why they fight or even Why they are here now.




Reportedly DERebecca at some point or another slipped up and confirmed lotus is an AI but I've not looked into it myself and beyond that its speculation.

Personally I don't take anything they say about lore seriously since they change their stance on it so often. First it might be confirmed, then a maybe, then they don't know and wont say anything else.

I can only hope that they begin to make lore. I mean, I myself can sit down and in like an hour write a good 30+ pages of lore for this thing Easy. So I really see no reason why a lore guy can't just sit down, write a rough draft and they all discuss it. I really want the story because it seems like its interesting.

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This is where I am nearing. So far, there is very little lore. What pieces we do have leave more questions behind. Then you have a ton of people using different stories for this and that. Then you have even more confusion when people insist on attempting to link dark sector and warframe by saying Hayden Tenno was the first tenno. That parts confusing because the lore we Do have clearly states the Orokin created the tenno, Not that virus in Dark Sector, thus meaning Hayden is in no way related. Yet they still argue.


Its all a mess so far. Hopefully we start to get some lore. Just saying that the tenno lost all of their memory is, im my opinon, a cheap excuse to be lazy with what could be some amazing lore in this game. Truth be told, I do believe what lore they wanted to use or had set up was put into Dark Sector. They did say that Warframe is or was what Dark Sector was supposed to or planned to be. Sure, some people may argue that lore doesn't matter, and they might be right to an extent. I cannot feel a connection with any warframe at all. I cannot feel like I can get to know any of them since I do not even know What they are or Why they fight or even Why they are here now.

personally, i believe that there is a distinction between tenno and warframe. Hayden Tenno is confirmed to be the first tenno, but not he first to use Excalibur, the first warframe. i believe that the tenno were already established before the Great War, exposed to a concentrated dose of the virus with the willpower to use it to their advantage...either that or the virus came from the void, which there is good reason to believe in such. but either way, i believe the tenno were already established before the warframes...they did things just like hayden did, and not like the tenno today. if i recall, hayden is a merc, and the newer tenno are skilled assassin warriors.

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Reportedly DERebecca at some point or another slipped up and confirmed lotus is an AI but I've not looked into it myself and beyond that its speculation.

I did read from one of the devs once, that it was another dev, not Rebecca who said that. Everyone keeps saying she said it, though.


(I will dig around and see if I can find the quote)

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@ AntoineFlemming ... nice posts, I have a couple of points/questions


First, you classify the elegant scrolling lined images which decorate the Orokin Tower as Tenno symbols ... aren't they simply Orokin? 

What evidence is there that the "Tenno" symbols were of THEIR OWN design?

Wouldn't the most likely explaination for any generic Tenno emblem be DERIVED from Orokin style?


As an aside, we don't even know the significance of these symbols ...

To me they look much like Arabic writing ... fluid and artistic

Just because in the West public buildings make use of simple and boring block letters, doesn't mean that the Orokin writing is equally simple ...


Second, you discount the idea that the Orokin Towers are prisons because they seem to be so lavishly designed and appointed

I see that as a "cultural bias" ...

A basis based upon the fact that in modern society prisons are bleak and stark while shopping malls are gleaming and stylish


The Orokin, as I see it, are NOT US ...


They are far richer, far more sophisticated and so would/could be far more PICKY of how ANYTHING LOOKED, including a prison - or my pet theory is a military/medical installation


After all, these Towers would also hold Orokin and Orokin always go in style

Just look at a Orokin trash can ... many people today would put that in their foyer or their curio cabinet ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's shake the boat a little, just to add something and to review some of my previous personal theories


Ember codex:

Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.

There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nodded. 'You were the principal investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kaleen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filled a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

'But you reopened the case, days later.'

'I didn't believe it myself until I stepped aboard the ship. It was completely intact, full environmental, as if it had never left.'

