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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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It was repeated multiple times that the prologue, AKA Vor's Prize would be a one time thing, and if you decided to skip the prologue it would take you straight to the game and just credit you as having completed it. That's what the skip the prologue DOES. Why would you expect skipping it to NOT skip it?


Well because the patch notes for U14 made it out like I could go back and run the prologue later as if it were a repeatable thing.

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Survival (in quest):

Activated a capsule at 0% after running out and energy+health drain; the bar goes up to 30% and stays frozen there.


Kubrow quest:

After getting the egg from Earth: (rofl)


UI on the pause menu: (prior to 14.01, don't know if this has been fixed)

My exact weapons+frame and mastery rank with their levels are shown duplicated under my teammate's name (teammate has a Loki and def not the same loadout):


Edited by AgentKaz009
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Im bugged at the Vor's Prize quest, 'Resources Caches', i completed it once, and then the next quest did not came out for me, so i went to do other missions. But after I did the missions, the 'Resources Caches' quest came out back, but no quest marker was seen. I tried to close the game and reopen it numerous times, still the same.

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BUG/Mission Issue


In Dark Sectors Defense, I am unable to maintain a group past wave 5. There always seems to be a host migration leaving us at first with three players, then two players, until I am left alone in the mission. Happens randomly after wave 5. I have tried 3 times and have not been able to get past wave 10 with a whole squad.

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Alternative mission completion method messes it up.

When doing the "Howl of the Kubrow" mission, after getting the component and installing it I went to Earth to find myself an egg. After several failed attempts to get the egg (killing a lot of dens), I decided to buy it from the market.

After doing that and after incubating the cubrow egg I went back to the front of the ship and at the navigation panel reads /Lotus/Language/G1Quests/KubrowQuestHint4.




I guess the mission was not prepared for an alternative method to complete it. There is no mission selected but when I go back to the ship from the "planet wheel" the game crashes.



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When joining with friends (A party of 4) 1 of us are always disconnected at random from the mission, when exiting and going back to the ship. Even though that, in itself isn't a big issue - you lose 100% of the affinity for everything the person who is randomly disconnected gets and reset as if you never did the mission, but still keep the mods, unsure on credits and resources to tell.


Mirage's Mirrors will eat up 'usages' of Nova's Worm Hole if they stand on or pass through them, making the wormhole disperse faster


Looking at the Mission Progress Screen before exiting the mission then then having it up as the mission ends leads to your Warframe bugged out with the menu open, but also will lead to a full mission failure for just the person(s) who had their viewing progress screen open during the exit cinematic.


Looking at the view mission progress screen at any time during survival will freeze the survival timer, any player in the mission doing this will cause it.


Feral Kubrows 'charge?" attack or something will not only kill a Max HP/Shield/Armor Carrier, but kill him, regen and kill him back (In the worst case) or just kill him once with low HP in a single attack.

Edited by Aidyn
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There is a major bug with unlocking new areas on planets. you can only unlock said areas solo but not in multiplayer. if you guys could look into this frustrating thing that would be amazing. it's the only thing that is making it hard to play for newer people.

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When doing a Void survival mission, it can randomly freeze the time and no enemies will spawn again. It has happened to me about 3 or 4 times now. Can confirm for T1 and T2, I haven't done T3 or T4. It happened once a few seconds after 5 minutes, once about 30 seconds before 20 minutes, and I'm not sure about the other times. Oh and if you run out of oxygen while the time is frozen, you instantly fail the mission.

Edited by TheFired3mon
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The "My Collection" menu should ignore the "Show/Hide Maxed Mods" option, it should only apply to the "Fusion" menu. I was very confused when my Mod Collection was showing 2.9 mil rating instead of 6.4 :\

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Two more bugs I've found:


Valkyr's Hysteria finisher moves via stun/parry or stealth kill are unchanged and remain as they were prior to Update 14. (Not sure if the newer ones were to be released in U14 or not.)


After hatching your Kubrow puppy, the "Howl of the Kubrow" quest information doesn't display properly.



Edited by aSmileyLemon
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So I decided to check out the new tutorial system however as i already had the recourses I built the Ascaris Negator before doing the quest to get the recourses now it is in my inventory but i cannot use it so i cant finish of the tutorial leaving my ship incomplete and me unable to progress through.

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UI/Gameplay Bug:   


When hosting key type missions(Hek, Void, Derelict) the UI will freeze, and the mission cannot be started, nor can chat be accessed.


General connection issues with key type missions(extra long loading times, people disconnecting during load).

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The Infestation Outbreak on Martialis (Mars) is currently dropping resources found in the void (Alloy plates, Rubedo, Control Modules, and even Argon Crystals) instead of Mar's native resources. Going to test this out on other nodes as well.


EDIT: Spear and Alator (Mars-currently infested occupied) are also showing this behavior. 


Corpus-Controlled nodes on Mars do not exhibit this behavior, though I noticed that a few Oxium Ospreys I've killed haven't dropped their oxium.

Edited by HailSatahn
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