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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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1: You can track what missions are done, Missions you have not completed have a glowing outline that is basicly telling you to do them, completed missions are static, and locked missions have Grey veils over them. You need to be smarter than the tools you are working with.

You are right. Thanks for the tips.

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Melee weapon speed no longer affects Valkyr's Hysteria melee speed.


I think this also applies to crit chance and anything else that was previously carried from the melee weapon to hysteria.


Edit: Just tested with the Prova Vandal:Slam attacks continue to proc the equipped melee weapon's slam effects.


(Also, wasn't Valkyr supposed to have a new finisher like in Devstream 31? She still punches the target repeatedly as with any fist weapon.)

Edited by Nuhauskis
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I keep getting stuck on 

"Finding Squad" for missions I select.




Its taking an enormous amount of time for it to find a squad to match with.

I keep missing alerts because its not matching me up to squads.

its starting to get a bit annoying.


Same is happening on load screen when entering mission.

its taking an enormous amount of time to enter the mission itself.


I know you guys are busy fixing stuff.

but here is another bug file for your pile.





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Perhaps a related bug to the "Confront Vor" marker not appearing on Mercury:


Although I can see the alert marker when I zoom into Mercury when an alert is active there, it does not display above the planet in the select screen as it does for other planets.

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I've not seen this on the bug list, So ill Repeat it over and again


Player Ship Issue: Selling Components for Credits


I used to get a some funds from overstocking on supply and parts but now i cant sell anything?


Any thought on reworking selling Excess components? , i'd really like to get my 100k's credits from my spare parts :/


-------VVVV   DE Read this!    VVVV-----------


****Double Thought***** -----------IMPORTANT-------------


I just realized, i cant sell any of my Weapons any more and frames, Thus making freeing slots useless 


DE u must consider this, There are only 2 slots for frame and 12 slot or something for weapons on newbies


They do not want to buy more slots unless they want to, dont inforce them to buy it, Not an issue for me but it is very important  for the newbies to not be able to clear up slots





Here is a victim of the crisis



Plz do not ignore this

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+ i dont know if this is a bug but i got 2 versions of ammo drum with different stats:




Not a bug -- the Ammo Drum on the left in your screenshot is "Damaged". Seems to be the Dev's implementation of the promised feature for giving newbie players access to the essentials. They have lower stats and fewer ranks than the real ones, but they seem to have a better drop rate, at least for ones that are normally rare like Serration (I've already found several in the prologue missions).

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After geting rid of the parasite and geting tasked to go kick vor or my head explodes,on route to mission i crashed.Now i can't continue the quest line having 50% of my ship still locked. Also (a minor one so skip it and focus on important stuff) i got stuck on my profile when i wanted to change my profile picture so the only way to "fix" it i will have to alt+f4 it.


Still thanks for the update,my game runs better than ever,have a nice day de.

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While trying to upgrade one of Mirage's warframe abilities, using fusion cores does not rank up the ability completely. The max rank for the mod was 3 but it only went up to 2 with one core left to use so that it was maxed. When I tried using the function again it did not respond, still leaving me with a rank 2 out of 3 mod. 




as well as the mods disappearing again. 

Edited by FaintestAura
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I've not seen this on the bug list, So ill Repeat it over and again


Player Ship Issue: Selling Components for Credits


I used to get a some funds from overstocking on supply and parts but now i cant sell anything?


Any thought on reworking selling Excess components? , i'd really like to get my 100k's credits from my spare parts :/


-------VVVV   DE Read this!    VVVV-----------


****Double Thought***** -----------IMPORTANT-------------


I just realized, i cant sell any of my Weapons any more and frames, Thus making freeing slots useless 


DE u must consider this, There are only 2 slots for frame and 12 slot or something for weapons on newbies


They do not want to buy more slots unless they want to, dont inforce them to buy it, Not an issue for me but it is very important  for the newbies to not be able to clear up slots





Here is a victim of the crisis



Plz do not ignore this



Yeah....I have the same problem as you..I can sell mods and blueprints,but I can't sell my old Ceramic Dagger that is already level 30! that sucks I have few new weapons to equip :(

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Finished the fight with Vor, as did my brother on his account, but when we returned, we were given no dialogue. The quest indicator for Vor's Prize that sits above the navigation console when it is inactive and is supposed to tell you what the current mission objective is still exists, but has no objective. No actual quest markers are on any planet or node once the navigation menu is open, and I'm not sure how to get the last piece for my ship, which I assume is the kubrow breeder.

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This falls under "All INFESTED TILESET BUGS."


Could be related to this: "-Ancient Infested animation related crash. Most infested gamemode crashes are this"


I was doing a Jupiter Sinai Defense mission with my Nekros (lvl 17) and forma'd penta (lvl 14). The game crashes whenever the "NEWLY IMPROVED" Ancients (the ones with AOE shields) and Mutalist Ospreys are onscreen, usually beginning from the 5th wave. Past the 5th wave it's a consistent bug as I've never progressed past wave 6. 


Secondly, my carrier sentinel isn't being healed by my medium team health restore item, unless of course those items don't work on sentinels.


DE, more power and thanks so much for the update, albeit at this point it's all birthing pains once again (major updates = KIDS hehehe).


Here's hoping that all bugs get squashed soon.

Edited by tojo01
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I obtained the kubrow and I need to get the egg now, but I have 2 problems:
1. I can't access the catalyst alert, when I enter earth, it highlights the "get a kubrow egg" not the alert, I played the game but I didn't get the catalyst, i played the map about 4 times but i can't get either the egg or the catalyst.


2. Lotus or the guy in the ship says that I have the egg, when I go to kubrow area, I dont find any egg. If I dont have the egg then please remove this notification because it is very confusing.


