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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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 Codex Bug, at any point when interacting with the codex, it will freeze the game. Although you are able to move by hitting esc. and navigating elsewhere. It does seem to be a problem relating with looking at the 'quests'

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Ok there's a BIG UI PROBLEM on non-standard resolutions. I am running in 2560x1080 (21:9, borderless mode) UWHD and the UI scale's badly. I had issues before with this, but only on mod previews on pickup, loading screens and other minor issues. All the new UI components are not scaling correctly. Text and boxes appear too stretched out, labels and icons overlap each other and when I try to take a screenshot the game crashes... So yeah.


Also matchmaker doesn't work at all. I was able to get into 2 missions and then it was just "Please wait" while joining a squad forever. Also after finishing the missions which i managed to connect to (first Vor prize mission and one Jackal run), I got DC'd from the host and returned to main menu both times.


UI bugs out and freezes all the time. Like in the arse screen it got stuck and I wasn't able to quit it or do anything but press T and type rant in the chat. Thats the same that happens in the "Please wait" moment. After that the game either crashes itself, logs me out or I have to Alt+F4. Mostly Alt+F4.


Waiting for matchmaker to start working again so I can see more of the update. So far I just soloed the Vor Prize quest (game didn't think it was finished until I relogged). Multiplayer content is effectively locked until the matchmaker is fixed.

Edited by Megakoresh
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Mini-map on occasion stops moving and doesn't update player/objective/teammates position.


When attempting to install the Kubrow Incubator, pressing X to 'Install Incubator' loops and can't be installed.


Valkyr's animations seem slower than her original (This is a concern to me and some of my clan-mates, just through we'd let you know)


Mirage's Prism explodes as soon as it's deployed (when we don't hit 4 a second time).


Mirage's 1st power. Clones tend to fall into pits and not return next to player (happened twice then stopped)


Not sure if this is a bug. Having an open game allows up to 8 players? <-------No idea if this is a bug or intentional. But I don't like it sorry.


When equipping Warframe/weapon/sentinel and so on, in the Arsenal, pressing the 'equip' button or double tapping the 'Enter' ke on your keyboard takes a 1-2 second delay before properly equipping the desired item.


Imperator Syandana has an issue where the syandana itself doesn't connect to the neck piece, as if it's attached to nothing.


Silva & Aegis bug where upon releasing the block key, The shield doesn't close up.


Not sure if this is a bug either. The Eleventh Storm stance mod has no polarity?  <----double check that one.


The pesky camera bug where your camera is placed near your feet and you can no longer turn your camera until you either Front-flip, Back-flip, or Roll is still in existance.


These are just bugs I encountered in the last hour.

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exhibit A: there is no "Exit"-Button or something similar in the login-screen, the only way out is Alt+F4


exhibit B: the mele-combos screen in the menu mid-mission shows only the base combos of my stance (iron phoenix) even though it is at maximum rank

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I don't know if anyone else have this bug and I haven't read all of this thread


when I logged in this morning I decided to try the tutorial, just for fun.


when I then entered the player-ship I was the frame I played last week (Ash) and I had no working consoles nor anything that told me what to do. So I decided to relog and try again.


Now I can't login


ps: in the login screen there's no button that closes the game so you have to use the taskmanager to close the game

Exact same issue.


Finished the very first part of the new quests and entered the ship.  No Lotus or Ordis, or whatever the ship voice is called, giving me any direction.  I walk around a bit and every terminal says "offline segment required".  


So I restart hoping I can force the game to progress, but now I can't login.

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Thus far I have encountered four bugs with U14:


#1 - when completing a secondary quest, the game freezes for 10-20 seconds


#2 - when leveling up a weapon the game freezes for 10-20 seconds.


#3- twice so far the game has spontaneously dropped me out and locked on the login screen.  This has only happened twice so far because:


#4 - the game will not recognize my email/password, thus not allowing me to enter more than half of the time.


In its current state, the game is all but unplayable for me.

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At the risk of being redundant, I'm just going to list a couple bugs I've seen.

The UI has major issues displaying mods and shown previously on this thread. This has to due with the window size. It occurs with the default, smaller window size, but not when you are full screen.

You cannot access the Dojo from the star map as noted, however, the suggested solution of using the clan tab to access it directly did not work for me either. It insisted I was currently in a squad (I wasn't) and asked me if I wanted to leave. Saying yes did nothing, and then the crash to login issues started happening.

Edit: Was able to get into Dojo through Clan menu. This leads me to believe that the squad issue is an entirely separate bug, note that.

During the Prologue when Vor first attempts to mess with your shield my shield power skyrocketed when it was clearly supposed to go down (as indicated by dialogue).

And of course, most laughably, You cannot slide in the Liset and attempting to causes you to glide forward like you're wearing rocket boots or some other ridiculous gear.

Edit: It seems that the Login servers are eating themselves. Constant booting back to the login screen and difficulty getting it to accept your login info.

Edited by Merik2013
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1.The game often freezes in place for a few seconds and then everything returns to normal. But it doesn't stop the enemies from attacking you or the rescue target.


2. Where is the "Exit Game" button from the log-in menu? ALT+F4 does not work. I must use ALT+TAB and then quit the game using the task manager OR log-in and then use the "Quit Game" option from the ESC menu.


3. Each time I log-in I get some part of the quest I have already completed show up again. (e.g "Install the Navigation Segment", "Vor's Prize" etc.)

