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Playstation And Pc Merger.


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What can a playstation do my pc can't do? NOTHING! PC does everything a poorstation can do and can't do. Why wast $500+ on a junk system that will be out of date in a month when i can just pay $150 for a 8-core if i need to upgrade. I find it funny how people get sucked into buying a x-box or a ps. It's like the wanna-be-a-gammer.

You must be fun in parties, oh, and a success among the opposite sex.

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As a former and recovering PC gamer, PC gamers like to believe they are smarter than the rest of, the world, actually. 


They arent.


Dont sweat the PC religious zealots. They are like the Westboro Baptist Church of the gaming world. Just ignore their rants for what they are...rants and zealotry. It does no good to even discuss the religious war. I also find it funny that console gamers dont care what you game on, yet PC gamers do...


Let the PC gamers stay where they are at and away from me. 

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As a former and recovering PC gamer, PC gamers like to believe they are smarter than the rest of, the world, actually. 


They arent.


Dont sweat the PC religious zealots. They are like the Westboro Baptist Church of the gaming world. Just ignore their rants for what they are...rants and zealotry. It does no good to even discuss the religious war. I also find it funny that console gamers dont care what you game on, yet PC gamers do...


Let the PC gamers stay where they are at and away from me. 


The irony in this post is painful

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You must be fun in parties, oh, and a success among the opposite sex.


I agree. That person's superior PC will undoubtably attract more people of the opposite sex than some console that barely has any games and does less. 


As a former and recovering PC gamer, PC gamers like to believe they are smarter than the rest of, the world, actually. 


They arent.


Dont sweat the PC religious zealots. They are like the Westboro Baptist Church of the gaming world. Just ignore their rants for what they are...rants and zealotry. It does no good to even discuss the religious war. I also find it funny that console gamers dont care what you game on, yet PC gamers do...


Let the PC gamers stay where they are at and away from me. 


Smarter? No, I don't think most of us are of that opinion. Less wasteful with our money is a more appropriate description. PC gamers generally don't care about what platform you game on, until you bring it up. And then most of us will simply express our distaste in a civil manner and leave it at that. 


I am curious as to why you stopped gaming on your PC. Please tell me.

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I agree. That person's superior PC will undoubtably attract more people of the opposite sex than some console that barely has any games and does less. 



Smarter? No, I don't think most of us are of that opinion. Less wasteful with our money is a more appropriate description. PC gamers generally don't care about what platform you game on, until you bring it up. And then most of us will simply express our distaste in a civil manner and leave it at that. 


I am curious as to why you stopped gaming on your PC. Please tell me.


My experience with PC gamers has been different. Every PC gamer I have experienced, since ditching the PC, is hell-bent on showing me why PC gaming is superior, whether I wanted their opinion or not. Spoiler: I dont want their opinion. Goes like this:


I game

Me too

I am playing Warframe

Me too, PC or PS4?


<begin diatribe of pointless drivel why I am wrong and PC gaming is superior blah blah>


Bold 1:

Universal hardware. Universal support. No need to upgrade. No need for specialized configurations. Cheaper. Easier. 

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I have absolutely no intention of switching to PS4. I started on PC and I'll end playing on PC. Especially since I have a powerful enough system to run ALL of the bells and whistles.

And I sound like a broken record for saying this when I say my only gripe is that it came with Windows 8.1 installed on it.

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My experience with PC gamers has been different. Every PC gamer I have experienced, since ditching the PC, is hell-bent on showing me why PC gaming is superior, whether I wanted their opinion or not. Spoiler: I dont want their opinion. Goes like this:


I game

Me too

I am playing Warframe

Me too, PC or PS4?


<begin diatribe of pointless drivel why I am wrong and PC gaming is superior blah blah>


Bold 1:

Universal hardware. Universal support. No need to upgrade. No need for specialized configurations. Cheaper. Easier. 


They're just trying to help out a fellow gamer. PC gaming is superior, that isn't an opinion. If you can look at all the pros and still decide to play on console, I have no problem with you. It is only when people deny all the pros and make up cons that I have an issue. Because their comments are usually seen by at least one other individual who isn't really knowledgable on PCs. That individual will (more often than not) take all that misinformation to be true and will spread it around. The cycle repeats itself.


Why oh why did you just do this? Now I feel obligated to point out the flaws in your claims.


Universal hardware is true albeit a rather strange way of saying little room for customization. Not sure what you mean by this. This is incorrect, you upgrade every so often. The difference is that you guys call it 'next gen' and instead of just buying a new part or two, you guys purchase an entire new machine+extra peripherals (if you need them)+hope for good games as backwards compatibility is an issue. If you're lucky your favorite game companies might do you a solid and port your favorite games over to the new console and charge you for them. Specialized configurations? You're gonna have to explain that one to me. It isn't cheaper, 4-5 hundred every generation + 60 USD x N (with N=number of games you're getting). Easier how?