'And the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We thought it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembered pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face, 'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on a military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'


The big assumption here seems to be that the children founded on the Zariman were Tennos in training and that Kaleen was burned by one of the them (baby ember): while coherent and reasonable I think there is at least another explanation  for the codex. Of course, this is my personal theory:

Kaleen in the codex wishes to know the fate of the Zariman children: this seem to imply at some point she passed out (probably for the wounds she suffered) and she don't know about their fate. If baby ember hurt her, I don't think she would be so adamant in knowing the children's fate: she would be scared and horrified by them and their deaths wouldn't shake Kaleen as much. My personal interpretation is that the children found on board the Zariman weren't children, but something else: the Zariman did the jump ("folding from Saturn to Outer Gates") but come back empty.

 Let's assume the "folding" is FTL jump with transition in the Void (I see some similarities with the description of the jump in the mag prime codex). The Militaries send to explore the ship, confirm its emptiness, but days after, children spawn apparently from nothingness. And what if they were Sentients maybe? Initially Invisible and now disguised in a fleshy, fake appearance?

The Orokin and maybe even central command know of the danger of the Void and so when words of "children on the Zariman" reach them, they don't send more militaries to quarantine the ship, but a Tenno to sterilize it. An Ember.

Kaleen, scared, confused and maybe brainwashed in some way by the Sentients disguised as children, try to stop the "demon", the Tenno, and save the children, but ofc she fails and pass out, burned and scarred by the ember (she didn't kill Kaleen, while being able to do so, meaning Tennos treasure, in some way, human life).

Ofc the "old woman" could be a liar (We didn't. That would violate procedure.), but she could be just an high ranking officer with more knowledge than Kaleen about the menace of the Sentient...

The interview to Kaleen could be more of a final report, imo, maybe a way to confirm she wasn't "touched" by the Sentients.

Imo, this is a little more plausible scenario.


The theory of Tennos <=> Spartans from Halo is interesting, but for sake of originality, I will disassociate from it:  from Vay Hek propaganda's and some personal ideas, I think the humans who would have become Tennos in time, were  artificially engineered, created in laboratories by the Orokins: not normal humans (they could have some Hayden Tenno DNA in them, who knows) and also, I don't think they were infected with some form of technocite virus: otherwise, Tennos would be post humans, able to channel the Void and in some way or another, immune to technocite virus.... I think it would too many things together, even for demigod warriors.

It is possible, and plausible, that exist a relationship between the virus and the Tennos, but as far as we know at the moment, the only true relationship is that some warframes system (not all of them) use plastids as components: maybe a "domesticated" variant of the virus is used in the process needed to build a warframe? This could indicate that the virus is, in some way, pliable and that Alad V discovered a way to make it infect technology (I would like to point out that we don't know yet what kind of tech the Corpus uses for its drones: for all we know, there could be living tissue under their metal shell.... hybridization of flesh and computer components is one of the Corpus forte after all).

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i like to think that the tenno turned on orokin because they were gaurdian slaves. they were probably test subjects treated horribly, and secretly feared by the orokin govt/military. kept in 'quarantine' and 'isolated' from outside infuluences and resources, after being 'giving' the warframes that acted as 'conduits' to their powers, they resented their 'masters' for mistreating them, subjecting them to 'torture', and then sending them out to kill or be killed.


yah, i wouldnt like them either

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Let's go on with the baseless speculation!


I would like to add too some... ideas and theories about the Tennos, heavily based on the new prologue (Vor's Prize): for those of you who didn't played it, Vor speculate too on our true nature, concluding something like this about our nature (quoting verbatim)


"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not controle the warframe's divine energy. The Tenno are that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light"


This seems to imply (but again is probable not certain yet) that we are one Tenno in posses of different warframes to which we adapt swapping one for the others... this is for me quite a revelation, considering I advocated previously that every warframe was a Tenno. XD

If we accept this as canon, we've new questions ofc, balanced out by a more coherent lore: for instance, how someone with the body of a rhino can dress a nova frame?