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I CANT LOG ONE!?!?! I logged on once the little choice option came up I chose to do the tutorial mission then I got to the player ship and nothing happened..i walked around a bit then I got thrown offline now it wont let me login what so ever. pls help


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Don't know if this has been posted, but nevermind. Here are some bugs i came across:

1: During the prologue quest, the game froze a couple of times.

2: After completing the Vor's quest mission on earth, the game logged me out.

3: After being logged out, i was unable to login again. Also, i was unable to exit the game unless i alt+tab and forcefully close the game.

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I completed the Jackal mission and was at the transition "returning to the main menu in..." screen. All of a sudden the screen cut to my Tenno lying knocked out in a hallway in the mission, before the game logged me out.

I haven't been able to log back in since, it just says "Login failed, check your info". Which I have done, it's all fine and dandy.

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I played Zephyr during the interception prolog and I randomly lost control as my warframe periodically went into a hacking animation for 3-4 seconds at at time.  This happened at least twice during the mission.

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Servers just bought it, can't log-in anymore and neither can a lot of people I've asked on steam.


And I couldn't join the dojo at all before that, yes I got my dojo key, the "mission" on the dojo node is dark as if I haven't unlocked it, but I have my key.

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Returning player, just finished the intro to Vor's Prize (got to the point where I escaped Vor and back to my own warframe in my Liset).  Walked down the ramp in the Liset, was logged out, and now cannot log back in.  Password reset seems to be not working for me as well.  Hoping this is a bug and not a hack!

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I choose to do the story mode, and when I entered my ship for the first time, I just walked a little bit, and then got disconnected, now I've tried to login and I can't.

Btw when I firs entered the ship I was with Vauban not with Volt( the character I had choosen in the tutorial) I don't know if that is supposed to happen or not.

I just want to login and keep playing because the story mode looks fantastic so far. Hope you guys fix this soon.

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First of all, let me just say this: Wow. Just, wow. This update is gorgeous, sonically superb, and really, really awesome. I love you guys for all the hard work, late night hours, and dedication to the warframe ethos and community!


Since this is the U14 bug megathread, please don't take any of the following as criticism! While playing through the Epilogue, I noticed a few glitches:


- The Lotus (and eventually Darvo) video communications that prompted me towards a mission in the Vor's Prize quest often came AFTER the mission was completed. It was a little strange, not knowing what to do, going to the navigation terminal and simply playing the next quest mission, and then getting Darvo, Ordis, and Lotus talking to me (and each other) about the need for the mission I just finished. This happened multiple times. I think I more or less put it all together in my head, but it would really help a lot to smooth out the Epilogue to have things in their proper order.


- After I killed Vor, and presumably finished the quest, Ordis popped up and said something about not liking Mercury because it's hot, and Lotus popped up and told me to take out Vor to save myself from the thing he put on me. I'm not sure if this is part the above, or if there's more to go, because I got forcibly logged out and it wouldn't let me log back in. I guess they're having server issues?


- When I would call up the esc menu and try to log out, a prompt popped up saying something to the effect of "If you log out now, you'll keep your progress but lose the completion bonuses." I don't know what these bonuses are, or what exactly I am supposed to complete to get them, but it kept me from relogging to see if that would fix some of these glitches.


- At one point, I walked up to my (not yet unlocked) codex terminal, and noticing the prompt for it, clicked "x". The camera locked on to the terminal, although no UI popped up except a large black square with a pixelated "X" on it. However, I could still walk my warframe around off screen, and there was no way to exit the "codex". I could see where my warframe was located on the ship by hitting the esc key repeatedly and in this fashion was able to walk over to the navigation terminal and click "x" when I heard the prompt sound, which finally broke me out of the codex.


- I can't get into my dojo.


- There's no button for exiting the game in the login screen.


- The camera seems really close to my warframe when I'm walking around in my Liset (which is friggin' awesome, btw!). I usually play with a pretty wide field of view in missions, and maybe the Liset is set to default field of view? It's not a big deal, but it would be nice if the field of view setting was persistent in the Liset.


- Speaking of "walking around in my Liset (which is still friggin' awesome!)," I noticed that, while I can't sprint in the ship (which- why not?), I CAN hold the sprint key and tap the crouch key to "slide" around the ship. There's no slide animation- I just speed forward for a slide-length. It's kind of weird (but please keep some sort of fast-travel mechanic available in the Liset!)


- The first time I tried to start a mission, I hadn't found how to switch to solo mode yet, and got locked into a "finding party" screen. I had to call up task manager and close the evolution engine through there and relog.


- When Vor was "seeing how my shields work", my Mag Prime's 1K+ shields DOUBLED to over 2.5K. Lotus told me to avoid taking damage. I don't see why...


- I killed Vor, presumably ending the quest, but my genetic lab terminal is still locked, and there's no in-game clue as to how to fix it. At least, Ordis hasn't said anything about it yet, and I can't see any prompts anywhere.


- Also, I'm not sure if this counts as a bug or not, but the in-game typography isn't as crisp, clean, or cool as the previews made it seem. I imagine it must be hard to find the right settings to show best on all screens, but the fonts (especially in the mission names around planets) are kind of thick and clunky. I don't know if they're placeholders, if a font didn't download like it should have, or if they're meant to be that way, but I hope they get sleek, crisp, and elegant like the title font when you go into the arsenal or foundry.

Edited by JackBeloved
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