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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Issue/Bug: Vor's Prize quest, 'Obtain the Mercury Nav Segment' portion.



Alright, so, I started the prologue normally and quested through it up until I rescued Darvo, when he gave me a blueprint for an item (Can't remember the name of it, but it gets rid of that thing that looks like a Grustag Bolt on your warframe).


Instead of going to the next mission, where you were supposed to get the materials to craft the item that REMOVES said item from your warframe, I crafted the item then and there, and did the mission afterwards.


Now, I am stuck at the navigation map. The next part of the quest tells me to 'Obtain the Mercury Nav Segment', but there is no indicator anywhere on the map as to which planet/mission this quest is supposed to be completed on.



People have been mentioning in region chat that this is part of the quest is bugged, so I figured I should report it, even though some people have probably already reported it 

+1 on this, did the same, stuck at the same spot.

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when modding if you have a previously modded mod in another weapon and you click uninstall it freezes you into the collection of your mods and all you're able to do is chat and go through "ESC" menu but still doesn't get you out the modding console. Forced to restart game to fix.

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like many others, i'm also stuck in the "raid corpus resource caches" mission.


after doing the mission that unlocks the foundry i simply clicked to build the ascaris negator, then went do the mission on everest, right after compleating it i got logged out of the game(as in it logged out by itself) when i logged back in i was still being told to "raid the corpus resource caches" but the mission/quest isn't showing up anymore, the negator was, however, built in the foundry and i was able to get it.


i've also found some other issues:


1) rhino's iron skin is pitch black (not rhino prime's, regular rhino's)


2) not sure if intended or not, but all energy coloring is VERY diferent from before U14, all energy i've seen looks less shiny/glowy and more solid there's also the channeling melee weapon trails, they all have a very prominent white trail over the colored, this seems to happen regarless of energy color.

Edited by phazefox
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Bought the kubrow starter pack, said it included a genetic stabilizer kit, this is wrong since it actually only contains 1, the other genetic stabilizer kit which has the same icon and everything includes 6. i feel this is in error and hope to see it corrected.

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the Navigation page while on the ship is difficult to understand, at the very least we need a map key or maybe bring back the dropdown menu that shows alerts, invasions, etc.


Also, I get minuscule text on everything, the only reason i know what to do is because I already play warframe


P.S. after retrieving the first segment (for the market), Lotus tells you to install it so she can find out what happened to you, ,you install it, and nothing happens, Lotus doesn't tell you what is next and Liset makes pointless remarks.


also after installing the segment i am unable to use the Navigation page, the x doesn't show up when near it and when i try using esc to go to it i just get a black screen of death for a few seconds and return standing in the cockpit, relogging didn't help, though i am able to esc to the Dojo,


I am am effectively trapped on bored with a nitwit ship AI that is in desperate needs of repairs and listening to a bored Grineer border officer talking about negligible scans of Tenno and laughing after saying ship integrity.

Edited by Jeramya
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In the Vor quest, I went ahead and built the thing Darvo gives you the blueprint for before raiding for supplies in the next mission. Then i signed off to go to work. Upon signing back in, I could not find the mission to raid for supplies in the navigation, even though the panel showed that the quest was active. The mission was available before I signed off. Tried signing off and back on, then starting the kubro quest and shifting back over, neither of these things worked. I have access to all the stuff in the ship and I have been playing pre-update so I have access to the other missions in the game, I simply don't like leaving things unfinished. Any help would be appreciated.

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Bug/Annoying Issue:


Due to the way the options menu moves around in-game, it's impossible to abort mission short of exiting game if you get stuck in an infinite falling loop in-game. I fell into one in my very first mission when loading into a mission that was in progress, map somehow didn't finish loading and I fell right through it into an infinite loop, respawning back in mid-air to fall again. The quick respawn and the short fall combined to prevent me from hitting abort mission.

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Howdy DEV,


First, the ship has been causing a lot of problems. When trying to do a missions its will start to fade as through it going to start the mission, but I'm still stay on the ship. Then, arsenal but I'm assuming you guys already fix it. Lastly going back to the first one when the mission tried to start up I just went into a black screen but i was still on the ships and could move around on it and even access menus. Thanks DEV if you can help out.


P..S: Also my friend got glitch in the Rank 5 thermal hacking test.


P.P.S: I was killed by stalker today twice for Sedena and Uranus boss. I wanted you all to know and have a nice day.

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In the Oceania region there have been a lot of players including myself that have a problem occur when selling items. When we try to sell an item from our inventory a message appears saying: A problem has occurred selling your item(s) please try again at a different time, it would be great if you could help out thanks!

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Kubrow Eggs, They are not only hard to obtain (since there are normally only 2-6 Kubrow dens per area) but also that there is a bug when you are doing the quest that everytime you return to Liset, they will initiate the dialogue implying that you have obtained a kubrow egg, wherein fact you have not.

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okay gues i have to post here again
my game continues to crash when i try to kill Vor for Vor's Prize
and it also crashed as i tried to start the catalyst alert
im gonne go try a few other missions and get back here again

okay Kubrow quest forst mission: crashed
clan dojo: crashed
okay, regular mission seem to work, still gonna try Void and Derelict

Derelict works

Edited by Dracosoron
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- Got Alloy Plate, Rubedo and Control Modules on Mercury. Game displays Morphics, Ferrite, Polymer Bundle and Detonite Ampule as drops on Mercury.


EDIT: Add Argon Crystals to the list, Seems the new mercury missions drop void resources at the moment.

- Timer suddenly froze in T3 void survival. No enemies spawned and life support kept draining at normal rate.

Edited by Rarespawn
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No idea if these have been mentioned yet but I figure I'll post them anyway.


Until recently I was unable to get to catalyst alert because kubrow mission was on same node, and there was not option for which mission I wanted.

Also, bottom row of mods in some lists seems to be cut off.

Scroll wheel doesn't work on end mission results screen

When choosing equipment, double clicking no longer equips the item. Instead, one must select and use the "equip" button in the corner.

When changing mod configurations, player stands in front of the mods list on the left, obscuring part of it from view.

In the starchart/planets menu the scroll wheel causes inconsistent behavior. I can't seem to find any pattern for left/right turn on scroll up/down.

I also don't understand why transmutation and fusion were separated into their own categories outside of the "collection."

I also noticed that sometimes my carrier sentinel gets stuck in a "bleed out" state. No idea why. It also seems that feral kubrow like to target sentinels over players much more often than grineer do. Don't know if that was intentional.

And as I am sure it has been mentioned, dojos aren't working.

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having problems with the loadout changing process, screen will just stay there and offer no change prompt. I hav to alt+tab and then close the program and restart. The start screen can be activated while this problem is goin on but u cant rreally tell what ur doin. Also, my load times hav severely dropped when i try to play in online mode

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