I have the following screenshots but I dont know how to attach them:

                                                1. after playing Earth E prime and lotus is telling me that i have the egg. 
                                                 2. the alert is still displayed and the reward is not obtained.

                                                 3. the kubrow place showing that i dont have the egg.

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New bug with the UI


-I went to view my mod collection, wanted to rank up Heavy Caliber

-Pressed the Fusion Core button, it asked me if i wanted to uninstall the mod since it would exceed capacity, I said "yes"

-Nothing happened

-I couldn't exit out of the screen either, ESC didn't work, exit buttons didn't work, had to alt+f4 out of the game

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For the challenges, my cryptographer progress is stuck at 73/1000, I'm a mastery rank 13 Tenno in despair. It also doesnt move from 73, it just stays at that no matter how many cyphers i solve. Idk how to add images here to show the challenge.

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Vors Prize Quest:

Not sure if this has been mentioned or not yet, but I have a problem with the Vors Prize quest.

I've gotten to the part where you have to "Confront Vor" but it does not show you where to go. Assuming to go to Mercury, Tolstoj. I have killed Vor three times yet it says to still confront him. This means I cannot continue or finish this quest. Please help.

Tried to do the following to fix it:

-Rologging. (Still doesn't come up.)

-Taking a new Quest(Still hasn't fixed it.) Then returning to the Vors Prize quest. Still bugged.

-Soloing the mission. Nada.

-Going in squads with various numbers of other members. Nothing.

Killed him 8 times now. Still nothing.

Mirage Bugs:

-Upon doing Slight Of Hand and booby trapping things, if the object is broken open in close proximity to myself my sentinal gets the effect where they are blinded and smoke is coming from them. Meant to happen? I think not.

-Slight frame drop upon casting of the first ability, exspecially if you have just come into the match.

-When with friends, when you cast Mirage's alt the lazer lights follow their sentinals. (If no sentinal then the place where the sentinal would be.) Also one lazer light follows me. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277838736431 )

-Her ult also blinds my friends sentinals if it explodes in close proximity. Does this to mine as well, but only if I am not alone. (Eg. If I am soloing I do not get this effect.)

-In the Void, her ult can be trapped in the doors causing a really loud sound of the constantly bouncing back and forth.

-Maybe not a bug: But I've got the Noble animation on Mirage. Is she not meant to do anything when in Idle and just stand there with the grin on her face?

-Hall of Mirrors. Extract. Floating Mirage's following you.

Kubrow Bugs (Quest and No):

-Done four missions with my friends. None one Kubrow spawned but there were Kubrow dens.

-Lotus saying that I've installed the segment now I need to find an egg. Then she goes directly into saying I found an egg even though I have not. Happens every time I have come from a place with Kubrow Dens.

-I have Helios equipped. When with friends it does not pick up on the Den. In solo it does.

-The Scavenge mod looks kinda weird. As the picture inside the mod moves, the ears blur.

-Done the Mission indicated 21 times now. Each time had 2-3 pairs of dens. Not one egg. Will continue but stopped counting. (Gave up and bought the stuff.)

-Finished the quest. Went to the nav station. Got this: ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277840337198 ) Tried to change the quest and chose Vor Quest and it stayed like this. [[i'm not alone! https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/265437-whats-with-the-alerts/ ]]

-Spammage of the interact button causes the Kubrow to escape their 'pen'. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277840596132 )

-Pulsing light around my Kubrow. What does this mean? ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277841525720 )

Silva & Aegis Bugs:

-Stealth attack, the second and third hit looks like you're hitting with your gun not your sword.

-Uhm. Not sure how to explain this. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277839979440 )

Visual Bugs:

-On Earth, in this room every time, there seems to be a flickering 4 square pattern.( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277838657704 )

-On Earth, when going through the Sewer like tunnels at night, it is very dark. As in, everything is pitch black.

-Killing a Kubrow as it is emerging for the den really quickly does... Well. This. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277838917033 )

-Broken water visual at the extract on Earth. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277842972598 )

Sound Bugs:

-Sliding into water makes a metal THUD sound. Turns out water is a solid. D:

Misc. Bugs:

-Loading in with my friends, we are on the loading screen with the Liset but if we click our mouses we hear our guns shooting.

-Exterminate on Earth. All Grineer spawned in the last room before extract.

-Randomly got stuck. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277840025316 )

-Got stuck again. Slide>Jump>Forwards flip into a wall. Had to log out and come back in. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277840468660 )

-When you have chat open and on the Nav station of your ship, trying to change the chat tab may click a planet/mission.

-When in trade and click Prints this screen comes up. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277840771772 ) Can't click exit. Escape doesn't work. Had to Alt+F4.

-On the mods screen, Sentinal mods are still named Sentinal... Shouldn't they be Companion mods?

-In the mods screen, if the bottom row is not full you cannot scroll down to see them. ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/La6yrinth/screenshot/50981277841169982 )

-A lot of disconnection from the host happening after the mission ends and you're loading into your ship.

-Are Kubrow mods in the Transmutation table? Can't seem to transmutate any Kubrow mod.

-Getting no credits, even after the End Of Missions rewards say we do. My friend and my credit total stays the same after many missions.

-Unable to deploy rails?

Edit: Side note, I will keep editing this with the things I find, instead of making multiple posts.

Edited by La6yrinth
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Cannot play any infested mission, including even the mercury alert, because some combination of infested units is crashing the game. Come on DE, it's been more than 5 hours of constant complaints and game crashing issues. Where's the hotfix?

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Bug with Mirage (not sure if reported yet)

Every time I melee using an Orthos Prime with House of Mirrors active the game will crash.
It's happened on multiple literally every time. I did happen to record it if you need a video of it happening.

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