The only way to solve this conundrum (where do you put dat codpiece when you become nova?) is for me that Tennos are in one way or another shapeless... beings of pure energy or human bodies made of Void substance, able to change shape and form. Not totally human anymore: able to bleed, but altered in composition and structure.

The most apt comparison I can find is maybe Watchmen's Dr Manhattan.




But we still have some unresolved matters:

1) Valkyr. While the original Valkyr was a different warframes, the actual one is the berserker of the Tennos. And this seems strange, because let's picture it:

A tenno with a valkyr frame is captured and tortured by the Corpus. He/she/it (does it have any sense to put a sex on the Tennos at this point?) is rescued/ escapes.... but why should preserve its armor as damaged as it is?

And why all the normal valkyr warframe should change their shape to the same tortured one? Terror tactics? Mindgames vs Corpus? The explanation seems weak...

My only conclusion is that the union between frame and Tenno is way deeper than a simple armor and soldier one: more like body and mind, where the change to one reflect a reaction to the others.

Or maybe, the actual raging Valkyr is much more powerful than the old one, so every Tenno swapped their old model to the new one: it could be, considering the "mad science" that Alad V practice. It is possible that, while he was tempering with the old Valkyr model, believing to be in control, he boosted the frame to achieve a more powerful "pet".

It worked wonderfully and the captured Tenno with its "new" powerful frame, escaped from the lab and shared the innovation between its siblings....

In short, Alad V did more for the Tennos than any other human around (Hoisted by his own petard. Take that Salad!)

2) The Stalker.

If the Tennos are now "energy", what is the Stalker? We know he wasn't a Tenno at the time of the fall of the Orokin.

Could the Stalker suit represent the best tech available at the time of the Orokin? Powerful, but useless against the Sentients? But what about the human under that suit? Is he enhanced with tech, body modification to the point of being immortal? Is his thirst for revenge something programmed in him by the suit (could be. He could be Hayden Tenno for all we know, brainwashed and crazy!)?

Something like robocop in the first movie, where mind and machine were grafted together, but the programs were in control?



Has he challenged the Void after the fall of the Orokin (seems strange at this point)?

Is he a mindless puppet with fake memories, programmed to fight the Tennos by someone/something else? After all, if he was around all the years while the Tennos slumbered, why Grinner and Corpus have no info on him and attack him with extreme prejudice? If the objective of the Stalker is revenge, wouldn't be better to share his information about the Tennos with Grineer and Corpus to form an alliance? To better prepare Corpus and Grineer to fight the Tennos? Instead, he works alone, pop in our reality from a cloud of smoke and vanish in an instant (he goes back to the Void?), while ranting about our kills of this or that leader of both factions...

Something is fishy here.

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In my previous tread. I had discuss that long time ago, back to the Orokin Era, some stupid or brave human entered the void. But they were twisted by the Technocolyte virus lurking in the Void. They mutant and some of them made peace with the virus inside their body. They received the power of the virus, turned them into super human. They were the first and the original Tenno.


During the Old War, these 'Mutant' were under some experiment and their DNA were obtained and implanted onto some exo-suit AKA Warframe. The person who wear the suit gain the power of the Mutant. But some of the experiments went wrong and the virus infected the crew, the Orokin Goverment decided to send those infested ship into the empty Void and became now-known, Orokin Derelict. Lephantis was the product of the millineium evolution. Back to the Tenno, the wearer of the suit joined the Old War against the Sentient. Somehow the Tenno were conviced by the Sentient to betrayed their master Orokin. They make a plan by faking their victory on the war, the Tennos were welcomed as the victor. But on the ceremony, their start their massacre, their slaugtered the Orokin. A pairs of scared eyes were watching the massacre and as a loyal Orokin guard, he swear he will avenge the betrayer for their action, his name is Stalker.


