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How Am I Supposed To Use Nekros!?



Hello all

Just built nekros recently.

So far he is level 9 no potato or forma (and the way he plays.... I might as well sell him for 10000credits !!!)

1) He basically doesnt really have a great defence ability (like iron skin or snow globe).

2) His armor and all that is no good from mag, loosing 500pts with just 3 shots from corpus jupitor defence.

3) Soul Punch is practically useless and only good stuff is shadows of dead and terrify (even they are nothing compared to rhino's stomp or frost's avalanche, which simple affects ALL enemies aroung you).

4) The only reason i bought him was desecrate (even thats a boring ability though).

I was quite excited to bring him on ODS thinking that he would never let me run out of life support. So i began spamming my desecrate.

I killed an enemy, went to his corpse and pressed 3 aiming at his dead body (thats thr right way to do, right?).

To surprise, they only dropped health or energy and some common mod at max, ls drops were still quite rare and i only lasted for 20mins barely, running out of ls.

So, how do you guys get tones of lifesupports with his desecrate?

And yeah, even i am not i favor of desecrate on survivals, its just that i want to break my record of 70mins which i got with rhino prime (even then it was all under control on tower 2, we just decided to go). So please, tell me a reason to why did i waste my 8 (yes, 8) ODA keys to get this ugly guy which i could have used for vault runs and maybe gained great mods. Desecrate is maxed and only other 3 mods are streamline maxed and soul punch and shadows of dead (no i dont generally run out of health, even though being able to kill a lot thanks to my angstrum).

Edited by Jaskaran498
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Oh gosh I'm itching to see replies >:) 


EDIT: how 2 desecrate: stretch/overextended + fleeting expertise + natural talent = win 


EDIT2: you can't exactly compare him to Rhino or Frost... he's much more support and not a tank. 


EDIT3: look below my post for good info 

Edited by Moving_Target32
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Perhaps the problem is not with Nekros..


But in any case the way to make desecrate work is to use it with a max range and efficiency build, thus you can get the most out of it. 


But the fact of the matter is Nekros is a support and from the sound of it you have little experience playing the support roll.

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So far he is level 9 no potato or forma



Hello, welcome to the forums.

So to help I have currently highlighted the key issue here. Once leveled and forma'd you will find that Desecrate is a very very useful ability, you will find that, if you add an equilibrium to Nekros that he becomes almost immortal if you can keep the kills flowing.

As for his other abilities, SoD acts as a mass decoy spawn, and Terrify can be handy in most pinches, however is no radial blind.

When first leveling him I mainly focused on SoD and used it when ever I was in trouble.

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First of all, wait until he is level 30 before dumping him.


Second of all, Terrify is an extremely useful defensive and crowd control ability (and utterly underused). When you get in trouble, use terrify and the enemies will stop attacking you altogether and will run away, giving you time to heal and reconfigure (or you can chase them down and kill them). 


Third of all, and possibly most importantly, spam that desecrate. 


Fourth of all, Equilibirum is Nekros' best friend. Since a desecrate-spam built Nekros (and really, there should be no other kinds) will always leave a wealth of red health orbs in his wake, Nekros' paper-thiness can have an upside in that he can use all those health orbs not only to sustain himself but to keep him an Energy efficient desecrating machine. Use Vitality mods and if in real dire straights, use Terrify and regroup. 


*EDIT* - forgot an important and often underappreciated word of Nekros advice:


Fifth: I like to use mainly (or exclusively) high slash damage weapons with my Nekros, in order to dismember foes and thereby double the fruits of desecration (in case you didn't know, if an enemy is split by laterally, each side of the torso will act as separate targets, effectively doubling your results - very useful when farming rare mods). Personally, I favour a Crit build Dread Bow (as a bonus: note that Nekros' agile animation set has the coolest bow idle animation) (forma'd at least thrice), and a magazine size and damage built Pyrrana (should be packing 9 rounds per mag - will also require several forma). Any of the various high slash dismemberment slash melees will do, although I like the Glaive Prime (you will want to have Life Strike on there for just-in-case low life situations, and power throw in order to have an explosive weapon). 


That is my adivse to you. 


Brought to you by the Society of Nekros Desecrate Spammers. "If you are not constantly desecrating, then you aren't doing it right" - the Grim Reaper, founder.

