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Warframe Prime Time #35 Tonight At 7Pm Edt!


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Nice, hopefully some news on Ps4. Update


No, Drew just updated the current situation.


I've got a little more info on the U13.7 situation.

The process to get the new Prime Access added to the PlayStation store is separate from the certification process for an update build. Updating the store can take a long time, so we have to set fairly specific dates, and we need to wait for both the store and the build to be ready in order for them to release together.

I hope that adds a bit more clarity to the situation.



Next week or later since I believe Prime Access has to be ready with U13.7. The delay is because of Access not the actual update.

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can we hear something on PWE..please im worried about the game and company and would like to know, though i know theres a disclosure thing having to do with the buisness, im surethe community wishes to hear something!

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can we hear something on PWE..please im worried about the game and company and would like to know, though i know theres a disclosure thing having to do with the buisness, im surethe community wishes to hear something!

This post covers the word at this time: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/256519-warframe-prime-time-35-tonight-at-7pm-edt/


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The following 58 pages of that post might not give you warm, fuzzy feelings, DWchanJR. DE is basically unable to say anything about the situation except the bare minimum of legal-ese to cover a faction of what the Warframe community wants to really hear about.


If you're worried, that post isn't going to really help. Sorry. It's the truth. And that's sad, because I'm expecting the Warframe community to basically spend the next few weeks tearing it's hair out, trying to sort out the 800-lbs gorilla DE can't talk about.


But yeah, feel free to join the Livestream tonight, win some plat, and sign the petition to convince DE not to let PWE buy the company: https://www.change.org/petitions/save-warframe

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Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think anyone cares about updates, gameplay or fanart anymore. If people watch the stream is only because they are hoping you'll share some light on that, even when they know deep inside that you wont.


If PW has bought DE, then DE will have to follow PW orders and this game will be dead in a year, or two at most, depending on how much time it will take to PW to squeeze all the possible money before everyone quits. So you'll have to make a huge effort to make your players come back.

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I understand.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. Legal issues always cause the most headaches, especially since the players are likely to lump all of DE in together when doling out blame and abuse, and it's always the people innocent of whatever was going on who get it in the neck first. For example, Rebecca, this is a business issue, and yet it fell to people like yourself and Steve--people I've seen get legitimately excited over Warframe's content--to try and quell the community unrest.


It sucks that the people who dropped you guys in the fire aren't the ones who had to address the community. Thanks for everything you guys have done for us so far, and I'm sorry you're having to bear the brunt of so much hate at a time when "will I even have a job?" is inevitably going to be one of your chief concerns.

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It sucks that the people who dropped you guys in the fire aren't the ones who had to address the community. Thanks for everything you guys have done for us so far, and I'm sorry you're having to bear the brunt of so much hate at a time when "will I even have a job?" is inevitably going to be one of your chief concerns.



I want to clarify that in no moment I've hated neither rebeca, nor steve, or the admins. In fact, I know this is probably a hard time, and the **** of DE probably didn't even consider their employees when they did this. A pity how they talk about being independent and building something good and then they don't care about their employees and playerbase.

I felt it like a stab in the back. Not because of what they are doing, but because they where suposed to be "good". The whole "warframe spirit" was based on the cooperation between players and developers, it is not like a regular company where you spect this to happen. I can only imagine what the developing team is feeling right now.

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