I honestly expected your reasoning to come down to friends being on a different platform. Not misinformation.

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They're just trying to help out a fellow gamer. PC gaming is superior, that isn't an opinion. If you can look at all the pros and still decide to play on console, I have no problem with you. It is only when people deny all the pros and make up cons that I have an issue. Because their comments are usually seen by at least one other individual who isn't really knowledgable on PCs. That individual will (more often than not) take all that misinformation to be true and will spread it around. The cycle repeats itself.


Why oh why did you just do this? Now I feel obligated to point out the flaws in your claims.


Universal hardware is true albeit a rather strange way of saying little room for customization. Not sure what you mean by this. This is incorrect, you upgrade every so often. The difference is that you guys call it 'next gen' and instead of just buying a new part or two, you guys purchase an entire new machine+extra peripherals (if you need them)+hope for good games as backwards compatibility is an issue. If you're lucky your favorite game companies might do you a solid and port your favorite games over to the new console and charge you for them. Specialized configurations? You're gonna have to explain that one to me. It isn't cheaper, 4-5 hundred every generation + 60 USD x N (with N=number of games you're getting). Easier how?


I honestly expected your reasoning to come down to friends being on a different platform. Not misinformation.


There is no "fact", it is an opinion. 


Please dont feel obligated as I do not care about the opinions of PC gamers in regards to platform zealotry. 


However, you have proven my point:


My experience with PC gamers has been different. Every PC gamer I have experienced, since ditching the PC, is hell-bent on showing me why PC gaming is superior, whether I wanted their opinion or not. Spoiler: I dont want their opinion.

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Try an aspirin?


Side effects may include:


Hasty generalizations

Narrow minded outlooks

Hypocritical opinions


Thank goodness most, or at least a decent portion of the PS4 community isn't as polarized and obtuse as you - otherwise they'd be little hope for much of anything. Having the sense to not blanket self-propagated stereotypes across an inordinately large group of individuals is what most would call an important attribute.  

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There is no "fact", it is an opinion. 


Please dont feel obligated as I do not care about the opinions of PC gamers in regards to platform zealotry. 


However, you have proven my point:


No, it is a fact. 


Not opinions, facts.


No I haven't. I wasn't 'hell-bent on showing why the PC is superior', I was more concerned with smacking down misinformation.

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Side effects may include:


Hasty generalizations

Narrow minded outlooks

Hypocritical opinions


Thank goodness most, or at least a decent portion of the PS4 community isn't as polarized and obtuse as you - otherwise they'd be little hope for much of anything. Having the sense to not blanket self-propagated stereotypes across an inordinately large group of individuals is what most would call an important attribute.  


Yes, let us all thank our own Personal Gods. I will now do so. 



Every PC gamer I have experienced, since ditching the PC, is hell-bent on showing me why PC gaming is superior, whether I wanted their opinion or not. Spoiler: I dont want their opinion. 

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Yes, let us all thank our own Personal Gods. I will now do so. 


I don't see anything in that quote about facts. Do you want us to avoid posting facts too? I mean, its your choice whether or not you want to keep yourself ignorant...


Spoiler: I dont want their opinion.


That doesn't tell me anything about your stance on us providing facts. Do you not want to be provided with facts?

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I don't see anything in that quote about facts. Do you want us to avoid posting facts too? I mean, its your choice whether or not you want to keep yourself ignorant...





That doesn't tell me anything about your stance on us providing facts. Do you not want to be provided with facts?


I just dont want you to respond to me at all in regards to PC vs Console. 


I do believe that has been made pretty clear, yeah? 



Spoiler: I dont want their opinion.


There really is no point in directing any conversation toward me at all. I am not interested in the conversation and have proved the point I expressed. 


I do not care in the least what platform any gamer on the planet chooses. But damn if every PC gamer doesnt have drivel to spew forth if I dont want to play on a PC anymore. 


So instead of just not caring as you should do, you do what every PC gamer does... try and show me the error in my ways. Even when it has been expressed that your opinions are unwanted. 


Want to continue to comment on my posts or have you seen your futility?

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There really is no point in directing any conversation toward me at all. I am not interested in the conversation and have proved the point I expressed. 

So why didn't you just say this in the first place instead of letting someone provide facts, instead of an opinion, that may or may not be factual because I really don't care to read through everything you two have been arguing about and figure if anything Squirmy has been saying is a fact or not. 

Edited by LukeAura
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