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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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The extremely vast majority of that is people saying "OH NO, PWE BOUGHT DE" because they read a joystiq article that's not even accurate.


I see a prospect, I also see a company silently struggling.


I also think it's important that we let them know, that they'll lose their core audience if they do go through with it. And yeah, that does involve a little hysterics.

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You know, if the player base makes themselves heard, then maybe we can have influence.


Sitting on the sides helplessly will do nothing and only just hurt our chances of Warframe not getting molested. 


So please S T F U


Who the hell are you to tell a Community Moderator to Pipe down? He's trying to calm people down because what he said is true. Yes I'm worried too but that doesn't mean that we should go into full riot mode just yet.

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281 pages begs to differ


The 281 pages are people mostly freaking about misinformation. Freaking out is understandable, but after a while we have more than enough time to look up the definition of this stuff and realize we are freaking out over something that is far more miniscule than we thought.


Please. If you disagree go to that reddit post and argue against what is presented. Because after explaining the definitions everything is quite clear. Well, up unto the point of knowing what DE's response is.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Perfect World = Aeria Games.

I thought nexon was bad, Then i found Aeria Games thought they were Bad. And then i saw it. PWE. The worst company in History. *Shivers*


Nexon is amazing compared to those two. :P

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For starters the community is clearly against a take over by PWE, (I personally haven't played any of PWE's games in the past) but from reading the comments and doing some research however I too would say goodbye - IF PWE became a major shareholder and had significant changes input into the game that is.. I don't enjoy the idea of Pay to win.. and like it has already been said, DE finds a good balance between the F2P and P2P in Warframe.

Can we stop verbally abusing DE about this however... we have one of the best communities here (effectively like a massive family) don't take it out on the people who have been all too happy to assist and help you all out thus far! aka DE.


Its obvious alot of people care enough about the game, I agree with the earlier post about perhaps crowd funding the company if it came to that.


There's my 2 cents worth, I am concerned about it, Warframe being one of my main past times, however I'm not calling it quits on DE or going on an attacking rampage, because nothing official has been said about it yet by DE themselves.

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if you dont like the prices on the market, buy from the players. fusion cores tend to go for about 1p each i believe for common, 2-3 for uncommon and 5 for rares. clantech? get a clan, buy the blueprint for like 35k credits (chump change mostly) and you again avoid the whole market thing.


the market (as far as actual gear is concerned) is for people who are willing to pay a premium to cut down what ammounts to a little bit of farming time!

That's a no brainer.  I was simply expressing the state of affairs of the game already.  Anyone buying gear from the market must be entirely reclusive to not realize cheaper alternatives.

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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. Read the following.

What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


The reasons you shouldn't be panicking:

1. All that's happened is PW's declaration of intent to purchase shares (they might not even purchase the shares after they review DE)

2. DE has only acknowledge the declaration of intent (they have not said that they will actually sell)

3. DE won't have to sell off 100% of their shares (see difference between "outstanding" and "authorized" shares), they can still hold majority stake in their company


So yeah. Calm the hek down, read the above link, and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off.

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The 281 pages are people mostly freaking about misinformation. Freaking out is understandable, but after a while we have more than enough time to look up the definition of this stuff and realize we are freaking out over something that is far more miniscule than we thought.


except its not a small thing and small companies give it up so easily for this big one

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Every game PWE has got their hands on before has never help the game never, they turn it into a cash grab every time. But yeah lets not be worried at all about it.


It's reason to be wary. It's not reason to be panicking when nothing's happened and we don't even know what may be happening.

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Also I hope DE realizes that this thread and the people in here aren't attacking them, I'm not anyway, we're just passionate about a game that we very much love and have invested time and money in, I hope they understand that the community is behind them, but that we strongly feel against a PWE takeover if that is where its heading.  If that is truly where its heading then we can come together as a community and figure something else out.