After Orokin age ended, they enter their thousand years deep slumber in the cryopod deep in the Void. Maybe some of the remnant of the Orokin hid away in the Solar System and they rebuild their new empire. They hate the Tenno deep inside their soul, comanded by the high queens, they treat the Tennos as pest and fear them as their predator. They are Grineer and they will destroy all the Tenno out there. But some of the Orokin children do not obey the Queens. They branch out with their merciless brother. They start to scavage the remaining Orokin technologies and build their own machine legion. They are Corpus, the merchant of the system. Unlike the Grineer, they see the Warframe as a profitable items. 


Millions years had passed. The Grineer start their bloody plan to eradicate the Tenno. Their plan alert the Sentient and the Lotus Organization start to wake up the sleeping warrior from their dream. And our story begin here......



[Guys this is only my guess, it may not be true but who know, maybe Tenno are robot, Lotus is a Cow and Vor is actually a Chirstmas Tree. But one day we will know the whole story, trust me Tenno, trust me...]


*ps sorry for my poor English since it's not my main language.

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I think people are reading WAY to much into Vor's comments during the prologue.


Tenno are no more energy than you or me. Although on some metaphysical level, that's really all anything ever is... My point is, Vor is confirmed to be a lunatic, and Steve has already stated that "One Tenno to a Warframe" [CITATION NEEDED, pretty sure it was one of the earlier Dev Streams].


Sorry to punch that hole through you otherwise decent post...


[Also, sorry to come off as a jack &amp;#&#33;, my day has been pretty ****ed up...]

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I'm gonna have to agree with Teq here. Vor is a borderline religious fanatic, I believe his comments were more metaphorical than concrete.


Beyond that, switching frames is a gameplay convenience, not a matter of lore. The physiology of tenno may be strange and mutated, but they're still human(ish).

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in Stalker codex is written exactly "The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised." now look at Warframe gameplay trailer and look at what lotus says "They hunt for you,but you will be waiting,you will master the warframe,you will strike when they least expect it,with powers they can never imagine"

- Stalker states that Tenno few moments before they slaughtered the Orokin,that they were waiting,they were poised.
- Lotus in GP trailer states allmost exactly same words as Stalker in his codex,only lotus said that in different means,but from my look it means exactly same thing as Lotus said "you will be waiting,you will master the warframe,you will strike when they least expect it"
"You will be waiting" can mean the time that Tenno spended in war against sentients
"You will master the warframes" this quote is logic for all of us i think..
"you will strike when they least expect it" based on what Stalker mentioned in his codex,look at it what better chance a tenno can get? Orokin celebrated their victory,and let Tenno in their warframes come to the weakest spot of the Orokin Empire

Where do i got this from?
"Tenno" was in past a Human being dragged into void (And no one knows if there was some free will or not) and if that human being even survived,he was putted in Warframe suit to fight for human allmost unknown civilization,against another allmost unknown civilization,and for what? To be ruled by the Orokin Empire...

So far we know that Lotus is Human AI and tenno is human beign,(from now on is what i think) and when they found out that they defeated what was Orokin really afraid off(Sentients) ,they knew at that moment that they can also defeat Orokin and when that will be done,humans can live in their solar system in peace again

Now History repeats,new threat appeared (Grinner,Corpus,Infested) and Tenno Order is needed again,but now we are deafeating nothing,just ourselves,although our memories are gone due to Cryo-sleep,and so we do what are we made for,to restore balance in solar system

This is my personal look on the lore of Warframe,from past till now


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in Stalker codex is written exactly "The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised."


when they (the Tenno) found out that they defeated what was Orokin really afraid of (Sentients), they knew at that moment that they can also defeat Orokin and when that will be done, humans can live in their solar system in peace again

Now History repeats ...


Great post!

