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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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^ Excalibur Prime as the Gold Ranger (from the Power Rangers ZEO series)

i've also got a set up with him more akinned to Carnage from Spider-man but i saw too many spider-man enteries as is to wanna enter it like that' lol.



just figured i'd place the theme music right here due to its still going threw my head looking back on this.. its catchy that way i guess XD   

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I didn't do very good but i just wanted to say i joined in on the fun.

So here is my derp of an Oberon, inspired by many variations of The Riddler.
I'm really proud of how well the gloves worked.

EDIT: Shrunk the pictures down a bit in size so i don't make everyone feel like their head shrunk.


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This is my entry, I made Super Buu(Gohan Absorbed) from Dragonball Z out of my Ash. In the show, whenever anybody ever fights it's basically always in a place with big rocks and no grass or anything green, so i took the screenshots on Phobos because that's the closest to the area on the show.




I also made a bonus picture(this is NOT a part of the contest, I just wanted to show my creativity and love for Zelda games). I made Link from Hyrule Warriors so that I could get away with giving him his blue scarf. I'm not sure if he has a bow in that game but i gave him one anyway since he has one in almost every other game. I also took the pictures on Earth since Link is almost always surrounded by grass(except for when hes in the desert temple). 



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Ok this is my entry.


As universally acknowledged, Nyx is the only fictional character that is able to mind control a Gardevoir.




The screenshot parts of the image are not modified per-se. Not even color correction or white balancing and such. I just added stuff around.


In case you are not fancy enough to like acrylic overuses, those are the separate images with less of it.




Reference on the left is here: (ops, reference is nowhere to be found anymore. lol)




The Gardevoir up here is actually original. I can't draw and stuff so a closed eye would have to do.


And in case Rebecca still finds disturbing the amount of style in the above, this is the mainstream version:






Hek, it also still have the framerate counter. It doesn't get much more epic than that.


Perhaps, if I win I could purchase a syandana to add a feel of gown to the mix. Next time maybe.


I use spoilers because I care.


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