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The pertinent information from the post that everyone keeps posting telling us to "calm down"


"The board of directors of the Company is pleased to announce that on 30th June 2014, the Company, Perfect Online Holding Limited and the shareholders of Digital Extremes Ltd.entered into a non-binding term sheet, pursuant to which the Purchasers intend to purchase, and Vendors intend to sell, all the outstanding shares of Digital Extremes, subject to due diligence and execution of definitive agreements between the parties."




"As of the date hereof [30 June 2014], the Purchasers are conducting due diligence investigations over the affairs of Digital Extremes, and the Purchasers and the Vendors have not yet entered into any legally binding definitive agreement in relation to the Proposed Investment. For a period of forty days from the date of the Term Sheet, Digital Extremes agrees not to solicit offers from any other parties for any financing and asset or share transfers without the consent of all the Purchasers."


Regardless of investing terms, I think people that don't know the basic terms, WOULD panic at the sight of this... besides, 40 days of not being able to solicit offers of investment from anyone else without PWE's consent sounds... thought provoking.... the terms are being reviewed, but this was agreed upon.... ok... no cause for panic or outrage.... riiight.


EDIT: now if we knew WHO this June 30th transaction was with http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=52344383 , and IF anyone actually got their hands on some shares, THEN maybe the train would slow down.


2nd Edit: The documentation http://iis.quamnet.com/media/IRAnnouncement/1089/EN_US/001947020-0.PDF

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281 pages begs to differ

You want to know why there are nearly 300 pages of this?

Because people decide to let their paranoia get the better of them and assume the worst.

Because people can't seem to get past their severe pessimism

Because half the people in this thread decided that suddenly they know more about business than actual companies.

Because despite saying that they "loved" this game that they are so eager to jump ship instead of actually trying to make it better.

Because the forums are quick to hype/panic something whenever they can.

Because it seems like half the people here don't trust DE to do what's best for their company, and their game.

I don't care if I get immense hate for this post, or quoted by people who want to pick apart every sentence to feed their paranoia. All of this has just gotten out of hand.


Edited by Gurren_Dai
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Judging by how long it's taking DE to response, it's safe to assume they entered a blackout period and might be finalizing the deal.


Nah, their lawyers are looking at it. In which case they cant say anything.


You're not gonna make a deal like this in such a small amount of time. I'd assume we'll know by COB Monday at the earliest.

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The extremely vast majority of that is people saying "OH NO, PWE BOUGHT DE" because they read a joystiq article that's not even accurate.




Given that they're a private company that only just switched over to selling shares at all? Quite possibly.

If they were just interested in selling shares, you figure they'd have gone full public.





People are "trying to pretend" this because it isn't. It's possible that PWE's getting a controlling interest, in which case yeah party's over. It's also possible that all the outstanding shares isn't a controlling interest. We have no way of knowing either at this point, and running around screaming about how the sky is falling does nothing but get people wound up and upset. Wait until the sky is actually falling.

The Joystiq's article said it was getting information from us. :P

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You know, if the player base makes themselves heard, then maybe we can have influence.


Sitting on the sides helplessly will do nothing and only just hurt our chances of Warframe not getting molested. 


So please S T F U


Sorry letter but he's right.

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Do you honestly seriously believe it that a small company like this is going to actually NOT going to sell? Go look at how many games this corporation has absorbed and you tell me. 


I honestly seriously believe that right now people are freaking out about how PWE's bought DE even though that hasn't happened yet.


I'll start panicking when DE does sell, not before.

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I agree with you. 

This agreement is nothing to panic about if you know what the documents are actually stating.

Let me explain this rationally. I apologise to those who have expressed great disagreement to this, but please, do not rule this side of thinking out.


For the first source I will explain: http://iis.quamnet.com/media/IRAnnouncement/1089/EN_US/001947020-0.PDF


This line itself explains that the two companies, Sumpo Food and Perfect Online are proposing to INVEST in Digital Extremes (DE). This means that they want to put money into the company [DE] in hopes of profit. This investment into DE will definitely help the company in continuing their operations.


