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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Bought by:


Valve = YES

CD Projekt RED = Yes

Rockstar = Hmmm

Blizzard = Meh

EA = No



TBH, I'd rather DE go out with guns blazing like Irrational Games rather than hand it over to PWE.


Sony = Yes

Microsoft = Eh.. Only if desperate.

Square Enix = ??? o-o

Edited by xZetsumeix
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If this is true it'll be like I've been saying for a bit now. DE doesn't give a F*** about the game or player, it was just posturing to get more money.

In a perfect world (heh puns) I'd be able to get my real money back for all the funny money I bought for this game. But in likelihood Ill just end up deleting the game if this is true

Edited by reltats
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I just wanna know why even affiliate will such a disreputable company like PW? It's bad press, bad taste, and bad business. Surely there were other companies more closer to home for such investments with a more respectable standing.

So True!!! I would even accept EA over PWE WTF were they thinking selling ANY shares to these chinese conveyer belts

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Well atleast in TF2 trading is and the cash shop is completely separate from gameplay, you can get every weapon free if you play long enough.


Long enough. Really long enough. Really very long enough.




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1465 posts in lower then 12 hours doesn't that say to you that this is a bad plan?


^ and this is U14's version of the F2P Contest that U13 had. ^_^




Wait a second...



WAIT A SECOND! O_O DE your a @(*()$ genius... (not going to share what i found out because you will know if you have been keeping up with forums)

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No, the best course of action would be to take your time and sell to people who you know will keep the company growing. It's the laziness of the seller that causes the trouble afterwards... in some cases leading to loss of jobs for many people. Personal greed and all that stuff.


PWE is the lowest hanging fruit ever. And they don't grow games... they suck their blood out and leave them to die.


Depends on what kind of gains they want and what the rubric is for 'best.' Is it money? Quality? Longevity? The best course of action has been historically different between DE Ltd, Perfect World Entertainment, and the customers. Even among the two that have profit squarely in their sights, their strategy has been shown to be different.


Why not buy a successful and pre-built entity that isn't selling well with your demographic (or area), slap your well known brand on it and ride the rising profit from the new market? The old market may die off, but you'll still have residual income from them for a short time. Plus it already has mostly favorable word of mouth and a reputation. Don't need to spend much on an ad budget.

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At the end of the day even if you hate Valve.


You can at least agree...

Valve > PWE



Yeah, I can live with valve and tolerate them. I'm sure everyone here can say the same, especially in they have a steam account where they store most of their games. PWE and EA are the big NO which I simply do allow under any circumstances to touch the games I play.

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^ and this is U14's version of the F2P Contest that U13 had. ^_^




Wait a second...



WAIT A SECOND! O_O DE your a @(*()$ genius... (not going to share what i found out because you will know if you have been keeping up with forums)

Such denial, much desperate, wow.

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i have never heard of perfect world before and i dont really understand this lottery thing everyone is scared of. could someone explain?


Here's what Perfect World would do to Warframe:


Whenever you pick up a mod drop, you'll just get a "Mod!" item, that you can't do anything with or use or equip, and you have to pay for a mod key for maybe 15 platinum to "unlock" your mod and find out what mod you actually got. Aw, was it another slash dash? No problem, you picked up 30 mods on your last run, so it'll only cost you 450p to unlock them all!

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