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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I have completely made a kubrow I just have to wait for it to grow but it lost health after I and did some void missions. I came back to pet him and his health had gone down. I don't see hoe you loose health from doing nothing but sleeping and I feel like this may be a glitch ... Plus I don't want to spend 100k on stabilizers because my kubrow is being idle and doing what all nee borns do and that's sleep.

Thank you [DE]Rebecca

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Dojo gives 'Session Unavailable' when attempting to join Clan-mates.


Navigation fails to function correctly and turns into a black screen after plugging in the Arsenal.




- Trying to host an ODE Vault run, and each time I invite a squad, I'm stuck standing there unable to move or call up a menu.

Edited by Katzenwolf
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I'm having the same problem a lot of other people are having - the quest marker no longer appears during vor's quest (the one where you have to get the supplies) after i had to abort the mission. I have already crafted the key or whatever it is for the questline.

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Yeah...that a nightmare to me..I want to sell my old weapons and equip the new ones to get mastery points

I have a paris prime sitting in my foundry. Can't even sell the aklato or braton to get to it...

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I started the first quest but finished the thing that got the thing that looked like the gustrag bolt off and it ended the quest for me now it wont let me finish/ progress through the other quests. i.e. call of the kubrows


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Pretty sure there's something wrong with the quest system. I finished the vor quest, but I can still get segments(though I don't know which ones I'm missing or where to even get them, i got one on Pluto by accident), but I never got the kubrow quest. I checked all the planets and the only thing showing up anymore is alerts and infestations.




But no more quests?



Edited by lylathewicked
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Bought Kuborw Starter Kit and NO EGG! =.="

Vor Prize Quest stuck at Mercury NAV Segment unable to proceed.

CODEX MODS - not showing MAX MODS.


Display of Credits and Plats - SO freaking hard to see them =/ 


cant even see our details when we press ESC.

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This append after the hotfix:

I just did the quest to confront captain vor, and after the completion there is no progress, I still have to do the same mission.



Also, why cant we double click on the star chart nodes, to select/accept that mission, just like we can do with most of the UI selections?

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I got a Kubro starter pack because I wasn't bothered waiting for days, but I did it at the point in the quest where Lotus is on your case to get an egg and I think I broke the quest





The quest prompt in the bottom right, shouldnt that go away now because I already have that stuff building?

I did the same

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I started the first quest but finished the thing that got the thing that looked like the gustrag bolt off and it ended the quest for me now it wont let me finish/ progress through the other quests. i.e. call of the kubrows

also im stuck on the part that says in Vor's prize raid the corpus resource caches but it isnt even showing the mission in which to go to.

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not sure if any of these hav already been said but either way i'm gonna say it.


1. Is Mirage suppose to have ridiculous rolling speed? (Not sure if bug or not) She rolls like volt cast speed on her, it is so much fun ^.^

2. I was doing a t2 survival and her 1st ability (hall of mirrors) and the copies took the attributes of my primary and were doing full damage. I know this because my akbolto were unmodded and doing 41s, whereas my copies could do 11k damage consistently. also fun

3. I have hatched my kubrow for the quest but not the quest won't tell me what to do next, just says something like lotus/g1quests/kubrowhint4/ 

4. whenever i die and rev my whole UI freezes and makes game play almost impossible.


Thank you for all your hard work for u14 DE

Edited by sirlogan155
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I have the same problem that many others have: I built the Ascaris remover before doing the raid Corpus supply depot mission, and now it will not show up in the navigation menu, so I cannot play the mission. I can do other missions just fine, but none of the quest missions show up any more.


Incorrect display of UI elements =(
My monitor size: 1280x1024



Yeah, I use 1280x1024 as well. The new UI looks really bad in anything other than widescreen resolutions. Several parts hang off the sides of the screen, and everything is squished horizontally and is hard to read.


I can set my resolution to a 16:9 aspect ratio and everything looks fine then. But since my monitor is 4:3, it gives me such a tiny screen to play with it really does not work very well for me. I really hope they can adjust this to work better soon.

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During the loadouts before any mission starts, my loading time seems to be extremely, extremely, extremely slow, while everyone elses loading time just zooms right past mine. It takes probably about 10-15 minutes to get into a mission now. I've noticed though, that the only time this happens is when I'm in an online public match. Whenever I am doing a solo, or I'm invited into a match alone, the loading time is still a little slow but it's a lot faster than when I am with 3 other people. 


I usually play in Borderless Windowed Mode, and I heard some suggestions on playing in full screen, but that didn't help me at all. I've also tried alt-tabbing while loading and it had no effect either. I know for a fact it's not my computer that's making it slow. I own an Asus laptop that I've had for about 2 years so it's not a low-end computer. My internet speed is not slow, although I do live in an apartment I don't think it has anything to do with effecting my gameplay because I've never had this issue until this update.



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