"...the Purchasers intend to purchase, and Vendors intend to sell, all the outstanding shares of Digital Extremes (“Proposed Investment”)"

In this case, the purchasers are the above two mentioned companies. The Vendors is the company [DE] or holders of these shares who wish to sell to the purchasers. Note the terms "outstanding shares", this refers to all the shares that DE has issued. The main point here is WHAT DE HAS ISSUED. To define shares, this is a unit of ownership of the company that represents an equal proportion of a company's capital. I have no knowledge of how many shares DE has issued, or if they issued any at all yet.
For this, I will explain what the person I have quoted is saying, "this is only a bad thing if Sumpo/PWE get enough shares to make decisions. If they do not, then all's well and DE just has more money to spend. If they do, then they can do pretty much what they want."
For example, DE might have issued 20% shares of their company. Perfect Online and Sumpo will buy all outstanding shares - this means they will purchase all the shares issued, that is, 20% of the company. It really depends on the amount that has been issued. Simply put, the amount of the shares sold does not have the amount of power on the company. They may have an influence and part ownership, but this does not mean that they will completely take over DE itself or affect their operations. If anything, they will only have influence but not total decision. This is why nothing has happened to Warframe as of yet.

"The Purchasers and the Vendors have not yet entered into any legally binding definitive agreement in relation to the Proposed Investment." This means that the vendors of DE who have shares can retract from this agreement. They don't have to go through with it.


Perfect World Entertainment (PWE) buying out DE? Not likely. We don't know how many shares have been issued.

Sumpo Foods? This is only a business selling chicken meat products. What can chicken meat products do to a game company? KFC us all?

"Perfect Online". This is, as stated in the document, "a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 

Perfect World Co., Ltd. (“Perfect World”), a company listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Perfect World is a leading online game developer and operator based in China." 
This is only a smaller branch company of Perfect World itself. They do hold influence by PWE but it's not likely that they will affect the whole operations of DE. 
Please do not read articles that simply state that DE will be "bought out" by PWE. It is all dependent on how many shares DE has issued. My assumption is, DE hasn't issued more than 50% of the company. [Don't hurt me!]
No need to panic, besides, the game isn't going to be ruined simply by this negotiation. I know that PWE has "ruined" games previously, as the majority of the community has stated. But please. We really need to consider that DE will not likely sell out the majority of their company. I'm sure DE wants to have majority of control over their operations, they are a customer satisfaction business only wanting the best for the community.
Don't fight DE or Perfect Online/Sumpo Foods. Do research, remember: you are more likely to believe in something that instills fear rather than reassures you. Media is one, "http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/07/02/perfect-world-entertainment-buys-digital-extremes/". No evidence to support the company has been "bought out". Where are the numbers? Truthful documents? Explanations?
Think rationally, people. I'm sure DE is concerned about this too, but only because the community is acting on this negatively. This negotiated investment is more likely to help DE continue satisfying their customers, the community, us, if it pulls through. I know this post is long... but I really hate seeing people panic and think about deleting their accounts or "abandoning ship" over something that hasn't been proven yet. Don't worry, no stress! The game is still good. It really depends on whether they have issued a lot of shares or not much at all. I'm sorry if this has come off as rude, but I want to calm your hearts. Calm down people, take it easy for the sake of DE so they can rest too.


This is very well said, i am glad I read this

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As others have stated, PWE doesn't 'invest'... they 'acquire'.  AKA Dissolving the company and bringing the assets under their complete control.


The DE and Warframe you know of will cease to exist once PWE aquires it. Cryptic Studios and Champions Online is a good example of 'before' and 'after' for what PWE does when it acquires a company and game.


James and Michael Schmalz control the fate of this acquisition.  For all we know, it's already been done behind closed doors.  And I guarantee you that if enough money is put forth, it WILL be sold.  Not many people would turn down a fistfull of millions of dollars.

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