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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Changed key bindings to have "gear hotkey 1" be "C", but it resets after every re-log. Not sure if it's just this specifically or all key-bindings aren't saving.

Also, the key-binding screen has two sets of buttons, the new ones in bottom right and the old ones centered below it.

Edited by Jordio99
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Here it goes~


1. Lemming Grineer


Oftenly happened on Invasion mission, the ones with the missile/torpedo transportation thingamajig. Friendly Grinner units would just kept pushing and pushing till some of them falls from the circular platform. Repeatedly. No Disney involved.


2. Floating Sarcophagus


Happened on Defense mission on Grineer Ship with the elevated platform. It looks like now it was functionable as elevator platform. If you activate the elevator, the pod stays on the same position, ignoring even the ninja-in-space logic and collision detection.


3. Mysterious Mats Report


Not exactly what you could called as a bug... The last slot on the material amount on the after-mission report get obscured by fade-out edge. Kinda annoying, but not vital.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but this isn't working for me. Still getting both sets of dialogue and no egg.


The both sets of dialogue thing is a known bug, the egg is just a really rare drop. Keep killing dens, one will eventually drop (it took me probably 10 runs or so?)

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Sometimes containers spawn inside the map geometry, has happened before U14



There's one near a tunnel entrance on one of the Earth maps (I'm pretty sure the "poison the toxin injector" defense missions are all on it, if you use the scanner, you can see it underground. No way to get to it, but a ground pound does sometimes break it open.

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So I seem to be having an issue where I did all of the vors prize quests leading up to killing vor and completed that, yet whenever I go into navigation it still shows up that there should be another quest but no marker for it on any maps.

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Sentinels seem to take massive damage. I've noticed it took damage even when there was nothing nearby. It seems that volatile runners have massive range when it comes to sentinels - when 1 exploded, my carrier took damage even though my frame was unscathed.


It seems that players can't join matches once they start - I started a mission when I was alone in the party, hoping that sb would join (I played Sechura, public matchmaking). I was alone all the time during that match.

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there is an issue where i need to build the nascaris negator, but i don't have enough ressources and i can't acces the navigation menu. I am stuck in my ship and even when i restart the game it still doesn't fix it. 

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1. Orokin Void Survival timer stops at random, even before the 5 minutes mark, making mission impossible to complete. No enemies will spawn after the timer is stopped.


2. Unable to change profile icon: UI seizes to respond.


3. Grineer Galleons are everywhere! No matter what mission on a ship I choose, it's always Galleon in the opening cinematic.

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Excuse for my English, I use the automatic translator. I play in Russian therefore any names from game can accidental be translated not correctly.




You watch the picture.
Generally, in game a lot of text isn't translated into Russian. Practically all texts of quests. I now won't give the complete list of not translated text. Only that that is noticeable directly.

On the picture the text without the translation is visible.
Besides, the unclear text in a quest. I don't know, whether I finished a quest or it still proceeds – it is necessary to wait 2 days for continuation.



You watch the picture.
Not translated text into Russian.
The menu badly is located in permission 1280x1024.
Very big font for a nickname. Or there isn't enough place. Level 13 isn't located even on the large-format monitor.



You watch the picture.
Not translated text into Russian, for some subjects.
There were 2 subjects from a quest "Prologue".
Comms segment – if it was activated why remained in stock? I very quickly passed a quest and I don't remember where exactly this subject shall be applied. But, it seems, everything works at the ship.
-Sorry, I don't know "The lock of the Ascarid" as it it is written in English. On how many I understand, it already too not the necessary subject?
If it is "garbage" from a quest how to remove all this?


Earlier already there was a similar case.
After a month of successfully performed job, in game there was a failure and to me one more letter from the Lotus with the drawing came to a key for Vay. Now them 2. And to delete superfluous it is impossible.
Certainly, it doesn't hinder, but the fact of an error remained on memory.



You watch the picture.
It is a small error long ago notes nobody.
In the Russian and English languages, the letter "C" looks equally. But for the computer, it is different letters.
As, the name of these bow Stalker accidental was written from the initial English letter "C", bow always are in the weapon list the first.
It is necessary to replace in the name the first letter with the Russian (cyrillic) of "C".



You watch the picture.
Here something confused with fonts. Probably they don't support Russian (cyrillic). Now there instead of the names "*****".
Besides, if to open a chat, then to close, and to enter the menu with a map, there is bug.
If to rotate a map by means of "A" and "D", they are printed in a chat. And, it it isn't visible until the interlocutor doesn't start asking why I write a spam in a chat.



You watch the picture.
It is the most terrible error. The first hall in Dojo after up-dating broke.
Apparently – the trade booth and treasury failed under a floor. Besides in this room there was 5 more jewelry – from them didn't remain a trace. All of them somewhere below …
Please, correct it somewhat quicker as without Trade booth it is impossible to carry an exchange.