Edited by TennoSimons
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Thanks for replies, i will level up this guy and see. And i am not comparing him to rhino, what i am saying is if you are occupied by hell number of enemies, you dont have any ability to INSTANTLY get out.




1) He basically doesnt really have a great defence ability (like iron skin or snow globe).

3) Soul Punch is practically useless and only good stuff is shadows of dead and terrify (even they are nothing compared to rhino's stomp or frost's avalanche, which simple affects ALL enemies aroung you).


Not trying to be mean but those are both ability comparisons to Rhino and Frost.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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its all about how you play your games, if you want to stand there and get shot, no frame is good for you, you need to keep moving, WF isnt a stand there and and get shot game, yes nekros is a pretty weak defensive frame, its not meant to be taking a beating, your meant to use your abilities to support the team


soul punch - while weak it can have its uses in tightly packed groups, but tbh, yes its not the most useful

terrify - very situationally useful if you need to control enemies

desecrate - arguably the most useful ability, more of everything dropped, ammo, energy, health, mods, AIR on survival

shadows of the dead - being overrun?, got a lot of incoming?, this can buy you some time to handle the extra opponents


when i read a post like this i always have the same first thought - do you think your main source of damage is your abilities? if you do, your doing it wrong, weapons will always out damage your ability use, you need to keep moving, know when you can use an ability safely and when you cant, you kill the majority of stuff with your GUN and you take cover and avoid incoming fire


abilities are more useful for their secondary abilities than their raw damage on anything but a first 15 waves of a defence, things get a lot of health relativly fast, its the added stasis of stomp, the slow/speed and damage add of nova's MP, the neutralising of nyx's chaos, the total control of a good vortex, never its damage output

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First of all, wait until he is level 30 before dumping him.


Second of all, Terrify is an extremely useful defensive and crowd control ability (and utterly underused). When you get in trouble, use terrify and the enemies will stop attacking you altogether and will run away, giving you time to heal and reconfigure (or you can chase them down and kill them). 


Third of all, and possibly most importantly, spam that desecrate. 


Fourth of all, Equilibirum is Nekros' best friend. Since a desecrate-spam built Nekros (and really, there should be no other kinds) will always leave a wealth of red health orbs in his wake, Nekros' paper-thiness can have an upside in that he can use all those health orbs not only to sustain himself but to keep him an Energy efficient desecrating machine. Use Vitality mods and if in real dire straights, use Terrify and regroup. 


That is my adivse to you. 


Brought to you by the Society of Nekros Desecrate Spammers. "If you are not constantly desecrating, then you aren't doing it right" - the Grim Reaper, founder.

^^ this is my build, with the sweeper and a maxed vitality you can stand in the middle of mobs desecrating whilst taking health damage and sucking up them red orbs for health and energy with equilibrium

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Nekros is admittedly one of those frames that needs to be looked at and tweaked a bit. I don't put really any stock in damage abilities, so lets just ignore soul punch. Terror does have its uses though. While Rhino stomp complete incapacitates large fields of enemies for a short time, Terror works a bit more like Nyx's Chaos in that enemies are still contributing to the battle, but far less effectively and for a longer period of time than Rhino Stomp;s cc. Desecrate is perhaps Nekros' staple ability. While it does not improve the drop rates, it actually lowers them since it raises the likelihood of health orbs so much, it does give you a second roll of the drop dice for any enemy in quite a large field. You do not need to aim it at an enemy, and if you are only desecrating one enemy at a time you are wasting a lot of energy. Simply stand in the middle of a bunch of fallen enemies and press 3 for much loot! And finally, Shadows of the Dead can be quite useful if you keep track of your kills. By strategically killing enemies you can resurrect a large number of heavies and support enemies to fight for you, for a rather long time if you mod for it. It only real downside, as I see it, is the ridiculously long casting time. It is definitely not an ability one can get off in pinch. You have to make sure there are no enemies around when you use it, or they will kill you before the animation is over. 


So for me, Nekros isn't one of those top tier frames, but he has a lot of personality and makes for a rather interesting and effective support frame. Its likely solo-ing a survival will work out better with Rhino than Nekros, as rhino is self-sufficient cc and tank, while Nekros is a rather squishy support frame, better suited to helping teammates more than himself. 

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Nekros is pure support in the highest sense.

