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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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If they go through with this buy out then that shows they don't give a F*** about their player base and won't give a F*** about what perfect world does to this game 


perfect world is greedy as F*** and will ruin a game fast as hell. 

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So, as Letter tried to say earlier. It seems the most logical explanation is DE is trying to appeal to the Chinese market on Xbone.


Because China is so picky about publishers, DE needs representation in some form in China.


Ergo, they sell 5(or less)% of their stock to PW, PW can market for them AND gets a share of the profits.

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Well as far as PR moves go this one could not have been handled much worse. I think one of the biggest problems with the gaming industry today is that the people controlling the money almost never have any idea what it's like on the ground floor.


One of EA's executives just blamed "Core Gamers" for being stubborn A******s and not giving into EA's practices.






Of course they are uncomfortable with changes. EA has a track record of being for the worse also they have been awarded the worst company of America twice.



Perfect World will just do much worse. Think of them as the Zynga of gaming.

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because 300 is the ultimate number

you know why 300 is the ultimate number?


Vesta is here for comic relief hopefully calming some of those people who atm are prob facedesking themselves unconscious and or making them lose a few brain cells

Edited by VestaStorm
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We'll just have to wait until this weeks Livestream then.

Just a thought... if they don't have a public response that they can give do you think they might cancel this week's Livestream?


Just me wondering out loud...

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If they go through with this buy out then that shows they don't give a F*** about their player base and won't give a F*** about what perfect world does to this game 


perfect world is greedy as F*** and will ruin a game fast as hell. 



which is why many of us are afraid......DE has promised a lot to their player base and purposely done things that go against our say

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DE. If your players opinions matter. Reconsider this. PWE is not a good company to sell to. They will F*** up WF, it's not even a question, it's a fact.

I already give you money most months, and I'm sure there's many here that do to, but I will not stay for another "lets watch pwe destroy my game". The second it's confirmed it's the second I'm out.

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whatever the outcome of this, i gotta say, i'm not really impressed with DE's handling of the situation if they both know that they have players in every part of the world, but don't have any kind of official minor statement on this situation besides pretty much acknowledging that they have zero information on a matter pertaining to perhaps a vital part of their operation

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.... Well ****. Guess I won't be buying ANY more plat in the near term.. or probably ever. I've had it with P2W games prancing around with the F2P label, not going to put up with it here.

Warframe has been an awesome game so far. I hope it continues to be an awesome game.. but if it doesn't... well, there are plenty of other games out there to waste my free time on.

Edited by NBShoot_me
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you know why 300 is the ultimate number?


Vesta is here for comic relief hopefully calming some of those people who atm are prob facedesking themselves unconscious and or making them lose a few brain cells

Oh yes, good logic there.

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whatever the outcome of this, i gotta say, i'm not really impressed with DE's handling of the situation if they both know that they have players in every part of the world, but don't have any kind of official minor statement on this situation besides pretty much acknowledging that they have zero information on a matter pertaining to perhaps a vital part of their operation


Because your company tells you every little detail about what they're doing.

Even every possible investor.

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.... Well ****. Guess I won't be buying ANY more plat in the near term.. or probably ever. I've had it with P2W games prancing around with the F2P label, not going to put up with it here.

Warframe has been an awesome game so far. I hope it continues to be an awesome game.. but if it doesn't... well, there are plenty of other games out there to waste my free time on.


unless PWE buys all the good ones....

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Also why do they need a marketing manager near the PWE US headquarters?




That FB posted was posted days before this June 30th merger / acquistion... http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=52344383


Granted, I don't know if Costa Mesa is even close to a PWE HQ, but it's worth looking into at this point.

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