You watch the picture.
New daggers. For the unclear reason, they received a mark "star" in the code directly as soon as I bought the drawing.
That is, progress isn't displayed. It is necessary to hope that the error only in the code and experience for receiving the 30th level to me will be included.



You watch the picture.
The text isn't located in the menu A, B, C.



You watch the picture.
There is no translation into Russian. Though, earlier this menu was in Russian all.



You watch the picture.
Here a number of problems.
If during mission to watch progress – that there is also experience of the Guard and his weapon.
After completion - No.
If during mission to watch progress – that awards for alarm missions there are displayed. But after the ambassador of completion – they aren't present. Though in stock they appear.
Besides, all collected subjects are very badly displayed on the large-format monitor. On the picture – because of permission all a little сплюснуто. And the text is located. On the large-format monitor – the cell size normal, but narrow. The text of the description and quantity of subjects there often aren't located and fit at each other.



You watch the picture.
The text isn't translated.
The menu isn't located. In this case it is dangerous as on the right it isn't visible that the price in platinum, for a process acceleration there is specified. It is possible to spend money accidental.



You watch the picture.
The text isn't translated.
The title isn't located.



You watch the picture.
Example of not translated text.



You watch the picture.
Example of not translated text.



You watch the picture.
Example of not translated text.



You watch the picture.
Example of not translated text.



You watch the picture.
Example of not translated text.

Quests generally completely aren't translated.


Quest about Kubrow.
During mission on survival (solo), I watched the current progress. It isn't sure what exactly it was a cause of error. But the timer suddenly stopped though oxygen continued to decrease.
The second time occurred too most.
Only on the third time I passed mission, any more without opening any menus.


The scanner for the code not normally worked and in the 13th up-dating. In 14 it still tries to scan objects and enemies who don't require long ago it.
Many soldier гринир in a quest "Prologue" was scanned on the new.
And now the scanner reads "red" a row of objects, for example blades of fans which generally aren't present in the code.



It isn't sure, errors this or new in game.

Earlier below there was a menu for adjustment of clones. Now it generally isn't present? Or at me isn't present? Or somewhere transferred?

Earlier in a smithy it was possible to see directly, how many subjects are in stock. Now here everything is beautiful, but quantities of subjects can't be defined. Inconveniently.

Now after you take away resources from a planet, the extractor is automatically removed in stock. Even if it for 100% is whole. Not conveniently.

Thank you that reduced quantity scans for Eximus!
But Eximus in a tower Orokin remained with old quantity.

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 Not sure how best to duplicate this issue, but it seemed like it might be a bug.  Tried to do the infestation assassination.  It tried to connect me to a game in progress.  After a moment it reported session unavailable and dropped the whole squad out of the mission.  We were still joined.  The bug of the issue is that it gave a mission complete screen that reported some mods and resources.  I don't remember if it was a duplicate of my previous run or not.  The thing is, it gave me the resources even though I hadn't gone on a mission.


 I know they were extra resources because one of the rewards was an argon crystal, and it is pretty easy to count those when you are trying to build stuff.  I only had 1, went on the mission for an additional one so I could build the Ak'zani.  It failed to join but said I got a crystal, I checked my inventory and it showed 2 argon crystals.


 Again, not sure how to duplicate the issue, but currently session unavailable disconnects might be granting mission completions and rewards.

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game locks up unexpectedly mid mission have to restart

after installing segment have to restart game to access star map

unable to find Mercury nav segment

Mods are difficult to identify from the left.

poorest update yet for playability

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 Another bug.  Now that the chat tries to not connect me to region chat after leaving a mission, it constantly connects me to trade chat.  I want trade chat even less then region.  Clan chat or even a null tab (for people without a clan) would be better choices then trade chat.

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Void resources (argon crystals, control modules, rubedo, and alloy plates) are being dropped on random planets.

We are no longer able to pause the game on solo matches :'(

Not sure if this is intended

Infested leapers were seen to perform handsprings and side-roll things.

Not sure if this is intended.

Edited by AizakkuNunchaku
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I have found several bugs in the dojo.


I really don't think the glass is suppose to be this color.



Is the water suppose to look polluted? 



Something is missing.



I don't want to scan my target while in a duel.



Wouldn't it be more polite to face each other while preparing for a duel?


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Leveling bug: When leveling my AkZani and Ceramic Dagger(Playing as Vauban), the game would pause for 5-10 seconds whenever the Ceramic Dagger gained a level then resume. It only paused when the Ceramic Dagger gained a level, not the AkZani. It happened no matter what weapon I had out.

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Just pitching in on the Vor's Prize questline:


After rescuing Darvo, I made the mistake of crafting the item before I raided the Corpus outpost. The mission for the Corpus raid shows up on the bridge holo, but doesn't show up in navigation now. I'm sure this has been reported by others, but I wasn't sure if I needed to post my issue to get it fixed, or wait for a later patch.


Thanks, DE. :D

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When runners Die they Deal damage to sentinel in wide area (10m) Only sentinel is damaged also health restorations dont heal sentinels


Maxed mods does not show in mod collection menu

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