Desecrate- for the team

Terrify - of someone goes down

Soul punch - practically useless

Shadows of the dead - awesomeness and backup

Personally I mod for strength (soul punch,shadows) stretch( desecrate, terrify and I think soul punch?), throw on natural talent for casting speed (Becuse it was MADE for nekros),shields Becuse you need them, and if you have room duration ( it effects terrify). Bring a high damge weapon ( vectius, dread,Paris prime, boltor prime) take out high level targets like gunners and ancients and shadow if the dead them,

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Soul Punch (first ability) is ridiculously fun and might help to prevent the need to use Terrify or Shadows of the Dead. It is good for clearing out trash mobs too when you need to reload or run out of ammo or perhaps need to revive a downed ally. Just try to line up the enemies and punch the first one into the rest and enjoy the ride!


I personally use a 'Desecrate Build' but I almost always bring Soul Punch along for utility if not to break up the boredom of creating loot.


Nekros is deffinitely a niche Frame but valuable none the less. Once you get into Voids, you'd be suprised how many teams will be asking for a Nekros!

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Thanks for replies, i will level up this guy and see. And i am not comparing him to rhino, what i am saying is if you are occupied by hell number of enemies, you dont have any ability to INSTANTLY get out.


necro have a rework incoming after Up14   at any rate and even now , its not a bad thing that you bough it


also, Necros way is mysterious once you learn some stuff you ll see understand the power of poping up life orbs all over the place

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Sounds like you need to rank up your Desecrate. Because if you do that and play smart, you shouldn't run out of LS, nor should you die due to the utter saturation of life orbs in the area.


Furthermore, Soul Punch can be utilized to knock down irritating heavy units, so that you can focus on them and only them later.

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Desecrate is perhaps Nekros' staple ability. While it does not improve the drop rates, it actually lowers them since it raises the likelihood of health orbs so much, it does give you a second roll of the drop dice for any enemy in quite a large field.

i need to correct you here, it doesn't lower the drop rate, every successful desecrate will 100% spawn a health orb, and THEN re-roll the loot table at a 90% rate, health orbs aren't dropped by enemies after all and DE didn't allow desecrate to re-roll 100% of the time for some reason


Does anyone think that using him mainly for desecrate is a little sad? His powers need more attention imo. The shadows shouldn't only be multiple Loki decoys,and terrify should act like Banshee's silence...

yes it is very sad, but it's what he's good for unfortunately.


at least when properly built he is quite tanky so you can desecrate even harder while your pals kill everything

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If you are using Nekros only to desecrate then you are playing him wrong, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Nekros is the most well balanced frame in the game. Unfortunately the rest of the game is so horribly off-balance that uninformed or lazy players might get it in their head that he is weak.


I like DE, but I don't have much faith that any "fix" will make him "better".

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You want a different playstyle?

I present you, Tankros... The tank unit that is tankier than Rhino at very high level content (where Iron Skin lasts mere seconds...)

You will need 4 forma to make a Tankros (which is a very fun frame to play).

Aura - Energy Siphon (maxed)

Desecrate (maxed)

Quick Thinking (maxed)

Flow (maxed)

Rage (maxed)

Equilibrium (maxed)

Vitality (maxed)

Fleeting expertise (maxed)

Streamline (rank 2)

Overextended (maxed)

Stretch (maxed)

Slap on a carrier sentinel with vacuum. Spam desecrate and tank like a boss...

Edit : this is a fun build that I usually play when I want to have some fun with an Ogris or Penta... This build can tank but your DPS depends mainly on your weapon load out...

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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You want a different playstyle?

I present you, Tankros... The tank unit that is tankier than Rhino at very high level content (where Iron Skin lasts mere seconds...)

You will need 4 forma to make a Tankros (which is a very fun frame to play).

Aura - Energy Siphon (maxed)

Desecrate (maxed)

Quick Thinking (maxed)

Flow (maxed)

Rage (maxed)

Equilibrium (maxed)

Vitality (maxed)

Fleeting expertise (maxed)

Streamline (rank 2)

Overextended (maxed)

Stretch (maxed)

Slap on a carrier sentinel with vacuum. Spam desecrate and tank like a boss...

Edit : this is a fun build that I usually play when I want to have some fun with an Ogris or Penta... This build can tank but your DPS depends mainly on your weapon load out...

Tankros,    Fookin awesome! +1

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