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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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To be completely and harshly honest, I would boycott Warframes if this were to ensue. I've been an avid player for the last year, and for developers to change from such a high class they are, to a heartless, soulless corporation is just unfathomable and just plain wrong. Now I know as of yet, the news is only speculation.

But here is where a reach out to the community is needed, in the unfortunate case of the said events happening.

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Next dev stream: Devs confirm PWE buyout with tears in their eyes. 

- Chat blows up and people start rioting, throwing profanity and pleas of mercy around.

-Hysteria and panic hits critical mass.

- Lotus cries, rocking back and forth in the corner

- Suddenly, Ashton Kutcher jumps out from behind the couch screaming "you just got punk'd!"

-The devs smile and burst out laughing. It all went to plan.


 ^^^My plats on this.

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Sell high, buy low.


Successful financial officers don't make profit off of nostalgia or feels. If the numbers and track record aren't there, it doesn't happen.


No, the best course of action would be to take your time and sell to people who you know will keep the company growing. It's the laziness of the seller that causes the trouble afterwards... in some cases leading to loss of jobs for many people. Personal greed and all that stuff.


PWE is the lowest hanging fruit ever. And they don't grow games... they suck their blood out and leave them to die.

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Guys i love this community keep this up and DE might acknoledge this and turn down PW's offers :D


I truly appreciate the sentiment and do agree with it. However, I doubt that these shares are an offer... I do hope I'm wrong and they deny it naturally if they can.

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I've watched PWE tear apart my favorite MMO, Cryptic's Champions Online, sow it back together with lockboxes and hook it up to the no more playable content development life support machine so they could leech the money to other more popular games with their key-peddling lottery bullS#&$.


If PWE gets their hands on Warframe, it's over, they will absolutely destroy any chance of warframe expanding or living beyond a lockbox cash-in.


DE, please do not do any sort of business with PWE, they are the definition of the cancer that is killing video games.

Edited by SanguineXIII
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Bought by:


Valve = YES

CD Projekt RED = Yes

Rockstar = Hmmm

Blizzard = Meh

EA = No



TBH, I'd rather DE go out with guns blazing like Irrational Games rather than hand it over to PWE.

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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Next dev stream: Devs confirm PWE buyout with tears in their eyes. 

- Chat blows up and people start rioting, throwing profanity and pleas of mercy around.

-Hysteria and panic hits critical mass.

- Lotus cries, rocking back and forth in the corner

- Suddenly, Ashton Kutcher jumps out from behind the couch screaming "you just got punk'd!"

-The devs smile and burst out laughing. It all went to plan.


 ^^^My plats on this.


^ i @(*()$ called it.

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This would require quite a bit of justification and clarification.  Personally, I don't think the evidence supports that argument, but I'm willing to listen if you're going to try.


With how fast this is going ill reiterate what I said before.  Customers can be the best business partners ever, and they certainly can be business partners of a sort.  On one side of the coin, if they like what they see [cosmetics, new shinys, weapons, ect, whatever you are offering to the game] they will pay, and you can continue to create such things and add and update.  On the other side of the coin they can refuse, they can stop paying and then that will generally influence the direction a company takes [if it is smart and wants to continue working with its 'public business partners' we will call ourselves]. 


We individually are nothing, but our money together helps fund Warframe.  If we didn't pay for it, this game would have most likely shut down, be on that road, OR be on its knees to companies LIKE Perfect World International.  However, DE has every choice in this, they can ham-fist it up and try to not listen to their 'Public Business Partners' and it may work out if the game is still interesting enough to newer players, but thats a gamble ESPECIALLY in the FTP market or a market where you depend upon somewhat steady income from your customers. [or even income in bursts, or hope to gain some income from new prospective buyers]

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Oh yes, Valve with their Steam and TF2 is much, much @$#&ing better. Give me that Excalibur helm, the one that costs million of platinum, please.



Well atleast in TF2 trading is and the cash shop is completely separate from gameplay, you can get every weapon free if you play long enough.



Valve isn't that mad about cash to ruined gameplay. Look at tf2, you can go though the game without even knowing how to trade. I'd feel much better if valve did it, but we can only see what will happen now that DE is monitoring this thred

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