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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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during the defense mode ,on any planet, after the start of round 7 the game starts and the monsters come out in such an influential rate that the game laggs and eventually crashes. connectivity issues are very common. i cannot join others immediately and players cannot join me with either invites or join session in friends menu. please fix.

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So a friend and I went to do some simple void runs to get a feel for the new frame. I believe this is a bug with Mirage's Hall of Mirrors skill. When active, it causes some fantastically huge redcrit damage. I've seen it with four weapons of mine so far. Makes my Soma redcrit for 100k-700k, Vectis for 500k, Twin Vipers something like 24k can't remember, and the Paris Prime for 15 million..lol. It's only while that skill is active and when you're not the host.



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So a friend and I went to do some simple void runs to get a feel for the new frame. I believe this is a bug with Mirage's Hall of Mirrors skill. When active, it causes some fantastically huge redcrit damage. I've seen it with four weapons of mine so far. Makes my Soma redcrit for 100k-700k, Vectis for 500k, Twin Vipers something like 24k can't remember, and the Paris Prime for 15 million..lol. It's only while that skill is active and when you're not the host.



Could be all the clones stacking all the damage which means a max crit Paris prime is 16x so 32x R. Crit multi yeah.......I hope that's a feature that stays or is moved to her eclipse skill.

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Got the Communications component but couldn't see where to put it on the ship, so I (foolishly) did the next mission (Rescue Darvo), after which I installed the comm component into its station. 


This lead to a quest sync issue, as I was getting briefings to start the mission prior to the one before - for each mission thereafter.


I've just done the Confront Vor but have no clue what to do now, as it still says Vor's Prize on the nav console prior to kneeling down.




Game freezes for five or so seconds every now and again before resuming normally (once per mission usually), sometimes just prior to a level up or nano-seconds prior to officially ending a mission.




The ship extermination quest level was surprisingly devoid of any atmosphere or filters, making it feel like I was playing in a level editor rather than a fully rendered game. The galleon was bright, rather than its usual dark and heavy tone.

Edited by Khalus
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I had the confront vor thing. Figured that one out. Then I was told to get an egg, then that I had it...the same bug you have listed. Then it got stupid.


I have just completed my 30th run on E.Prime for the Kubrow Egg quest. 30. 30 runs of a level 8 mission so boring, and granting so little xp that I can't even rank my weapons efficiently. I don't give a damn if someone else just happened to get one the first try so what's wrong with me. Before someone says it, I am very thorough, I know what it looks like and where it drops from, that is not helpful.


I am working under the assumption that the cyclic have/need an egg dialog is screwing with the drops. I am working under the assumption that if you make a quest for it, you would have the decency to have a reasonable drop rate while you have the quest at the very least. If I am incorrect in my assumptions, and you really do intent to keep this insane failure of the RNG for a Quest item, please be so kind and inform us so that people like me, can just stop bothering to try altogether. 


I have no issue with bugs, there are plenty, but I am still thrilled with the update. Super exciting stuff. Please put the infinite wall run back in, since some slower frames cannot seem to climb as high as faster frames. And cause it was super fun to climb all over everything :)


The changes to Valkyr are wonderful, she has been one of my favorites from the beginning. Thanks for busting your asses on this so much.

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The navigation is not clear on which missions will advance you to the next planets or even the next mission. And there is an alert mission that I would like to do, but the planet (Pluto) doesn't even show up. The reward is a Valkyr helmet BP, which i would love to have, but I can't even figure out how to get to Pluto through the navigation. And the alert doesn't show up anywhere where I can find it to try and get to it that way. I'm pretty sure that I have a mission or two in Pluto, but the fact that I can't find the whole planet is an issue. Also is the fact that the progression missions are not clear at all. I'm stuck.

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On virtually every mission, the last player in our three-man group becomes disconnected at the end of each mission.  Not sure if it has to do with the fact that he's third, but so far it's held across two groupings.


Also, on the End-of-Mission summary, in the panel where the mods are displayed, below the scrollable portion of mod panel (where no mission results are normally displayed) if you move your cursor in that area, two additional mods will be displayed (which would normally not be visible until you scrolled them up into the viewable panel area).

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Another CTD... haven't been able to complete a mission for a while now. Suspect it might have something to do with using melee while both Prism and Hall of Mirrors are active. Gonna check. Hope I can finally finish a mission.. can feel the money/xp loss...



Edited by N4Z0M3KU
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I found a bug on the Kubrow Quest. The words are the commands. wLigcXw.png


I have the same problem, I am trying desperately to figure out what it means, especially since when I open the navigation map no quest icon shows up.

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I dunno if this is already on here before I got here, but here it is:


- Joined matchmaking: Public -- Joined a team, then connection fails and goes back to Player Ship.

  - Connection times are rather slower, if not doubled time of getting in-game.


- Lotus Subtitle missing from Quest speech... (If I can remember, it had something to do with "Tenno... Tenno..... I thought I lost you." and it's played twice.)


EDIT: Forgot something!

Edited by SirAstraeus
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After placing a Kubrow egg into the incubator, Ordis begins to comment about the Kubrow. She makes three comments, each about how she dislikes Kubrows.


However, these comments seem like they should be triggered by the hatching of the Kubrow. She mentions "the Kubrow's nose" although the Kubrow she is referring to is still in its egg.


These three comments by Ordis is triggered every time the player enters the ship.





Edited by Jemidk
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Here's a fun one.


As the host of an Orokin Void Survival mission, if you open the Mission Progress screen, it stops the Survival timer from incrementing, and also stops enemies from spawning. However, the life support bar continues to drain, and life support capsules also continue to spawn.

Adding to this, if your life support runs out while enemies aren't spawning, the mission will fail without you being able to scurry over to extraction before death.

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The navigation is not clear on which missions will advance you to the next planets or even the next mission. And there is an alert mission that I would like to do, but the planet (Pluto) doesn't even show up. The reward is a Valkyr helmet BP, which i would love to have, but I can't even figure out how to get to Pluto through the navigation. And the alert doesn't show up anywhere where I can find it to try and get to it that way. I'm pretty sure that I have a mission or two in Pluto, but the fact that I can't find the whole planet is an issue. Also is the fact that the progression missions are not clear at all. I'm stuck.

Just to be clear, the progression missions through the planet are somewhat noticable, but it's not very clear on the fact that if you do that mission, you unlock the next one. And a planet progression indicator seems nonexistent. I can't tell what missions will unlock a new planet.

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having problems wth koobrow quest the lotus says i have to get the egg i do the earth m prime mission and i didnt get one the lotus says i need to get one again and seconds later she says i got one and sould start hatching when i dont i dont know if the quest is bigged for me and i cant get the egg cus i did the missions 25+ runs

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