I believe you have really hit upon something there as up to the end of the Old War, the Tenno were in effect failures ... shunned, isolated, outcasts

BUT, once the Tenno had a taste of victory - OF SUCCESS - they were "awoken" to their real potential


However, implicit in your comment is that the Orokin were DESPOTS or at least tyrants which the Tenno realized had to be overthrown


After all, just think of this from a child psychology point of view:

1. The Tenno presumably start as normal citizens of the Orokin Empire

2. But upon being exposed (intentionally or unintentionally) to the Void, the Tenno become the Orokin "Cinderella" children - too ugly to be seen in public ... this is tantamount to ABANDONMENT which brings feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and a subconscious drive to "win back mommy"

3. Yet after the war, the Tenno are heros - greeted warmly and enthusiastically and IN PUBLIC ... How much more validation would a hurt child want?

(BTW watch Steven Speilberg's AI - it captures the drive that children have for acceptance and love)


And yet, even during the celebration of defeating a COMMON enemy - as there is no reason to presume that the Sentients would have treated the Tenno any differently than the Orokin had they won - the Tenno assassinate the Orokin

Sure, there are many who ascribe to the "abused child's revenge" theory of why the Tenno rose up against the Orokin - rather like Christina Crawford "Mommie Dearest" turned Alfred Hitchcock "Psycho" - BUT remember the Stockholm syndrome where victims identify with and assimilate their captors attitudes


My point is that there has to be some very profound must be a work - something more than an abstract ideal such as "balance"

It's not OBJECTIVE ... you can't measure it, you can't really define it - too nebulous


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Basically, the tenno are incredibly malajusted. 


They've had a sense of worthlessness and abandonment issues since childhood, which leads them to cling to anyone who acknowledges them.


Beyond that, the tenno are child soldiers. There's documentation pointing to child soldiers suffering from extreme social isolation, difficulty coming to grasps with the end of a war, and in some cases even large memory loss. This would be consistent with the memory loss the tenno experienced, their devotion to the lotus, and their continuation of conflict for no apparent reason.

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In my previous tread. I had discuss that long time ago, back to the Orokin Era, some stupid or brave human entered the void. But they were twisted by the Technocolyte virus lurking in the Void. They mutant and some of them made peace with the virus inside their body. They received the power of the virus, turned them into super human. They were the first and the original Tenno.


During the Old War, these 'Mutant' were under some experiment and their DNA were obtained and implanted onto some exo-suit AKA Warframe. The person who wear the suit gain the power of the Mutant. But some of the experiments went wrong and the virus infected the crew, the Orokin Goverment decided to send those infested ship into the empty Void and became now-known, Orokin Derelict. Lephantis was the product of the millineium evolution. Back to the Tenno, the wearer of the suit joined the Old War against the Sentient. Somehow the Tenno were conviced by the Sentient to betrayed their master Orokin. They make a plan by faking their victory on the war, the Tennos were welcomed as the victor. But on the ceremony, their start their massacre, their slaugtered the Orokin. A pairs of scared eyes were watching the massacre and as a loyal Orokin guard, he swear he will avenge the betrayer for their action, his name is Stalker.


After Orokin age ended, they enter their thousand years deep slumber in the cryopod deep in the Void. Maybe some of the remnant of the Orokin hid away in the Solar System and they rebuild their new empire. They hate the Tenno deep inside their soul, comanded by the high queens, they treat the Tennos as pest and fear them as their predator. They are Grineer and they will destroy all the Tenno out there. But some of the Orokin children do not obey the Queens. They branch out with their merciless brother. They start to scavage the remaining Orokin technologies and build their own machine legion. They are Corpus, the merchant of the system. Unlike the Grineer, they see the Warframe as a profitable items. 


Millions years had passed. The Grineer start their bloody plan to eradicate the Tenno. Their plan alert the Sentient and the Lotus Organization start to wake up the sleeping warrior from their dream. And our story begin here......



[Guys this is only my guess, it may not be true but who know, maybe Tenno are robot, Lotus is a Cow and Vor is actually a Chirstmas Tree. But one day we will know the whole story, trust me Tenno, trust me...]


*ps sorry for my poor English since it's not my main language.


