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Can't Get Grustrag Three To Hunt Me!?



I'm sorry that I have to start a new thread about this subject, again, but my question needs an answer. I'm a Mastery Level 15 (now), been playing over 1050 hrs, have every Warframe leveled to 30. Have 99% of the all the secondary weapons, 89% of all the melee weapons, and about 94% of the primary weapons. That said, I need to know, why I cannot get the Grustrag Three (G3) to come after me. After the 13.4 update, I believe it was just a few days afterward, after completing 2 sets of the Grineer Invasion missions on Sedna (in all 10 missions), the G3 did attack (on the same day, too.) The 1st attack came as a complete surprise, mostly because it was 4am, I was half-awake, and hadn't changed my weapons. So, of course, I failed, and got the bolt. I removed it, tho, easily. The 2nd time, I had my Phage, stomped once, and took out all three, before the stasis ended, no problem. I had just started to level the Lato, the Latron, and the Skana (weapons, that when I was first starting out, were leveled only a few times, and then sold for better ones). I was going for my Rank 15 at the time, so I have purchased every weapon available and am still leveling the starter type weapons (those that were offered early in the game for only credits). Anyway, now that that is addressed, you can see I am no newbie, I've been playing the PS4 version of Warframe since it was 1st released in Nov of 2013. I, believe, am a very capable fighter and a know quite about bit about what's what, and how to mod, etc.

For the last couple of months, tho, I have put quite a bit of effort into farming the Grustrag Three for the Braxx. Two updates before last, I got the BP, and the Receiver. But since I've been trying to get the Barrel, I cannot get them to come after me. I don't know, maybe they've gone on vacation, or fired, or even, maybe, they were cured of the insatisable need to kill, Grineer and Tenno, both, by the Grineer shrinks. As I said, the last time, I fought them was just after the last update. Now, since the last update, I played over 150 Grineer Invasion missions, and have kept myself to only fight the Grineer, skipping any times I have to fight the Corpus. I, just don't wanna jinx my chances. Of course, it hasn't worked anyway. All I want is that damn Barrel. I have done everything possible to get them to attack, and all I keep getting is the damn Stalker, who btw, I thought would only come after you, if you killed a Boss, or Mini-Boss. Which I haven't done in a long time now. Last time I fought a boss, was a couple months back, and it was Phorid, an infested mini boss (cause the reward was desirable). I've read that I should only need to do 5 of the Grineer Invasions to get them to hunt me.

Will someone please explain to me, why they won't attack anymore, is there some I haven't done, or need to do, or something? GOD this is irriating, aggravating, and pissing me the f off, really. I know it's rare, and sometimes in this game, RARE actually means IMPOSSIBLE. But that's a different question, which I'll save for much later. Thanks ppl. I need HELP!!

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I have been marked ever since the G3 were introduced. I still have the hate mail. In all that time I have never once seen the G3. I play solo, I play Pubs, I play with clan members, I play against every faction. I guess it s just that freaking RNG goddess. I have convinced myself that I will never get the Brakk. Its not really so bad.


Now the Stalker comes after me several times a weekend. I have even seen him in back to back missions. Still no Hate but I have an excess of Dread and Despair BP's. I am hoping DE will put them on the trading block sometime.

Edited by (PS4)Fbeast2
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Fbeast2, not sure if you know all this, but, they won't come unless you are playing on a Grineer map. They don't show in the void or derelict maps, they don't show if you side with Grineer on invasion, they don't show on assassination (boss) missions. Also, remember that there aren't very many Grineer maps on the Starmap right now, this limits your chances.  


The best way to farm them, I find, is to keep doing the invasion, siding with Corpus, until you get them to spawn. You can do an invasion more than 5 times. I mostly say this because of the lack of Grineer maps out there. Mind, it will get incredibly boring and you will go many many missions without seeing them sometimes. Enough to make you nauseous with anger.

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They don't show in the void or derelict maps.


They actually can in Derelict, I think. Remember when the Grineer would just suddenly pop out of nowhere, replacing the Infested? That's when it CAN happen, but it's super rare for it to happen anyways.

Edited by Yazeth
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Yeah.. got stalkered (if that's a word) at least 5x this week now.. I'm seriously sick of trying now. It's simply ridiculous, and cannot believe DE hasn't done anything about it. It's been 2 updates now, since the last time I fought them. Ridiculous is not the word I wanna use, but it's the only easy way of saying I'm fed up..

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try going to the place on mars where there's the fist go to that map and be on the opposite side of the grinneer they should come for u within the first 5 minutes

LilJuker, I don't understand what you mean. All week I've been doing the Operation missions (Greneer Invasions) on Mars, I always select to support the Corpus. I don't understand where you are going. The "fist" ?? or "first" ??

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Yazeth - Oh really? Ya didn't think of that. Ya, that has to be SUPER RARE if it is possible. Wouldn't recommend someone farm them there thou


They actually can in Derelict, I think. Remember when the Grineer would just suddenly pop out of nowhere, replacing the Infested? That's when it CAN happen, but it's super rare for it to happen anyways.



Yazeth - Oh really? Ya didn't think of that. Ya, that has to be SUPER RARE if it is possible. Wouldn't recommend someone farm them there though! O_o


It must be SUPER-MEGA-INFINITELY RARE!! Cause I've never seen or heard it happen any where else but during a mission against the Grineer, whatever type mission it is; Capture, Extermination, Spy, Defense, Mobile Defense, etc. It makes no difference, what type of mission it is, long as it's against the Grineer. So, that said, I've only ever had to fight them in Normal Space mission, not in the Void or on the Derelict. It just doesn't happen.. in fact, the problem is, they don't come ever for me now.

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FINALLY!!!! After over (and I'm NOT exaggerating) hundreds of Grineer Invasion Missions, and doing ONLY Grineer missions. They finally came after me, this morning. My primary was level 30, my 2nd and Melee were both 21s, and I was using Rhino Prime. I had just done 3 Grineer Invasion missions, and went to do an Alert mission, again against the Grineer, it was a Spy missions, 4 consoles to find, and I hadn't found any yet.  I was about 3 minutes into the mission, and blamm.. they show up. I took Shik Tal down first, Stomped and unloaded a mag from my Karak into him. Stomped again, unfortunately, the bastard dropped Barrel Diffusion.. argh. Next Stomped again.. took out Leekter, no sweat. Then Stomped, and took out Vem, I don't even attempt to take out their Sentinel, that's like shooting against a brick wall with a BB gun..  So, I didn't get the barrel. I just finished 5 more missions, this time they're Corpus Invasion missions (which I've done too) and sided with the Corpus. After the five were done, I get the e-mail from Vey Hek, 1st time since just before update 13.0. Which, if memory serves me, was only about 2 months ago.  (Only!?!) So, I'm back to square 1 again, let's see how long it goes before they hunt me again. Keep the faith, be persistent, game hard, game long. Peeeeace! :)

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I feel you man, the brakk barrel is the only thing I want from the game (and maybe the new frame). My new method:  when I have time to watch a movie warframe runs in the background. I jump in solo a grineer mission when i have the mark with my nekros, just afk watch/read/do something then abort after 5 minutes, repeat. Lotus screames loudly before they appear. For the last 72 hours they came every day once (1.5 hours/day) 3bps, 2 receivers, of course 0 barrel. At least like this its not insanely boring, maybe you can try it.

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