The problem I have with this theory is that Tenno and technocite virus are different things, and the Lotus stress out in ODA mission that the technocite virus was a weapon to fight the Sentients, while the Tennos were used much later in the conflict. The Technocite virus predate the opening of the vaults of the Orokin and the deployment of the Tennos: we can infer that while the technocite virus was a doomsday weapon, the Tennos were considered even more dangerous than the virus itself.


While I think a connection between virus and warframes (not Tennos) is possible, I don't think Tennos and the Virus are apples from the same tree...


The Tenno's rebellion vs the Orokin could be explained in different ways and even justified if we consider the Orokin as despotic tyrants with little to no respect for human lives: in short, Tennos could have been the good guys, fighting for humanity freedom with terrific means. They are the Betrayer of their master, sure, but why we should believe the Orokin as benevolent rulers, when they reshaped Earth in their own private garden? Afterall, they kicked out billion of people from their world to build a sanctuary for them...


I think they were, at least, narcissistic despots, if not even egomaniacs... are we sure that Tennos were wrong when they freed mankind from the Orokin? :)



And in the Vor's Prize, the Corpus is labeled a "Secret merchant cult" from the Lotus. I can believe proto Corpus and Grineer were already there at the time of the Orokin, but they are different legacies: military's one for the grineer (Their degeneration is caused from numberless copy of the same DNA, meaning at least centuries of cloning: it is plausible they were already present in some way at the time of the Fall) and bureaucracy's one for the Corpus (they were programmed with brainwash or software connected to the brain to worship the Orokin and their technology, something they still do today).

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I think people are reading WAY to much into Vor's comments during the prologue.


Tenno are no more energy than you or me. Although on some metaphysical level, that's really all anything ever is... My point is, Vor is confirmed to be a lunatic, and Steve has already stated that "One Tenno to a Warframe" [CITATION NEEDED, pretty sure it was one of the earlier Dev Streams].


Sorry to punch that hole through you otherwise decent post...


[Also, sorry to come off as a jack @$$, my day has been pretty ****ed up...]


Np and well, I try to build a lore with the current informations we have :S


I don't know if DE did a retcon with their previous statement, but with the current interface, the dialogues and even the UI (where we change frames in front of a giant Vault), it seems more plausible that a Tenno can fit them all (the magic vault could be a container for the warframes, a dresser of some sort XD or a vault for all the different Tennos... but why tennos should sleep or play cards or whatever in a single tiny vault?).


And I know this is just my personal crazy theories about the lore, almost baseless... I have no problem to change them further as soon as DE disclose something more.

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The Lotus is a Sentient.


Yeah I said it.


The Tenno were the ultimate weapon against the Sentients. Forged in the Void, crafted for war, mythological and lethal. The Sentients fell to them. But no, not quietly, not gently, and not without recourse. They had touched the Tenno. The weapons returned home, proud and gleaming in their glory, and reaped those that had sewn them. They were no longer tools of the Orokin, no longer their legends and stories of war-forged Gods. Their blades struck out in vengeance for the Sentients.


The Lotus may once have bound the Tenno together in service to the Orokin. But in the Lotus, the whisper in the ear of each Warframe, was the Sentient as they, too, whispered. Their great faceted eye gazing into the Tenno's link with the Lotus, akin to the Neural Sentries, but foreign, far away. 


The Tenno slept, once the Orokin were wiped out.  Frozen away in the towers, the whispers hushed, blades hewn, empires fallen, the war ended in only darkness. The silence of the Orokin brought with it the silence of the Lotus, and so the Tenno slept. Waiting again, for the Towers to be touched and awakened, for the Orokin's ruins to bear them forth.



...Because if the Tenno stopped working for the Orokin, who do you think they were fighting for?

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The Lotus is a Sentient.


Yeah I said it.


The Tenno were the ultimate weapon against the Sentients. Forged in the Void, crafted for war, mythological and lethal. The Sentients fell to them. But no, not quietly, not gently, and not without recourse. They had touched the Tenno. The weapons returned home, proud and gleaming in their glory, and reaped those that had sewn them. They were no longer tools of the Orokin, no longer their legends and stories of war-forged Gods. Their blades struck out in vengeance for the Sentients.


The Lotus may once have bound the Tenno together in service to the Orokin. But in the Lotus, the whisper in the ear of each Warframe, was the Sentient as they, too, whispered. Their great faceted eye gazing into the Tenno's link with the Lotus, akin to the Neural Sentries, but foreign, far away. 


The Tenno slept, once the Orokin were wiped out.  Frozen away in the towers, the whispers hushed, blades hewn, empires fallen, the war ended in only darkness. The silence of the Orokin brought with it the silence of the Lotus, and so the Tenno slept. Waiting again, for the Towers to be touched and awakened, for the Orokin's ruins to bear them forth.



...Because if the Tenno stopped working for the Orokin, who do you think they were fighting for?


For Themselves? For Nobody? For Mankind, oppressed by Grinner and Corpus?


Nothing is more empowering for a tool to discover his/her/it own free will, imo. Tennos were "created" (mileage may vary) to be violent protectors, guardians and warriors... if the Orokin were parts of the problem they were created to resolve, is reasonable to think they put them down.


But I agree with the Sentients not going down gently...we know they have been defeated, but not if they are extinct. I like to think Janus could be an emissary of the Sentient, or maybe a Sentient itself.

Edited by Zuijin
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I know that much is in favor of the Orokin Emperors being human.

But even if the Origin system is based on humans, evolution and DNA-tampering can mean anything.

The fact the Empire even had an Origin *system* suggest many planets were linked by the rails.

Think Star Gate here.

Is it really a strange idea for the rulers to be alien after all this time? Like Gods themselves, masters of matter and technology, creaters of Life and bringers of Death.

Stalker have a line that will allways bother me.

"Cold and Gold." is how he describes the Emperors. Cold is normally a negative, but he talks about his beloved rulers.

So litterally cold and gold means what, machines? That free from emotion is a good thing, a state of perfection, Nirvana?

That blind obedience and silence was the Tenno Code.

Note: I do not suggest the entire Orokin Empire was like this, only the Emperors.

When they were destroyed the Empire fell apart, the solar rail out of the system destroyed, plunged the origin system into chaos.

Im not convinced either the Emperors, Guardians or so called Sentients were ever annihalated.

Only one thing is worse than a Sentient and an Orokin Empire: Tenno.

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The mention of the star in MagP's entry has always bothered me. The description is odd and implies that particular fight might have taken place in the void.


Of course, the source isn't a disinterested observer and his recollections might be inaccurate.


This lore bit creates as many questions as it answers and really needs more illumination.

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I know that much is in favor of the Orokin Emperors being human.

But even if the Origin system is based on humans, evolution and DNA-tampering can mean anything.

The fact the Empire even had an Origin *system* suggest many planets were linked by the rails.

Think Star Gate here.

Is it really a strange idea for the rulers to be alien after all this time? Like Gods themselves, masters of matter and technology, creaters of Life and bringers of Death.

Stalker have a line that will allways bother me.

"Cold and Gold." is how he describes the Emperors. Cold is normally a negative, but he talks about his beloved rulers.

So litterally cold and gold means what, machines? That free from emotion is a good thing, a state of perfection, Nirvana?

That blind obedience and silence was the Tenno Code.

Note: I do not suggest the entire Orokin Empire was like this, only the Emperors.

When they were destroyed the Empire fell apart, the solar rail out of the system destroyed, plunged the origin system into chaos.

Im not convinced either the Emperors, Guardians or so called Sentients were ever annihalated.

Only one thing is worse than a Sentient and an Orokin Empire: Tenno.


About the cold and gold part... it could means transhumans too, an elite (or maybe one persone, with cloning, who knows) who inscribed their minds in circuits and machine.

And may I ask why such an harsh judgement over the Tennos? :)

Edited by Zuijin
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